
Hippocrates is considered the father of medicine, as he made a huge contribution to its development, recording all his observations for the benefit of all subsequent generations. Thanks to him, the science of the structure of man, his diseases and treatment began to gradually develop. Despite this, until the XNUMXth century, the difference between a barber and a doctor was almost negligible. And only a few centuries ago, medicine began to be divided into separate specializations, doctors and nurses, midwives, paramedics appeared. Until now, many do not distinguish the latter from obstetricians, orderlies or doctors.

doctor or not doctor

For the first time, the Germans began to use the word feldscher in relation to a medical worker. Back in the Middle Ages, the army was accompanied by military doctors for ambulances to the wounded, they were called paramedics, which literally means “field doctor”. However, there were no special differences between a doctor in a city hospital and military doctors. The latter were even in some ways better than their “peaceful” counterparts, as they possessed the skills of both a physician and a bit of a military one. Over time, this specialization began to separate from other branches of health science. Today, the area of ​​​​knowledge of this health worker is different from all other areas in medicine.

A paramedic is a specialist with a secondary medical education and a fairly wide range of activities. He is trained in colleges with compulsory practice, upon graduation he receives a certificate in the specialty “Medicine”.

He can work as part of an ambulance team, in a first-aid post on ships or at an airport, and even replace a therapist in small towns. Midwifery is considered a mandatory skill for paramedics.

Depending on the place of work, such a medical officer must have additional certificates, for example, on the specialization “Emergency Care”. It is impossible to fully call him a doctor, since the requirements for the latter are much higher in terms of education and work experience. Paramedics have a general knowledge of anatomy, human physiology, diseases and their treatment.

They can establish a diagnosis and prescribe a course of therapy if the disease resolves without complications. In other cases, the paramedic writes out a referral to a doctor of a narrower focus, for example, to a venereologist, a cardiologist, etc.

Professional skills of a paramedic

The field of knowledge and practical skills of these employees are close to those of a general practitioner. Paramedics have the right to conduct simple tests, examinations, diagnose and prescribe treatment.

To be employed in a medical institution, such a specialist must meet a number of requirements.

For example:

  • get an education, all the necessary certificates and practice;
  • undergo an internship at the place of work;
  • be fully aware of aspects of their activities;
  • know the legal acts in the field of healthcare;
  • have a number of personal qualities: stress resistance, good memory, coordination and much more;
  • in order to work in certain branches of medicine, they must complete a refresher course, for example, for paramedics who replace a general practitioner.

Like other medical staff, paramedics must be fully aware of the human anatomy, the functioning of organs, and the symptoms of diseases.

Depending on where exactly such a specialist works, he has the following skills and knowledge:

  • emergency care standards for cardiac arrest, breathing, circulatory disorders;
  • the basics of first aid for various injuries;
  • methods of using medicines, their interactions, contraindications and indications;
  • diagnosis of the most common diseases and methods of their treatment;
  • acceptance of natural childbirth without complications;
  • dispensary observation of children, pregnant women, disabled people of different groups, patients with chronic and acute diseases;
  • vaccinations, injections, droppers;
  • minimal surgical skills;
  • taking biological material (blood, feces, urine, skin) for laboratory research.

The list of duties will largely depend on where the paramedic works. For example, in rural areas, such a specialist is often the only health worker, where he plays the role of a pediatrician, laboratory assistant, obstetrician, etc. Also, an ambulance driver can also be a paramedic, in this case, at least three years of driving experience is added to the list of requirements.

Where he works

Although they are considered slightly less qualified medical staff, they have surgical, medical and obstetrical knowledge. They also take a course in resuscitation, so they most often work as part of ambulance teams.

If there is a paramedic without a doctor in such a team, he is responsible for the work of the entire team, provides emergency care and pre-medical diagnostics. If such a specialist works in tandem with a doctor, he often assists him.

Working in an ambulance is considered one of the most difficult and responsible. In this case, the life of the patient or patient often depends on the competence of the medical staff. Occupying such a position, the paramedic must assess the situation and its severity as soon as possible after arriving at the place of the call. If necessary, he provides first therapeutic aid, controls the situation before arriving at the hospital. In some cases, only first aid and sanitary and preventive recommendations are sufficient.

In production, large enterprises and many other institutions, the presence of a health center is mandatory. Especially in places where people are at risk or where urgent help may be needed. So, there is a paramedic at many airports, on ships, in some educational institutions, production workshops, etc. Here, the duties of a paramedic are practically no different from those that operate in an ambulance.

The health worker can provide the first therapeutic measures, recommend treatment, prescribe medications (except for psychotropic and narcotic).

If necessary, under his supervision, the victim is transported to the hospital. Also, employees of enterprises, students and apprentices can get a certificate of release for health reasons from him. Periodically, the paramedic conducts preventive measures (for example, vaccinations in schools), sanitary and hygienic lectures for employees and / or students.

Paramedics can also meet in clinics and hospitals. Here they are either under the supervision of a doctor, or work independently. Without a doctor, paramedics are most often found on night duty or in rural areas. In these cases, they diagnose and treat the patient themselves, if there are no certain complications in the picture of the disease. If the patient requires a more detailed examination or narrowly focused therapy, he is referred to the right doctor. In addition, such a physician has the right to perform minor operations, such as puncture of the external jugular veins, the introduction of an endotracheal tube into the trachea, if there is an appropriate certificate of specialization in obtaining such skills.

After a normal delivery, he should suture, if necessary, and perform the initial treatment of the baby. In case of cardiac arrest, the paramedic must resuscitate the patient with chest compressions or automatic defibrillation. There are also separate narrowly focused specializations: an obstetrician and a laboratory assistant. The first can assist an obstetrician-gynecologist or take birth on his own. The second is working on analyzes and does not conduct practical work with patients.

When to go to the paramedic

Today, many clinics and hospitals do not have enough doctors. This applies to any area of ​​medicine and many CIS countries.

The staffing of state medical institutions leaves much to be desired, so getting an appointment with a doctor can be really difficult, especially when it comes to regional clinics. But a doctor does not have to do all the work, so many people just need a consultation, a certificate, minimal therapeutic assistance. The paramedic will cope with all these tasks.

You can contact him with complaints of pain, with minor wounds, if you need a sick leave. In small towns, they turn to him with all health problems. He accepts patients of any age and gender, as his training implies such knowledge. In fact, you can make an appointment with him if you can’t get to the right doctor, and you may not need a doctor at all.

Do not be afraid of incompetence and underestimate the work of these specialists. If a patient needs a serious intervention, they will definitely inform both the patient and the doctor about it, write out a referral and give recommendations. A consultation with a paramedic will help you stay healthy without waiting in line to the doctor. The main thing is to seek help in time and not waste time on doubts and self-treatment.

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