Ripe feijoa tastes like a cross between kiwi and strawberries with a hint of pineapple. These flavor notes are easy to transfer by making a feijoa tincture with vodka (alcohol) at home. If desired, the drink can be enriched with fresh cranberries, strawberries or other berries. We will look at a universal recipe that leaves room for creativity.
To prepare the tincture, ripe or overripe feijoas are required without signs of spoilage (black pulp) and rot. Any high-quality alcoholic base will do: store-bought vodka, ethyl alcohol diluted with water, distillate (moonshine) of a high degree of purification – odorless. There is no fundamental difference.
- vodka (alcohol, moonshine) – 0,5 liters;
- feijoa fruits – 300 grams;
- cranberries or strawberries – 100 grams (optional);
- sugar (honey) – 50-150 grams;
- water – 25-100 ml (optional).
Cranberries give a slight sourness and astringency, and strawberries enhance the strawberry aftertaste (a more feminine version of the tincture). I do not advise mixing berries, because too many different tones will be mixed, it is better to make two or three separate drinks.
Choose the amount of water and sugar individually or do not add at all. The best option for making a drink of medium sweetness is to add half of the sugar in the third stage, and add the rest after filtering (5th point).
Feijoa tincture recipe
1. Wash the feijoa in warm water, wipe dry to remove any preservative from the surface, then cut into small pieces along with the peel.
2. Crush cranberries or strawberries with a wooden rolling pin to a homogeneous liquid mass. Not a mandatory step, but other berries enrich the aroma and taste.
3. Put the crushed feijoa and berry mass into a jar for infusion. Add sugar and pour in vodka (should cover the rest of the ingredients by at least 2-3 cm). Mix.
4. Close the jar tightly. Transfer for 14 days to a dark place (cover) at room temperature. Shake once a day.
Attention! Do not overexpose the drink on the pulp for longer than 2-3 weeks, otherwise bitterness may appear, and the color will turn brownish.
5. Strain the finished homemade feijoa tincture through cheesecloth or thick cloth. Squeeze the pulp well. If desired, add sugar to taste or dilute with water to reduce the strength.
6. Pour the finished drink into bottles, close tightly. If further sweetened or diluted with water, leave for 2-3 days before use to stabilize the taste. If turbidity appears over time, filtration through cotton wool will help, turbidity does not affect the taste.

The shelf life of feijoa tincture, if stored away from direct sunlight, is best – up to 1 year. Fortress – 34-36% (without water and sugar).