Feijoa moonshine is an unusual drink that is obtained after processing these exotic fruits. The drink is prepared in several stages in strict accordance with the recipe. First, the fruits are fermented, after which the resulting mash is passed twice through the moonshine still.

Feijoa Features

Feijoa is a green oblong-shaped fruit that grows in South America. When ripe, it has a dense and tart skin, while the flesh remains juicy and sour in taste.

Important! Feijoa fruits are high in sugar, iodine, antioxidants, essential oils, vitamins and minerals.

It is recommended to choose larger fruits of rich green color. If the feijoa flesh is white, then the fruit is not yet ripe. Therefore, they are left for a couple of days until the final ripening.

Feijoa moonshine recipe

Feijoa should be stored in the refrigerator. Ripe fruits should be used within a week. Spoiled specimens can be identified by the brown color of the pulp. Feijoa is best bought in the fall or mid-winter, as it is more commonly found in stores at a lower price during this period.

Preparation for moonshine

According to the recipe for moonshine, one kilogram of feijoa fruit is taken. They must be washed and eliminated damaged and damaged areas. The peel of the fruit is left. First, mash is also obtained from the fruits, which is then driven through a moonshine still. Feijoa fermentation is carried out in a glass container. Its hole is closed with a water seal or a medical glove, in which a hole is made with a needle.

Important! The size of the fermentation tank is chosen based on the volume of feedstock.

Feijoa moonshine recipe

The bottle should have 25% or more of the free space required for the formation of carbon dioxide and foam.

The classic moonshine still includes two main elements: a coil and a distillation cube. First, the mash is heated until the alcohol begins to boil. Then the steam is cooled in the coil. As a result, a distillate is formed, which has a strength of about 80 degrees at the output.

When using a classic distiller, the taste and aroma of feijoa is best preserved. The disadvantage of this apparatus is the need to re-treat the wort. The output is divided into several fractions, which are called “head”, “body” and “tail”.

Preparation of starter

Ripe feijoa fruits contain 6 to 10% sugar. When using 1 kg of feijoa, you can get about 100 ml of an alcoholic drink with a strength of 40%.

Feijoa moonshine recipe

To increase the amount of the finished product, you can add sugar. Each 1 kg of granulated sugar allows you to get an additional 1,2 liters of moonshine. However, with an increased sugar content, the original taste of the drink is lost.

You can get moonshine based on yeast (dry, baking or alcohol). It will take a week to prepare such a drink. However, artificial yeast does not have the best effect on the smell of the drink.

Advice! For feijoa moonshine, it is recommended to use wine yeast.

In the absence of wine yeast, sourdough is prepared from raisins. In this case, the fermentation period is about 30 days.

Feijoa moonshine recipe

The recipe for making moonshine from feijoa consists of the following steps:

  1. Prepared fruits are cut into pieces, after which they are turned through a meat grinder. You can also use a blender. The result should be a homogeneous mixture. Feijoa moonshine recipe
  2. Feijoa is placed in a fermentation container. At this stage, sugar (from 0,5 to 2 kg), raisin starter or yeast (20 g) are added.
  3. A water seal or other device that performs its functions is installed on the neck of the bottle.
  4. The container is cleaned in a dark place or covered with a cloth. The storage temperature is t 18 to 28 degrees.
  5. When the fermentation process is completed and carbon dioxide ceases to form, a layer of sediment will appear at the bottom of the tank. The wort will acquire a light shade and become bitter in taste. Then move on to the next step in the recipe.
  6. The resulting mash is filtered through several layers of cloth or gauze. The cake is carefully squeezed.
  7. The resulting mash is processed in a moonshine still at maximum speed. When the strength falls to 25% or less, the selection is stopped.
  8. After the first distillation itself is diluted to 20% with water. It is not necessary to clean the drink in order to preserve the unique aroma. Feijoa moonshine recipe
  9. Then do the second distillation. The first part of the resulting moonshine (about 15%) must be drained, since the concentration of harmful substances is high in the “head”.
  10. The main faction is collected before the fortress drops to 40%. Separately, you need to collect the “tail”.
  11. Cooked moonshine can be diluted with water. Then the drink is placed in a glass container and closed.
  12. Before drinking, it is recommended to keep the drink in the refrigerator for 3 days.


Feijoa is an exotic fruit from which an unusual alcoholic drink is obtained. This process is divided into two stages: first, the mash is prepared, then it is passed through the moonshine still.

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