Feijoa: benefits and harms for the body, facts, video

😉 Hello dear readers! In the article “Feijoa: benefits and harms, facts” basic information about this interesting plant and its fruits. Composition and calorie content, how to choose, how to store.

The homeland of feijoa is Brazil. This subtropical plant was first discovered by Europeans at the end of the XNUMXth century.

Feijoa: benefits and harms for the body, facts, video

The feijoa fruit is a large and fleshy, oblong emerald-colored berry. The evergreen plant belongs to the myrtle family and is a relative of the eucalyptus. The main “trick” is that this is the only plant with the richest source of iodine, the content of which is higher than in seafood.

Feijoa: benefits and harms for the body, facts, video

The composition and calorie content of feijoa

In 100 grams:

  • kcal – 55;
  • fats – 0,6 g;
  • sodium – 3 mg;
  • potassium – 172 mg;
  • carbohydrates – 13 g;
  • dietary fiber – 6 g;
  • sugar – 8 g;
  • proteins – 1 g;
  • water – 85 g.

Vitamins: B1, B2, B3, B5, B6, B9, E, PP, K. Trace elements: iodine, potassium, iron, magnesium, sodium, calcium, phosphorus.

The healing properties of feijoa

  • firstly, this fruit is good for the thyroid gland;
  • with vitamin deficiency (many vitamins and minerals);
  • for colds, flu, acute respiratory infections (vitamin C);
  • improves the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract (dietary fiber);
  • used in dietary nutrition;
  • prevention of atherosclerosis;
  • supports the immune system;
  • lowers cholesterol;
  • helps with constipation (fiber content);
  • prevention of oncological diseases;
  • replenishes the lack of iodine in the body;
  • for the prevention of cardiovascular diseases (potassium);
  • fruits are useful for depression, stress;
  • increases hemoglobin;
  • they make wonderful jam from berries or grind with sugar;
  • prepare mousses, compotes, various desserts. Add to salads, seasonings and sauces;
  • dried peel is added to tea;
  • in cosmetology, wonderful masks for any face skin.

A simple mask recipe:

  • pulp – 2 tbsp. spoons:
  • honey – 1 tsp;
  • olive oil – 1 tsp;
  • mix everything and slightly warm up in a water bath;
  • apply the healing mixture to the face. Just 30 minutes and you are the queen!

 Feijoa: contraindications

  • with diabetes mellitus (the presence of sugars);
  • intolerance;
  • for obese people, one piece is enough for a sample. They can’t do it!

How to choose?

It is advisable to buy this fruit in the market. Look for larger fruits, up to 7-10 cm in length. Ask the merchant to cut the berry. The pulp should be like clear jelly. About feijoa pulp:

  • transparent – the fruit is ripe;
  • white – the fruit is not ripe;
  • brown – the fruit has deteriorated;
  • if the berries are with tails, they were not allowed to ripen on their own;
  • the fruit should be of a “spotless reputation”, without dark spots.

Important! When ripe, the rind is matte and wrinkled, rather than glossy and smooth.

How to store?

The fruits are stored in the refrigerator for 7-8 days.

In this video, additional information to the article “Feijoa: benefits and harms”

Feijoa. Useful properties and contraindications.

Friends, now, knowing about the benefits of this plant, you will not pass by the counter! If the article “Feijoa: Benefits and Harms” was useful to you, share it on social networks. 😉 Always be healthy!

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