Feet ache: what to do at home?

Feet ache: what to do at home?

What to do when your feet hurt?

Avoid uncomfortable or new shoes. It is she who can provoke pain. The second important point may be the lack of micronutrients. If the medical examination confirms that you are healthy, we proceed with the use of home recipes.

Contrast foot baths will help improve blood circulation. Submerge your feet alternately in hot (at least 40º), then in cool (about 18º) water.

If your legs start to hurt after hypothermia, give preference to a hot bath. You can add a large spoonful of dry mustard to it. After the bath, rub your feet with any alcoholic tincture, put on warm socks, let your feet rest. Do this before bed. It is advisable to place your legs at a slight angle (about 15º) at night.

An excellent remedy is the use of sea salt baths. The procedure must be taken every day. The water temperature should not exceed 36º. The duration of the bath is 10-15 minutes, the duration of the course is 10-15 procedures.

Tincture of lilac flowers has a very effective effect. A liter jar is tightly packed with lilac flowers, carefully tamped by hand. Pour in vodka or strong moonshine so as to fill the entire volume of the jar. Let it brew for at least two weeks. Then they rub their feet overnight with tincture and wrap them in a woolen cloth. Long knitted leggings can be worn. The duration of the course should be at least a month.

But what you need to do if your calves ache.

Scald cabbage leaves with boiling water, spread with honey, attach to the calf muscles, wrap with a bandage. Do the procedure for several days, preferably at night.

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