Feeling of hunger: how to get rid of? Video
On the road to health and a beautiful figure, you can often face increased feelings of hunger, which leads to serious breakdowns and negates all your previous efforts. There are several effective methods to deal with this problem.
Paradoxically, one of the most effective ways to avoid hunger is to not drive yourself to this state at all. However, the feeling of hunger can also occur when the body does not need food at all. Reducing portions, a new diet, lowering calorie intake, and avoiding certain familiar foods can all lead to increased appetite, which you will most often confuse with hunger. The optimal way out is healthy fractional meals 5-6 times a day. Firstly, if you eat a little of the right foods, the feeling of hunger will simply not have time to come. Secondly, small portions will reduce the volume of the stomach, and the need to eat a lot will gradually decrease. Thirdly, this style of eating activates metabolism and allows you to quickly tidy up your figure.
Keep healthy protein meals (boiled prawns or chicken breast) and fresh vegetables on hand to ensure you have a full meal if you’re really hungry and don’t have time to cook.
The incredible amount of food advertising in the media inevitably leads to the formation of false stereotypes. You eat delicious curd with berries, fruit salad, muesli bar and you are sure that you have brought benefits to your body. Yes, of course, this is not a bag of chips or a piece of cake. However, such a snack will provide you with an extra portion of unnecessary simple carbohydrates and sugars, to which the pancreas will react with an increased release of insulin into the blood. As a result, the feeling of hunger appears within half an hour.
To suppress your appetite, but not overeat calories, give preference to one of the following options:
- 3-4 raw almonds
- a small cup of milk tea
- 2-3 teaspoons thick coconut milk
- a slice of green apple with a thin layer of peanut butter
A healthy snack like this will suppress your appetite and also provide you with a few grams of healthy fats to help you feel less hungry.
In most cases, the feeling of hunger is not at all a real signal of the body about the need to refresh itself. You should understand that your appetite may have nothing to do with hunger at all. Perhaps you are used to eating a lot, and now refusal to eat is perceived by the subconscious as an alarm. Be constantly prepared for the fact that you will specifically focus on all kinds of temptations associated with delicious food, from mouth-watering pictures on social networks to mind-blowing smells from the restaurant you pass by.
Imagine yourself slim and fit every time you feel hungry. Focus on the benefits of avoiding unhealthy and heavy meals
Work on your thoughts, practice meditation, use affirmations, otherwise the likelihood of an annoying breakdown is very high. At first, try to avoid potential temptations, parties and feasts. Go to grocery stores only after a full meal so that the abundance of food, especially ready-made and flavorful ones, does not lead you to a spontaneous purchase.
Drinking more water is recommended in almost any diet. Never forget about this rule, because water will not only help you remove excess from the body, but also effectively fight hunger. You can often confuse thirst with hunger: just drink a glass of water at room temperature, as your appetite disappears.
Don’t forget about other healthy drinks to help curb your appetite. For example, milk oolong can create the illusion of satiety. This healthful tea can be brewed several times, so if you are indoors all day, make a large kettle, top up the water periodically, and drink it in small cups every time you feel like eating.
It is equally effective to keep a glass of still mineral water on your desktop. Add some cucumber juice, fresh mint and ice cubes to it for a calorie-free and refreshing cocktail that will help curb your appetite.
Additional methods to suppress appetite
Aromatherapy will help you effectively fight hunger, namely essential oils of the citrus spectrum (orange, lemon, grapefruit), as well as lemongrass and patchouli. The oils must be of very high quality and natural. Beware of fakes, otherwise the effect will be minimized. Try to keep the essential oil with you, for example by pouring it into a scent pendant and hanging it around your neck. This way, you can smell the scent for almost the whole day, which will help you and more easily overcome the feeling of hunger.
Practice yoga and breathing exercises. If the hunger suddenly became sharp and unbearable, be patient for at least a couple of minutes, do a few asanas, take a bath, relax and put your thoughts in order. In most cases, it helps to suppress the appetite.
Find like-minded people. For example, register on an Internet forum, you can use an assumed name. Report your successes daily, share your own tricks and findings to get rid of hunger and start eating right.
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