Feeding with chicken manure

Among organic fertilizers, litter collected from under poultry is most valued. Compost, humus is prepared from it, or used in its pure form for feeding garden crops. Use chicken manure as a fertilizer with caution. Large portions can burn the root system of plants.


Chicken manure is rich in nitrogen and potassium. Compared to horse or cow manure, these substances are four times more. The content of phosphoric acids is almost twenty times higher. If we compare all bird droppings with mullein, then its superiority in nutrients is ten times greater.

The most common poultry are chickens, geese and ducks. In this group, chicken litter is also in first place. For comparison, a table is provided that shows the chemical composition of bird droppings as a percentage.

Feeding with chicken manure

На видео рассказывают о полезных свойствах куриного помета.

Bird droppings as fertilizer

Ценность органического удобрения

Feeding with chicken manure

Considering chicken manure as a fertilizer, how to apply, it is worth paying attention to its value:

  • When fruit trees, horticultural and horticultural crops are fed with chicken droppings, fruit ripening is accelerated.
  • The content of a high concentration of nitrogen and potassium contributes to an increase in yield up to 40%.
  • Litter is rich in iron and copper. These substances increase the immunity of plants. Cultures are less likely to be affected by bacterial and fungal diseases. Especially effectively chicken manure helps with root rot.
  • Органику полезно использовать на кислых грунтах для улучшения PH. Щелочная реакция облагораживает неплодородную землю. Применяют перепревший куриный помет при посадке растений, не переносящих кислые почвы.
  • Подкормка органикой способствует ускорению роста растений, появлению дружного цветения и завязи. Огородные культуры жарким летом легче переносят засуху.
  • The annual use of chicken manure as a fertilizer increases the amount of humus in the soil.

Chicken manure is a versatile fertilizer. Organic is suitable for feeding all garden and horticultural crops.

Attention! You can use chicken manure for seedlings after the appearance of at least two full-fledged leaves.

Положительные и отрицательные стороны подкормки

Feeding with chicken manure

Огородник, ищущий информацию, как использовать куриный помет в качестве удобрения, должен знать отрицательные стороны органики. Азот содержится в форме аммония. После внесения органики в грунт начинается процесс разложения, сопровождающийся выделением метана. Не меньше образуется аммиака. В большой концентрации вещества сожгут корневую систему, и растение погибнет.

Attention! The prepared fresh solution is able to burn the foliage of young plants with abundant spraying.

Another unpleasant moment is the release of a pungent odor. The stench spreads over a wide area as the chicken manure begins to stink. When preparing fertilizer yourself, it is advisable to remove the compost heap further from neighbors and the roadway.

The positive side of chicken manure is the versatility of the fertilizer. Organics are used fresh or rotted, and a solution is also prepared. You can fertilize all plants, trees and shrubs.

При наличии домашнего курятника навоз вместе с подстилкой раскладывают по земле вокруг ствола дерева. Осуществляют подкормку раз в год. Взрослому дереву достаточно 1 ведра. Поливать сверху навоз нельзя. Лучше подстилку разложить на влажную землю.

Shrubs need less chicken manure, and those that like acidic soil don’t feed at all. First of all, it concerns blueberries.

A solution of fresh litter is used for root feeding of plants. A strong concentrate cannot be used, and it is also unacceptable to get on young leaves. Fresh manure with bedding under garden crops cannot be laid out. There is a risk of bacterial contamination.

For flowers and other ornamental plants, rotted chicken manure mixed with other organic matter is best suited. Top dressing is applied in small doses.

Preparation and storage methods

Feeding with chicken manure

They collect manure in chicken coops along with bedding. When keeping birds outdoors, the droppings are raked with a thin layer of earth or grass. Large concentrations are usually found under perches or near feeders.

There are three ways to harvest and store organic matter. At home, chicken manure is simply dumped into a heap or equipped with a compost pit, where it is overheated. The plant converts manure into dry powder or granules.

Let’s take a closer look at all three methods:

  • How to get fertilizer and where to put chicken manure at home, the instructions are simple. The easiest way is to dump manure with bedding in a heap. It is better to choose a place at the end of the garden or in the depths of the garden, away from neighbors and your yard. The top of the pile is covered with a film to prevent the manure from drying out quickly and also from being washed away by rainwater. The disadvantage of such a workpiece is the formation of solid clods, as well as the volatilization of nitrogen.
  • The best way to make fertilizer from chicken manure is to get compost. Manure can be stored in a heap or dig a hole for its storage. It is important to observe layers with a thickness of about 15 cm. First spread the straw. Place chicken manure on top. Further, there is an alternation of any organic matter: mullein, grass, peat, again chicken droppings. Periodically, several layers are crushed with earth. A pile or pit is tightly covered with a film to speed up the decomposition process. You can add bacterial preparations.
  • In the factory, pure litter from poultry farms is dried at high temperature. Heating up to +600оС убивает болезнетворные бактерии. Удобрение гранулируют или делают порошок. Расфасовка происходит в мешки и пакеты.

Summer residents rarely keep chickens. Factory-made fertilizer is acceptable for them. Rural residents use manure, as there is a chicken coop in almost every yard.

Способы приготовления раствора

Novice gardeners are concerned about the question of how to breed chicken manure for plant nutrition, and what standards to follow.

Solution from granules

Feeding with chicken manure

To prepare a solution from granules, you will need any container, preferably not aluminum. A barrel or bucket will do. The granules are poured into a container and filled with water. The proportion is indicated on the factory packaging of the fertilizer, but usually it is 1:25. Infusion lasts at least 50 hours. It is better to increase the time to 70 hours.

The prepared solution is poured over the earth around the tree trunk in the amount of 10 liters, and 5 liters under the bushes. Plants are poured under the root. Usually the dose is 1 liter. You can simply pour the beds into the grooves. After top dressing, the plants are watered to wash off organic splashes from the leaves.

The application rate depends on the crop being fed and the composition of the soil. Usually, the solution is watered two or three times per season.

Advice! In order not to harm the plants, it is better to apply a smaller dose of top dressing, and over time, make a second addition.

Manure solution preparation

Feeding with chicken manure

Для приготовления раствора из куриного навоза аналогично понадобится емкость, объемом минимум 20 л. Процентное соотношение аналогичное. Можно сделать более концентрированный раствор, а перед подкормкой развести его водой. Перепревший помет из компостной ямы готов к применению. Настаивают его пару часов до полного растворения. Навоз, хранившийся насыпом в куче, не перепревший. Его настаивают дольше, пока раствор не перебродит.

Organic fertilizer without solution preparation

Feeding with chicken manure

Fertilization of large areas is carried out by spreading rotted chicken manure after harvesting all crops in the fall. In the spring, with the melting of snow, water will dissolve the clods, and useful substances will evenly saturate the soil.

Dry manure is a concentrated fertilizer. Powder or granules are optimally scattered over the area in late autumn. You can make dry organic matter in the spring, but it dissolves worse.

Important! Often, novice gardeners ask the question, which chicken manure is better as a fertilizer, how to apply it in spring or autumn. Organics are equally useful in any form: granules, powder or manure. In the spring, it is better to feed with solutions, and in the fall, add solid fractions to the ground.

Применение удобрения для разных видов культур

There are two main ways to fertilize with chicken manure: pour a solution under the root or scatter solid fractions over the area, followed by digging. The dose and time of application of the dry preparation are shown in the table.

Feeding with chicken manure


Top dressing of cucumbers is performed three times: when full-fledged leaves grow, with the appearance of peduncles, during fruiting. Bushes develop well when watered under the root with a solution of light-colored manure. If there is chicken compost, then to increase the yield, a bed with cucumbers is covered with a thin layer.


Strawberry beds are prepared a year before planting. In the fall, chicken manure or compost is introduced and dug up with the ground. Spring top dressing of strawberries is carried out with a solution in the proportions of 1 part of manure and 20 parts of water. Each bush is watered with 1,25 liters of liquid before flowering. It is advisable to avoid getting the solution on the foliage.


Feed roses begin in the second year after planting. The culture does not like a lot of fertilizer. Optimal top dressing in the spring. The solution is prepared from manure diluted with water in a ratio of 1:20. Before feeding, the bushes are abundantly watered with clean water. The nutrient solution is poured between the rows. Do not fertilize under the bush.


The fact that chicken manure is good as a fertilizer, reviews are quite common. Here are some of the most interesting ones.

The soil in my area is bad. A solution of chicken manure saves my plantings of tomatoes and cucumbers. There is no opportunity to keep chickens, so you have to buy powder or granules in the store. I soak for three days. I pour the solution directly under the root of each plant.
I have been gardening in the country for thirteen years. The neighbors have a home chicken farm, so there are no problems with chicken manure. I take as much as I need and fertilize everything that does not grow well. I usually feed tomatoes, eggplants, cucumbers and flowers. The result is excellent.

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