Feeding pears in autumn

In order to grow a beautiful pear orchard, regular and proper care is necessary. One of the main processes is feeding. Every gardener who grows fruit trees should know what fertilizers are needed for pears in the fall. Timely, proper feeding is the key to a good harvest next season.

Why feed a pear in the fall

Pears are fertilized in spring, summer and autumn. Autumn top dressing is especially important, since the yield and quality of the fruit depend on it. It is needed to compensate for the nutrients spent by the plant during growth and fruiting, as well as to increase resistance to winter cold. During low temperatures, an unprepared tree may die.

Feeding pears in autumn

Features of autumn pear feeding in winter

Autumn top dressing is brought into the near-trunk circle, retreating 60 cm from the tree trunk. It will allow the plant to store all the necessary nutrients for a long winter. For young seedlings, fertilizing is done through digging, 2 years after planting. If soil treatment was carried out before planting, and the pit was fertilized according to the rules, the young tree is not fed.

If you do not make autumn feeding, then you can observe:

  • low immunity;
  • deterioration in the taste of fruits;
  • leaf shredding.

Autumn feeding times

In the fall, the pear is fertilized 2 times. The first – after the removal of the fruit. For this, mineral complexes with nitrogen are used. Nitrogen is applied to restore strength after fruiting, no later than the beginning of September. If you add nitrogen later, the plant will begin to actively increase the green mass, which will adversely affect the tree in the winter.

The second, depending on the region of growth, top dressing is applied from mid-September to mid-November, when the foliage turns yellow by more than 30%. During this period, peat, rotted manure or humus are introduced. This method will not only enrich the pear with essential trace elements, but will also become a warm pillow for the roots. The nutrient layer should be at least 15 cm.

How to feed a pear in autumn

A fruit tree can grow in one place for more than 20 years. During this time, the root system sucks out all the juices and nutrients from the ground. Therefore, it is necessary to fertilize regularly. In autumn, the pear is fed with organic and mineral fertilizers.

Mineral fertilizers for pears in autumn

To grow a rich crop, chemical additives are needed. A correctly used dose will improve productivity, normalize the metabolic process, positively affect the laying of flower buds and strengthen the immune system. For dwarf, columnar and undersized varieties, the dosage should be one third lower.

Important! Top dressing is carried out only after abundant watering.

Potassium is very important for a pear, especially before wintering. After all, this microelement helps the culture to endure the winter cold. It removes excess moisture from the cells, which leads to thickening of the juice.

Wood ash is a popular vegetable raw material, but it is rational to apply it only on heavy clay soil. The optimal dosage is 1 tbsp. per 1 sq. m. Wood ash is laid out under a pear tree, shed abundantly, the soil is mulched with a 15 cm layer of straw, dry foliage, spruce needles or cones.

Of the finished preparations, the drug “Kalimagnesia” is used. This top dressing contains not only potassium, but also magnesium. To dilute the fertilizer for 10 liters of water, add 20 g of the drug. The prepared solution is shed near the trunk circle. You can also use potassium sulfate, diluting it strictly according to the instructions.

Phosphorus – is responsible for the growth and development of the plant. The lack of a microelement affects the quality of the buds and further yields. The lack of phosphorus can be determined by the untimely leaf fall and the small size of the leaf plate. For 1 sq. m. you need to make one of the drugs:

  • simple superphosphate – 45 g;
  • double – 30 g;
  • granulated – 45 g.

The best result will give fertilizer in the pits. To do this, holes are dug around the trunk to a depth of 20 cm. The required dosage of top dressing is placed in each hole, sprinkled with soil, spilled and mulched.

Feeding pears in autumn

Also, many gardeners use combined fertilizers. They are valued for their ease of use and good results. The composition includes not only phosphorus and potassium, but also a specialized component for the garden. The most popular preparations: “Orchard”, “Universal”, “Autumn for horticultural crops”. When using fertilizers, you must carefully read the instructions and follow the recommended dosage.

Most gardeners prepare complex mineral supplements on their own.

Option № 1

  • potassium chloride – 1 tbsp. l.;
  • superphosphate – 2 tbsp .;
  • water – 10 l.

All ingredients are mixed in warm water until completely dissolved. The prepared fertilizer is used to irrigate the near-stem circle.

Option № 2

Use immediately after fruiting, until the first autumn month.

  • urea – 1 tbsp. l.;
  • superphosphate – 2 tbsp .;
  • potassium chloride – 1 tbsp. l.;
  • phosphate flour – 1,5 tbsp. L.;
  • ash – 2 tbsp.;
  • ammophoska – 3 tbsp. l.

All ingredients are mixed and scattered at a distance of 60 cm from the trunk. After baiting, the earth is abundantly shed.

Important! It must be remembered that an overdose of fertilizers can lead to a bad ending, so the dosage must be strictly observed.

Feeding pears in autumn with manure

Organic fertilizers are the most reliable and effective top dressings. An environmentally friendly crop cannot be grown without organic matter. A favorite from ancient times to this day remains manure. The frequency of application depends on the age of the tree and on the fertility of the soil:

  • up to 7 years – no more than 2 buckets per sq. m;
  • over 8 years – 3-4 buckets.
Important! Fresh manure should not be used, as there is a chance of harming the root system.

Bird droppings are a lightweight option that can be applied dry under a pear. Dry granules are buried in the ground of the near-stem circle and spilled abundantly.

Feeding pears in autumn

Other organic fertilizers

Fertilizing pears in the fall can be done with other fertilizers, such as:

  • ash from the burning of potato tops and sunflowers, mixed with humus;
  • compost – laid out around the trunk with a thickness of at least 10 cm;
  • green manure – sown in the near-trunk circle in spring or autumn.
Important! At the end of the season, green manure is mowed, and the soil is dug up. Peas, rye, wheat or oats are used for this purpose.

Feeding rules

The main feature of fertilizer application is the occurrence of the root system. Therefore, shallow grooves are made in advance, where mineral fertilizers dissolved in water are applied.

After fertilizing, the soil is abundantly shed. If top dressing is applied in rainy weather, watering is not needed. To determine the degree of soil moisture, you need to take a clod of earth from a depth of 10 cm and squeeze it in your palm. If the earth has turned into a cake, then there is enough moisture in the soil; if it crumbles, abundant watering is needed. The watering rate is 2 buckets per 1 adult specimen.

Tips from experienced gardeners

Before fertilizing, you need to read the advice of experienced gardeners:

  1. Organics can be applied under a tree older than 4 years.
  2. Nutrients are absorbed within 3-4 weeks, so it is pointless to apply top dressing before the start of frost.
  3. Before feeding, the pear is prepared: dry, broken branches and foliage around the trunk are removed.
  4. Lightening of the foliage indicates a lack of nitrogen. Therefore, in mid-August, the pear can be fed with nitrogenous fertilizers. The main thing is to observe the dosage, otherwise the plant may not winter well, and in the spring a large amount of foliage will bloom on the tree to the detriment of the harvest.
  5. If the pear is not fed with phosphorus in the fall, it will not release foliage and will not form fruits.
  6. If by the end of summer the foliage has curled up, covered with spots, then the supply of potassium has dried up. It is this mineral that the pear will especially need in the winter. And if the foliage turns pale, and turns purple at the edges, it means that the plant lacks magnesium and you need to use complex mineral supplements.


Properly applied fertilizers for pears in the fall are the key to a high yield of tasty and fragrant fruits. The main thing is not to rush, but to show restraint, consciousness and observe the dosage.

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