Everyone knows about the dangers of fatty and sweet foods, but few manage to restrain themselves and constantly eat healthy. What pushes us to break the diet? What do we «eat»?
Oh, how wonderful it would be to eat from the tree of temptations without the inevitable reckoning afterwards! Isn’t this cherished desire going with humanity through the ages? Let’s talk about food as the simplest temptation of our days.
It becomes seductive under the condition of its inaccessibility, scarcity, prohibition for any reason. It is the taboo food that turns into the most desirable. Why? Yes, because our brain is dodgy, sharpened for survival and pleasure. All dieters know about this mechanism, their soul is attached to sweet drinks and bread, buns and cakes, to fatty and salty and other margarine paradises, all those who have a forbidden locker with chocolate.
Jungian analysis describes the main factor that prompts us to taste the forbidden is a psychic structure in the unconscious called the Shadow. Usually in the shadow of awareness are unattractive, unpleasant and immoral aspects of our personality, our inferiority, shameful desires and actions.
The “I” attitudes are overly ambitious: look amazing, meet the standards to the maximum, don’t try to get old, become better than others, don’t give up, be persistent, be afraid of fat and slack, be the best version of yourself … In contrast to these installations, our Shadow whispers: “Go, buy a chocolate bar, life is so short, you are struggling, but there is no result, take a break, you deserve it, no one will pity you, only you yourself, pleasure is close, just take a bite, drink, inhale … «
Bans are a deal. After all, the deprivation to which we subject ourselves promises dividends — a more beautiful, healthy and fit body, sexuality, the possibility of intimacy, security and protection. We conclude a contract with ourselves, but then we break it ourselves. When we crave to enjoy a desired dish, all logical arguments that it will harm the body fall asleep. Now — I want what will happen later — I don’t care.
By profession, I help people get rid of food addictions. Although “get rid of” is the wrong word, “switch” is more appropriate. For what? To pay close attention to our deep, true unmet needs — after all, they are the ones who speak to us in the language of seductive and forbidden food. I suggest that they feed their Shadow, that is, learn to recognize the essential, personal, intimate, hidden. You need to feed not a bored brain with instant sugar, but your need for contact, autonomy, clear boundaries, freedom of expression, spontaneity and play.
And what to do? Love your temptations! Your Shadow contains the truest message from yourself. Love the nightlife. Be attentive to the urge to possess something here and now. Invite the forbidden into your life. But do not rush to dive into a short-term buzz — start to get acquainted with these phenomena in your life as good friends. Forbidden desires are guides to the real treasure of your soul.