

Chapter 1. General provisions.

ยง 1. Objectives and scope of regulation of this Federal Law

In order to ensure social security and psychological well-being of the population of the Russian Federation, create guarantees for the realization of the right of citizens to receive qualified psychological assistance, this Federal Law regulates relations arising in the field of providing psychological assistance to the population in the Russian Federation (hereinafter referred to as psychological assistance), and determines:

1) legal, organizational and economic bases for the provision and receipt of psychological assistance;

2) the rights and obligations of citizens (individuals), certain groups of the population in the field of providing psychological assistance;

3) the main directions of the state policy of the Russian Federation in the field of providing psychological assistance to citizens;

4) the powers of state authorities of the Russian Federation, state authorities of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation and local governments in the field of providing psychological assistance;

5) the rights and obligations of persons entitled to provide psychological assistance;

6) control, supervision and responsibility in the field of psychological assistance.

ยง 2. Basic concepts used in this Federal Law

1. For the purposes of this Federal Law, the following basic concepts are used:

Psychological assistance is a system of professional measures of support and assistance to a person, family, social group by persons providing psychological assistance in preventing, resolving, overcoming psychological problems that disrupt normal life and contribute to maintaining mental health, optimizing mental development, social adaptation, self-development , self-realization and improving the quality of life.

Recipient of psychological assistance (client) โ€” a person or group of persons who applied to a person providing psychological assistance.

Persons providing psychological assistance โ€” state institutions and non-governmental organizations providing psychological assistance, as well as citizens engaged in entrepreneurial activities to provide psychological assistance without forming a legal entity (hereinafter referred to as individual entrepreneurs).

Psychologist โ€” an individual with a higher psychological education (confirmed by a diploma not lower than the level of a specialist), who has successfully completed a professional internship, passed a qualifying exam and is a member of a self-regulatory organization of psychologists or who is serving in state bodies and providing psychological assistance in accordance with official duties or providing psychological assistance in a state institution in accordance with official duties.

The standard of psychological assistance is a document that establishes requirements for the type, volume, timing and quality of psychological assistance.

The quality of psychological assistance is a set of characteristics that reflect the correct choice of means and methods of its provision, the degree of achievement of the planned result, agreed with the recipient of psychological assistance.

Self-Regulatory Organization of Psychologists is a non-profit organization created to regulate and control the provision of psychological assistance, included in the state register of self-regulatory organizations of psychologists and uniting psychologists on a membership basis.

2. The use of the terms โ€œpsychologistโ€, โ€œpsychological assistanceโ€, โ€œorganization (association) of psychologistsโ€, โ€œpsychological consultationโ€ or phrases containing these terms in the names of organizations, public organizations (associations), individual entrepreneurs is allowed only by persons created and carrying out activities to provide psychological assistance in accordance with this Federal Law.โ€ƒ

Article 3. Legislation in the field of psychological assistance

1. Legislation in the field of psychological assistance is based on the Constitution of the Russian Federation and consists of this Federal Law, other federal laws adopted in accordance with it, other regulatory legal acts of the Russian Federation, laws and other regulatory legal acts of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation.

2. In case of contradictions between this Federal Law and other federal laws, regulatory legal acts of the Russian Federation, laws and other regulatory legal acts of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation containing norms governing relations in the field of psychological assistance, this Federal Law shall apply. If a newly adopted federal law containing norms governing relations in the field of psychological assistance is contrary to this Federal Law, then this Federal Law shall be applied subject to the introduction of appropriate amendments to this Federal Law.

3. Local self-government bodies have the right to adopt regulatory legal acts containing norms governing relations in the field of psychological assistance, within their competence in accordance with this Federal Law, other federal laws and other regulatory legal acts of the Russian Federation, laws and other regulatory legal acts. acts of subjects of the Russian Federation.

4. The provisions of this Federal Law do not apply to relations in the field of providing psychiatric and medical psychotherapeutic assistance to citizens.

Chapter 2

Article 4. Basic principles of activities for the provision of psychological assistance

Psychological assistance is provided on the basis of the following basic principles:

1) observance and protection of the rights of citizens in the provision of psychological assistance and ensuring the receipt of psychological assistance, regardless of gender, race, nationality, language, origin, property and official status, place of residence, attitude to religion, beliefs, membership in public associations, as well as others circumstances;

2) the voluntariness of receiving psychological assistance and the inadmissibility of being forcibly directed to receive it by decision of any organizations or third parties;

3) timeliness, accessibility and quality of psychological assistance provided by:

a) the proximity of the provision of psychological assistance to the place of permanent or temporary residence of a citizen, including work, education;

b) the availability of the required number of psychologists and the level of their qualifications;

c) the possibility of choosing persons providing psychological assistance and / or psychologists in accordance with this Federal Law;

d) application of standards of psychological assistance and rules for its provision;

e) provision of a guaranteed volume of free psychological assistance in accordance with federal legislation and the legislation of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation;

f) transport and other accessibility of persons providing psychological assistance for all groups of the population, including the disabled and other groups of the population with limited mobility;

4) targeting, provided by the provision of various types of psychological assistance to the recipient of psychological assistance and in various forms, adequate to his problem situation, taking into account his individual needs, features and capabilities;

5) the complexity provided by the use of various types, forms, means and methods of providing psychological assistance, the choice of which is determined by the multidimensionality of the psychological problems of the recipient of psychological assistance and the available capabilities of the person providing psychological assistance;

6) consistency, provided by the comprehensive use of the possibilities of personal resources and the external social environment of the recipient of psychological assistance to assist in solving his own actual psychological problems that arise at various stages of his life;

7) professionalism, ensured by the compliance of the qualifications of psychologists with the requirements established by this Federal Law and the requirements of the standards.

Article 5. Provision of psychological assistance free of charge

1. Psychological assistance is provided free of charge by state institutions in accordance with federal laws and other regulatory legal acts of the Russian Federation.

2. The laws of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation may establish additional conditions and guarantees for the provision of free psychological assistance.

3. Non-governmental organizations in the field of psychological assistance provide free psychological assistance in accordance with their internal documents (local regulations).

4. Emergency psychological assistance is provided free of charge.

5. Refusal to provide free emergency psychological assistance is not allowed.

6. For violation of the requirements provided for by this article, persons providing psychological assistance and psychologists shall bear responsibility established by federal legislation and the legislation of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation.

Article 6. Confidentiality of psychological assistance

1. Information about the fact that a citizen applied for psychological assistance and other information received in the course of providing psychological assistance are confidential.

2. It is not allowed to disclose confidential information by persons who became aware of it during training, performance of labor, official, official and other duties, except for the cases established by parts 3 and 4 of this article.

3. The collection of any data and the presence of third parties in the process of providing psychological assistance is allowed only with the consent of the recipient of psychological assistance in order to provide him with the most adequate assistance, train specialists, and conduct analytical and research work. The use of the information received in scientific research and publications is possible only if personal data is depersonalized.

4. Provision (seizure) of confidential information by a psychologist to third parties without the consent of the recipient of psychological assistance or his legal representative is allowed:

1) at the request of the bodies of inquiry and investigation, the court in connection with the investigation or trial, at the request of the body of the penitentiary system in connection with the execution of a criminal sentence and the exercise of control over the behavior of a conditionally convicted person, a convicted person in respect of whom the serving of a sentence has been suspended, and a person released on parole;

2) in a situation of threat to the life of the recipient of psychological assistance and his environment;

5. Psychologists are obliged to inform the legal representatives of minors and persons recognized as legally incompetent about the psychological problems of the recipients of psychological assistance, in which there is a possibility of committing actions that pose a threat to themselves and others. Providing such information does not constitute disclosure of confidential information.

Article 7. Main types of psychological assistance

The main types of psychological assistance are:

1) psychological prevention and psychological education โ€” the formation in the recipient of psychological assistance of the need for psychological knowledge and the desire to use it for self-development, self-improvement, self-realization, prevention of possible violations in the development of his personality and personality, as well as to create favorable relationships in the family and society;

2) psychological counseling โ€” assistance to the recipient of psychological assistance in understanding and solving them on the basis of a conscious choice of their actual psychological problems of an emotional and interpersonal nature, in changing behavior and developing their personality;

3) psychological support (including remote) and psychological support โ€” prevention and timely detection of adverse interpersonal relationships, stressful and other urgent situations of mental discomfort that disrupt the normal life of the recipient of psychological assistance;

4) psychological analysis and non-medical psychotherapy โ€” psychological impact (intervention) carried out in the process of studying the causes of psychological problems and the mechanisms of their functioning using a specially organized interview and other psychological methods;

5) psychological diagnostics โ€” a study conducted to determine the current mental state of the recipient of psychological assistance, the characteristics of his system of relations, the specifics of relationships with other citizens necessary to make a forecast and develop recommendations for providing him with appropriate psychological assistance;

6) psychological rehabilitation โ€” restoration of psychological health and effective social behavior of the recipient of psychological assistance;

7) psychological correction โ€” overcoming or weakening deviations in the development, emotional state and behavior of the recipient of psychological assistance in order to bring these indicators in line with age norms and requirements of the social environment;

8) psychological examination โ€” a study conducted by a psychologist (or a group of psychologists) in the cases and in the manner established by federal law, with the exception of forensic psychological examination, carried out according to the requirements of the bodies of inquiry, investigation, court, and aimed at identifying and assessing the parameters of the current psychological situation that violates the normal life of the recipient of psychological assistance, his behavior and the system of relations, ascertaining the features of his interaction with the social environment, including for drawing up a conclusion and developing a program to provide him with psychological assistance;

9) psychological training โ€” the formation of emotionally corrective experience, removal of the consequences of psycho-traumatic situations, neuropsychic tension, mastering new styles of behavior, adaptation to changing living conditions, skills of self-knowledge and self-regulation, the formation of creative readiness for independent solution of urgent psychological problems of an individual and interpersonal nature .

Article 8. Basic forms of psychological assistance

1. Forms of psychological assistance are divided depending on the nature of the interaction between the recipient of psychological assistance and the psychologist (full-time, part-time), on the number of participants (individual, group), on time parameters (short-term, long-term, emergency).

2. In each specific case, the form, type and scope of psychological assistance is determined and recommended by the psychologist in accordance with the state of the recipient of psychological assistance and the specifics of his psychological problem.

3. The final choice of the form, type and scope of psychological assistance is made by the recipient of psychological assistance.

4. Face-to-face psychological assistance is provided through direct interaction between the psychologist and the recipient of psychological assistance.

5. Extramural psychological assistance is provided through the interaction of a psychologist and a recipient of psychological assistance using technical means that provide the technical conditions for the qualitatively provided psychological assistance.

6. Individual psychological assistance is provided to the recipient of psychological assistance confidentially (in the absence of third parties). When providing psychological assistance to minors or persons recognized as incapable, partially capable, the presence of their legal representatives is allowed.

7. Group psychological assistance is provided to a group of recipients of psychological assistance.

8. Short-term psychological assistance is used to solve the actual problem of the recipient of psychological assistance or a problematic situation.

9. Long-term psychological assistance is used for psychological analysis and study of the personal content of problems, the causes and conditions for their occurrence, as well as for non-medical psychotherapy in cases where many details are worked out, the effect develops slowly and is stable.

10. Emergency psychological assistance provides immediate psychological counseling to recipients of psychological assistance, promotes the mobilization of their physical, spiritual, personal, intellectual resources to get out of a crisis, helps prevent the development of mental conditions that pose a danger to themselves and other persons.

11. Emergency psychological assistance, aimed at correcting the current emotional state of the victims and having a completed character, is provided directly at the scene of the event: to persons who suffered in emergency situations physically, financially, psychologically; family members, other relatives and other persons who have personal relationships with those injured and killed in emergency situations; eyewitnesses of emergency situations located in close proximity to the emergency zone; professionals involved in the elimination of the consequences of emergency situations.

Article 9. Seeking psychological help

1. Psychological assistance is provided on the basis of a voluntary personal appeal (in oral, written forms, including using information and telecommunication technologies) of the recipient of psychological assistance, his legal representative.

2. The provision of psychological assistance to minors under the age of 14 is carried out on the basis of the request of their parents, guardians or employees of state institutions responsible for the child, except for the cases provided for by paragraph 3 of this article.

3. To provide psychological assistance to minors under the age of fourteen, the consent of legal representatives is not required:

1) when establishing the facts of cruel treatment, physical, mental, sexual violence against a minor;

2) in case of recognition of a minor as being in a socially dangerous situation, including in need of state protection;

3) in case of psychological prevention in educational institutions and healthcare organizations and social protection bodies;

4) if they find themselves in an emergency situation of a natural and man-made nature;

5) when a minor applies for psychological assistance anonymously, by telephone helpline.

4. The provision of psychological assistance to persons recognized as legally incompetent in accordance with the established procedure is carried out on the basis of an appeal from their legal representatives.

5. Families and persons in a socially dangerous situation and in need of prolonged psychological rehabilitation, as well as persons injured in emergencies and fires, in need of short-term psychological assistance, receive it out of turn.

Article 10. Grounds for refusal or termination of psychological assistance

1. The grounds for refusal or termination of psychological assistance are:

1) inconsistency of the request of the recipient of psychological assistance with the types of psychological assistance provided by the person providing psychological assistance;

2) non-compliance by the recipient of psychological assistance with the admission rules established by the person providing psychological assistance;

3) mental disorders and behavioral disorders identified during treatment or in the process of providing psychological assistance.

2. Citizens in need of specialized medical care for health reasons, with their consent, are sent by the person providing psychological assistance for voluntary treatment in medical institutions.

Article 11. Rights and obligations of the recipient of psychological assistance

1. The recipient of psychological assistance has the right to:

1) receiving professional, qualified and specialized psychological assistance in accordance with this Federal Law;

2) the choice of a person providing psychological assistance, a psychologist, the type of psychological assistance and the form of its provision;

3) obtaining information about their rights, as well as in an accessible form and taking into account the psychological state of information about the nature of existing psychological problems and the means and methods used to provide psychological assistance;

4) refusal to receive psychological assistance at any stage of its provision;

5) respectful and humane attitude;

6) protection of their rights and legitimate interests, including in court.

2. Data collection, use as an object of scientific psychological research or the educational process, photo-video or filming, as well as the presence of third parties in the process of providing psychological assistance is allowed only with the consent of the recipient of psychological assistance, or his legal representative.

3. Due to the objective impossibility of visiting persons providing psychological assistance, such assistance may be provided at home. The procedure for providing psychological assistance at home is established, respectively, by the authorized federal body in the field of psychological assistance, the authorized executive body of the subject of the Russian Federation in the field of psychological assistance, internal documents of self-regulatory organizations of psychologists.

4. The recipient of psychological assistance is obliged:

1) follow the recommendations of a psychologist;

2) cooperate with a psychologist in the provision of psychological assistance;

3) report the presence of diseases that pose a danger to the health of other persons.

Chapter 3

Article 12. State policy in the field of psychological assistance

1. The state pursues a policy of ensuring the rights of citizens to receive timely, affordable and high-quality psychological assistance.

2. State policy in the field of psychological assistance is aimed at:

1) creating conditions that ensure psychological well-being and improve the quality of life of the population in the Russian Federation;

2) maintenance of mental health, optimization of mental development, adaptation, self-development, self-realization, rehabilitation of the population;

3) implementation of measures that contribute to the prevention,

resolution, overcoming complex psychological and crisis situations and their consequences by persons experiencing psychological problems (including: minors; youth; disabled people; lonely and

parents with many children raising minor children, children with disabilities; foster families; dysfunctional families; pregnant women; unemployed; persons released from institutions executing punishment in the form of deprivation of liberty; persons of pre-retirement age and pensioners; citizens discharged from military service and members of their families; refugees and forced migrants; persons prone to suicide; persons suffering from serious illnesses and their relatives; persons injured in emergency situations, relatives of the injured and the dead; other categories);

4) coordination of activities in the field of psychological assistance with activities in other areas of economic and social policy;

5) coordination of the activities of state bodies, state institutions and non-state organizations, individual entrepreneurs involved in the development and implementation of measures in the field of psychological assistance;

6) implementation of state control and supervision in the field of psychological assistance;

7) international cooperation in solving problems in the field of psychological assistance, including issues related to psychological assistance to citizens of the Russian Federation outside the territory of the Russian Federation and foreign citizens, stateless persons in the territory of the Russian Federation, compliance with international standards.

8) performance of other functions in order to implement this Federal Law.

Article 13

The powers of federal government bodies in accordance with their competence in the field of psychological assistance include:

1) implementation of a unified state policy in the field of psychological assistance;

2) adoption of federal laws and other regulatory legal acts of the Russian Federation in the field of psychological assistance;

3) regulation and protection of human and civil rights in the field of psychological assistance;

4) management of federal state property used in the field of psychological assistance;

5) the formation of federal executive bodies that manage in the field of psychological assistance;

6) establishing the procedure for the creation, reorganization and liquidation of federal state institutions in the field of psychological assistance;

7) creation, reorganization and liquidation of federal state institutions in the field of psychological assistance;

8) taking measures to ensure the functioning and development of free psychological assistance;

9) coordination of the activities of participants in the system of psychological assistance and their interaction;

10) organization of activities to provide psychological assistance on the principles of public-private partnership;

11) establishment of general principles for financial support of activities, as well as federal standards for financial support for the activities of state institutions in the field of psychological assistance;

12) ensuring interaction between federal executive authorities and executive authorities of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation, as well as interdepartmental interaction in the field of providing psychological assistance (including in emergency situations);

13) monitoring of social tension and negative psychological tendencies in society;

14) ensuring the development and implementation of research programs in the field of psychological assistance, their coordination;

15) information and scientific and methodological support for the system of providing psychological assistance;

16) providing professional training for psychologists, as well as retraining and advanced training of psychologists of federal state institutions in the field of psychological assistance;

17) state control and supervision in the field of psychological assistance;

18) international cooperation of the Russian Federation in the field of psychological assistance, including the conclusion of international treaties of the Russian Federation;

19) exercise of other powers in accordance with the requirements of this Federal Law, other federal laws and other regulatory legal acts of the Russian Federation regulating relations in the field of psychological assistance.

Article 14

1. The powers of state authorities of the subject of the Russian Federation in the field of psychological assistance include:

1) adoption of laws and other regulatory legal acts of the subject of the Russian Federation in the field of psychological assistance in accordance with this Federal Law;

2) implementation of the state regional policy in the field of psychological assistance;

3) ensuring state guarantees and protecting the rights of citizens in the field of psychological assistance;

4) development, approval and implementation of regional programs in the field of psychological assistance;

5) creation, within the powers determined by federal legislation, of conditions for the development of psychological assistance and ensuring its accessibility to citizens;

6) providing citizens with psychological assistance free of charge in cases established by the legislation of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation;

7) creation, reorganization and liquidation of state institutions of the subject of the Russian Federation in the field of psychological assistance;

8) coordination of the activities of participants in the system of psychological assistance and their interaction at the regional level;

9) state control and supervision of activities

state institutions of the constituent entity of the Russian Federation providing psychological assistance;

10) state control and supervision over the activities of self-regulatory organizations of psychologists registered and/or operating in the territory of a constituent entity of the Russian Federation;

11) providing professional training, retraining and advanced training of psychologists of state institutions of a subject of the Russian Federation in the field of psychological assistance;

12) establishment of additional social guarantees for psychologists;

13) exercising other powers in the field of providing psychological assistance in accordance with the requirements of this Federal Law, Federal Law No. 6-FZ of October 1999, 184 ยซOn the General Principles of Organization of Legislative (Representative) and Executive Bodies of State Power of the Subjects of the Russian Federationยป, other federal laws and other regulatory legal acts of the Russian Federation, laws and other regulatory legal acts of the subjects of the Russian Federation.

Article 15. Powers of the authorized federal executive body in the field of psychological assistance

The powers of the authorized federal executive body in the field of psychological assistance (hereinafter referred to as the authorized federal body) include:

1) development and implementation of federal targeted programs in the field of psychological assistance;

2) coordination of activities in the field of psychological assistance of federal executive authorities, executive authorities of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation;

3) maintenance of the state register of self-regulatory organizations of psychologists;

4) approval of the composition of the information included in the register of psychologists and the consolidated register of psychologists, as well as the procedure for maintaining these registers and placing the information contained in them, including in information and telecommunication networks, access to which is not limited to a certain circle of persons;

5) approval of psychological assistance standards;

6) state control and supervision over the activities of state institutions providing psychological assistance, which are under the jurisdiction of the authorized federal body;

7) exercise of other powers in accordance with the requirements of this Federal Law, other federal laws and other regulatory legal acts of the Russian Federation regulating relations in the field of psychological assistance.

Article 16

The powers of local governments in the field of psychological assistance used to implement the provisions of this Federal Law are determined in accordance with the delimitation of the jurisdiction and powers of state authorities of the Russian Federation, state authorities of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation and local governments established by the Constitution of the Russian Federation and the Federal Law dated October 6, 2003 No. 131-FZ โ€œOn the general principles of organizing local self-government in the Russian Federationโ€.

Chapter 4

Article 17. System of psychological assistance

Participants of the system of psychological assistance are:

1) federal government bodies in accordance with their competence in the field of psychological assistance;โ€ƒ

2) an authorized federal body;

3) executive authorities of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation authorized in the field of psychological assistance;

4) federal state institutions providing psychological assistance and state institutions of a constituent entity of the Russian Federation;

5) non-governmental organizations providing psychological assistance;

6) individual entrepreneurs providing psychological assistance;

7) self-regulatory organizations of psychologists, the All-Russian Association of Self-Regulatory Organizations of Psychologists.

Article 18. Legal status of a psychologist. The rights and obligations of a psychologist, guarantees of their implementation

1. The legal status of a psychologist is understood as a set of rights and freedoms, including labor rights, social guarantees and compensations, restrictions, duties and responsibilities established by the legislation of the Russian Federation and the legislation of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation.

2. Psychologists in the Russian Federation are granted rights and freedoms, measures of social support aimed at ensuring their high professional level, conditions for the effective performance of professional tasks and increasing social significance.

3. The psychologist has the right to:

1) protection of oneโ€™s honor, dignity and business reputation;

2) the choice of types, forms, means and methods of providing psychological assistance in accordance with this Federal Law;

3) refusal to provide psychological assistance in case of violation by the recipient of psychological assistance of the norms and rules established in accordance with this Federal Law;

4) provision by the employer and (or) self-regulatory organization of psychologists of professional development;

5) receiving psychological rehabilitation in accordance with the established procedure;

6) insurance of a professional mistake, as a result of which harm or damage to the health of the recipient of psychological assistance was caused, not related to his negligent or negligent performance of his professional duties;

7) other rights provided for by federal legislation and the legislation of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation.

4. The psychologist is obliged:

1) qualified to carry out professional activities for the provision of psychological assistance;

2) provide the recipient of psychological assistance with free full information about his rights and obligations, types, forms, conditions, procedure and expected results of its provision;

3) inform the recipient of psychological assistance or his legal representative at their request about the reasons for the refusal to provide it orally, in writing or electronically;

4) provide psychological assistance subject to the voluntary personal appeal of the recipient of psychological assistance;

5) provide emergency psychological assistance to a recipient of psychological assistance in an acute crisis situation;

6) present, at the request of the recipient of psychological assistance, a document on membership in a self-regulatory organization of psychologists when providing psychological assistance;

7) comply with the standards and rules of psychological assistance;

8) comply with the code of professional ethics of a psychologist;

9) maintain the confidentiality of information about the recipient of psychological assistance, subject to the requirements of this Federal Law;

10) ensure, if required by the results of psychological diagnostics, appropriate interaction with specialists of other professions for the provision of psychological assistance;

11) make contributions to the compensation fund.

5. The rights and obligations specified in parts 3-4 of this article must be exercised in compliance with the rights and freedoms of other recipients of psychological assistance, the requirements of the legislation of the Russian Federation, and the norms of professional ethics of psychologists.

6. The Code of Professional Ethics of a Psychologist establishes the rules of conduct binding on each psychologist or organization (association) of psychologists in the provision of psychological assistance, as well as the grounds and procedure for holding a psychologist accountable.

Article 19. Standards and rules of psychological assistance

1. Standards for psychological assistance are developed by the All-Russian Association of Self-Regulatory Organizations of Psychologists and are approved by the federal authorized body.

2. Self-regulatory organizations of psychologists develop rules for the provision of psychological assistance in accordance with the standards of psychological assistance in the manner established by the All-Russian Association of Self-Regulatory Organizations of Psychologists.

3. Psychological assistance standards should provide:

1) uniform requirements for the provision of psychological assistance;

2) completeness and quality of psychological assistance;

3) equal access to psychological assistance.

4. The standard of psychological assistance includes:

1) categories of recipients of psychological assistance;

2) requirements for the types and forms of psychological assistance;

3) a list of grounds for refusing to provide psychological assistance and the procedure for referring citizens who need specialized medical care for health reasons, with their consent, to specialized medical institutions;

4) qualification and other requirements for psychologists providing psychological assistance;

5) the procedure for the extraordinary provision of psychological assistance in the event that the demand for psychological assistance exceeds the possibility of its provision;

6) features of the provision of psychological assistance to certain categories of recipients of psychological assistance;

7) requirements for the place of provision of psychological assistance;

8) requirements for information support for recipients of psychological assistance when applying for it and in the course of providing psychological assistance;

9) the procedure for filing, registering and considering claims and complaints about non-compliance with the standard of psychological assistance.

5. Persons providing psychological assistance are obliged to comply with the standards of psychological assistance and the rules for its provision.

Article 20. Lists of recommended means and methods of psychological assistance

1. Maintaining a list of recommended means and methods of psychological assistance is carried out by self-regulatory organizations of psychologists.

2. The maintenance of a consolidated list of recommended means and methods of psychological assistance is carried out by the All-Russian Association of Self-Regulatory Organizations of Psychologists in the manner established by it on the basis of information provided by self-regulatory organizations of psychologists.

3. Information contained in the lists of recommended means and methods of psychological assistance and in the consolidated list of recommended means and methods of psychological assistance:

1) is placed in the public domain, including in information and telecommunication networks;

2) must comply with the legislation of the Russian Federation on copyright and related rights.

Article 21. Staffing of psychological assistance

1. The effectiveness of activities to provide psychological assistance to the population is ensured by psychologists who have a professional education that meets the requirements and nature of the work performed, experience in this field.

2. The formation of the staff of psychologists is ensured by:

1) the level of professional education;

2) evaluation of the results of the professional activities of psychologists in the course of attestation and / or passing a qualification exam;

3) the use of educational programs, as well as federal state educational standards and educational standards of higher professional education of Moscow State University named after M.V. Lomonosov and St. Petersburg State University.

3. Retraining, advanced training and internships for psychologists are carried out in accordance with federal laws and other regulatory legal acts of the Russian Federation, laws and other regulatory legal acts of the subjects of the Russian Federation, local regulations (internal documents) of self-regulatory organizations of psychologists and the All-Russian Association of Self-Regulatory Organizations of Psychologists.

4. The nomenclature of positions of psychologists, as well as positions of heads of organizations providing psychological assistance, is approved by the Government of the Russian Federation.

Article 22. Information support for psychological assistance

1. In order to inform the public about the possibility of obtaining psychological assistance, federal executive authorities of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation shall place persons providing psychological assistance in places accessible to citizens, in the mass media, in information and telecommunication networks, or communicate to citizens otherwise legally the following information:

1) the procedure and forms of providing psychological assistance, including free;

2) the content, limits of implementation, methods of implementation and protection of the rights of citizens guaranteed by the legislation of the Russian Federation to receive psychological assistance;

3) information about psychologists included in the register of psychologists;

4) hotlines;

5) addresses and telephone numbers of persons providing psychological assistance.

2. The procedure for informing the population about the provision of psychological assistance, including free, is established by federal regulatory legal acts and regulatory legal acts of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation.

1. Psychologists have the following labor rights and social guarantees:

1) the right to reduced working hours;

2) the right to advanced training in the profile of their activities at least once every five years;

3) the right to an annual basic extended paid leave, the duration of which is determined by the Government of the Russian Federation;

4) the right to a long vacation for up to one year at least every ten years of continuous psychological work in the manner established by the federal authorized body;

5) the right to early appointment of an old-age labor pension in the manner prescribed by the legislation of the Russian Federation;

6) other labor rights, measures of social support established by federal laws and laws of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation.

2. The regime of working hours and rest time for psychologists of organizations providing psychological assistance is established by the Government of the Russian Federation, and is also determined by a collective agreement, internal labor regulations, other local regulations of organizations providing psychological assistance, an employment contract, work schedules in accordance with the requirements labor legislation and taking into account the specifics established by the federal authorized body.

3. The amount of wage increases for work with harmful and (or) dangerous working conditions for psychologists of federal state institutions, military units, institutions and subdivisions of federal executive bodies, in which the law provides for military service and equivalent service, are established by the Government of the Russian Federation, and psychologists of state institutions of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation โ€” state authorities of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation.

4. Psychologists living and working in rural settlements, workersโ€™ settlements (urban-type settlements) are entitled to compensation for expenses for paying for housing, heating and lighting. The amount, conditions and procedure for reimbursement of expenses associated with the provision of these measures of social support to psychologists of federal state organizations are established by the Government of the Russian Federation and provided at the expense of the budgetary allocations of the federal budget, and psychologists of organizations of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation, municipal organizations are established by the legislation of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation and are provided for account of budget appropriations of the budgets of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation.

5. In order to involve graduates of educational organizations of higher professional education in the provision of psychological assistance, the state authorities of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation have the right to establish additional measures of state support at the expense of budgetary appropriations from the budgets of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation.

6. Additional measures of social support for psychologists working in non-governmental organizations are established by their founders independently on a contractual basis not lower than the level established by the legislation of the Russian Federation.

Article 24

1. For psychologists whose work is associated with a threat to their life and health, compulsory insurance is established in accordance with the list of positions, the occupation of which is associated with a threat to the life and health of employees.

2. The list of positions and the procedure for compulsory insurance for psychologists whose work is associated with a threat to their life and health are established by the Government of the Russian Federation.

3. The amounts of compulsory insurance for psychologists of federal, regional and municipal institutions are established respectively by the Government of the Russian Federation, constituent entities of the Russian Federation and local governments.

4. The amount of compulsory insurance for psychologists working in non-governmental organizations, whose work is associated with a threat to their life and health, is established by their founders independently on a contractual basis in accordance with the procedure established by the legislation of the Russian Federation.

Article 25. Financial provision of psychological assistance

Financing of the measures provided for by this Federal Law, including those related to the provision of free psychological assistance in accordance with this Federal Law and other regulatory legal acts of the Russian Federation, as well as the financing of additional guarantees for psychologists, is assigned to the state authorities of the Russian Federation and their subordinate institutions , public authorities of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation and institutions subordinate to them and is carried out at the expense of budgetary appropriations from the federal budget and the budgets of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation in accordance with the budgetary legislation of the Russian Federation. Financing of expenses related to the provision of gratuitous psychological assistance at the expense of other entities is carried out by the relevant entities independently.โ€ƒ

Chapter 5

Article 26. Features of self-regulatory organizations of psychologists

Self-regulatory organizations of psychologists are created and carry out their activities in accordance with the Federal Law of December 1, 2007 No. 315-FZ โ€œOn Self-Regulatory Organizationsโ€, taking into account the specifics established by this Federal Law.

Article 27. Main goals of self-regulatory organizations of psychologists

The main goals of self-regulatory organizations of psychologists are:

1) promoting the improvement of the quality of psychological assistance on the basis of uniform standards and rules;

2) providing recipients of psychological assistance with guarantees that the psychological assistance provided complies with the standards and requirements established by this Federal Law;

3) providing recipients of psychological assistance with reliable information about the level and quality of psychological assistance and the qualifications of psychologists;

4) protection of recipients of psychological assistance from unscrupulous persons who are trying to provide or provide psychological assistance contrary to the requirements of this Federal Law;

5) assistance in increasing the competitiveness of persons providing psychological assistance;

6) control of the proper quality of training and raising the level of professional qualifications of psychologists;

7) creation of conditions for providing recipients of psychological assistance with high-quality means and methods of psychological assistance;

8) assistance in the development of a system of psychological assistance.

Article 28. Main functions of self-regulatory organizations of psychologists

The functions of self-regulatory organizations of psychologists, along with the functions established by the Federal Law ยซOn Self-Regulatory Organizationsยป, are:

1) development and approval of the rules for the provision of psychological assistance;

2) organization of training of its members in advanced training programs;

3) organization of information and methodological support for members of a self-regulatory organization of psychologists;

4) maintaining registers of psychologists;

5) maintaining lists of recommended means and methods of psychological assistance;

6) performance of other functions established by this Federal Law, other federal laws and other regulatory legal acts of the Russian Federation, laws and other regulatory legal acts of public authorities of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation, as well as internal documents of self-regulatory organizations.

Article 29. Rights and obligations of self-regulatory organizations of psychologists

1. A self-regulatory organization of psychologists, along with the rights established by the Federal Law ยซOn Self-Regulatory Organizationsยป, has the right to:

1) establish additional requirements for its members that ensure their responsibility in the implementation of activities to provide psychological assistance;

2) develop and establish additional disciplinary measures against its members for violating the requirements of this Federal Law, the standards of psychological assistance, the code of professional ethics of a psychologist;

3) to exercise other rights provided for by federal laws and other regulatory legal acts of the Russian Federation, laws and other regulatory legal acts of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation, as well as internal documents of a self-regulatory organization.

2. The self-regulatory organization of psychologists, along with the performance of the duties established by the Federal Law ยซOn Self-Regulatory Organizationsยป, is obliged to:

1) carry out the functions of a self-regulatory organization of psychologists, provided for in Article 28 of this Federal Law;

2) form a compensation fund to ensure the responsibility of its members to the recipients of psychological assistance and third parties;

3) report to the authorized federal body and the All-Russian Association of Self-Regulatory Organizations information:

a) about changes in information about the self-regulatory organization of psychologists for inclusion in the state register of self-regulatory organizations of psychologists, as well as about the non-compliance of the self-regulatory organization of psychologists with the established requirements;

b) on additional requirements in relation to its members to the requirements provided for by this Federal Law, ensuring their responsibility in the implementation of activities to provide psychological assistance;

c) additional to the measures provided for by this Federal Law, disciplinary measures against its members for violating the requirements of this Federal Law, the standards and rules of psychological assistance, the code of professional ethics of a psychologist;

4) refuse to accept psychologists as members of a self-regulatory organization in cases established by this Federal Law;

5) expel psychologists from the members of the self-regulatory organization on the grounds provided for by this Federal Law and internal documents of the self-regulatory organization of psychologists;

6) to carry out other duties stipulated by federal laws and other regulatory legal acts of the Russian Federation, laws and other regulatory legal acts of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation, as well as local regulations of the self-regulatory organization.

Article 30. State Register of Self-Regulatory Organizations of Psychologists

The maintenance of the state register of self-regulatory organizations of psychologists is carried out by the authorized federal body in the manner prescribed by it.

Article 31. Membership in self-regulatory organizations of psychologists

1. A psychologist can be a member of only one self-regulatory organization of psychologists at the same time.

2. The requirements for membership in a self-regulatory organization of psychologists are:

1) the presence of a diploma of higher psychological education (not lower than the level of a specialist);

2) other requirements established by the self-regulatory organization of psychologists and not contradicting the requirements provided for by this Federal Law and the Law of the Russian Federation ยซOn Self-Regulatory Organizationsยป.

3. The grounds for refusing to admit psychologists to the self-regulatory organization are:

1) non-compliance of the person with the requirements of this article and the requirements for membership approved by the self-regulatory organization of psychologists;

2) submission of documents that do not meet the requirements established by this article and/or establishing the unreliability of the information contained in the documents submitted to the self-regulatory organization of psychologists;

3) exclusion of a person from the membership of this or another self-regulatory organization of psychologists in accordance with clause 2 of part 5 of this article, if less than one year has passed since the exclusion;

4) incapacity or illness of a psychologist, which prevents the implementation of activities for the provision of psychological assistance.

4. The grounds for termination of membership in a self-regulatory organization of psychologists are:

1) a psychologistโ€™s application for withdrawal from the members of a self-regulatory organization of psychologists;

2) a decision by a self-regulatory organization of psychologists to expel a psychologist from the members of a self-regulatory organization of psychologists in connection with his violation of the requirements of this Federal Law, other federal laws and other regulatory legal acts of the Russian Federation, laws and other regulatory legal acts of state authorities of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation, local authorities self-government, standards of psychological assistance, code of professional ethics of a psychologist;

3) identification of unreliable information in documents submitted for admission to membership in a self-regulatory organization of psychologists;

4) death, incapacity or illness of a psychologist that prevents the implementation of activities for the provision of psychological assistance;

5. Psychologists performing public service in state bodies, as well as psychologists of state and municipal institutions, may be members of a self-regulatory organization of psychologists on a voluntary basis.

6. Psychologists referred to in paragraph 5 of this article:

1) who have work experience in providing psychological assistance from one to three years, become members of a self-regulatory organization of psychologists on the basis of passing a qualification exam without undergoing an internship;

2) who have more than three years of experience in providing psychological assistance, become members of a self-regulatory organization of psychologists without undergoing an internship and passing a qualification exam;

7. Retraining, advanced training of psychologists specified in part 5 of this article is carried out in the manner prescribed by laws and other regulatory legal acts of the Russian Federation, laws and other regulatory legal acts of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation.

Article 32. Registers of psychologists

1. The register of psychologists is maintained by a self-regulatory organization of psychologists in relation to its members.

2. The composition of the information included in the registers of psychologists, as well as the procedure for maintaining these registers and placing the information contained in them in the public domain, including in information and telecommunication networks, is approved by the authorized federal body.

3. Psychologists are obliged to notify in writing the self-regulatory organization of psychologists, of which they are members, of all changes in the information contained in the register of psychologists within five calendar days from the day following the day such changes occur.

4. Information on termination of membership of a psychologist in a self-regulatory organization of psychologists must be entered in the register of psychologists no later than five calendar days from the day following the day of termination of membership.

5. The self-regulatory organization of psychologists is obliged, within five calendar days from the day following the day of entering information about the psychologist (changes in the information contained) in the register of psychologists, to transfer the relevant information to the All-Russian Association of Self-Regulatory Organizations of Psychologists for inclusion in the consolidated register of psychologists, and also disclose such information.

6. The information contained in the registers of psychologists is placed in the public domain, including in information and telecommunication networks.

Article 33

1. Maintaining a consolidated register of psychologists is carried out

The All-Russian Association of Self-Regulatory Organizations of Psychologists in the manner prescribed by it on the basis of information provided by self-regulatory organizations of psychologists.

2. The composition of the information included in the consolidated register of psychologists, as well as the procedure for maintaining this register and placing the information contained therein in the public domain, including in information and telecommunication networks, shall be approved by the authorized federal body.

3. The All-Russian Association of Self-Regulatory Organizations of Psychologists, within five calendar days from the day following the day of receipt of the information specified in Part 2 of this Article, enters the relevant information into the consolidated register of psychologists.

4. The information contained in the consolidated register of psychologists is placed in the public domain, including in information and telecommunication networks.

Article 34

1. In order to ensure public interests, form common approaches in the field of psychological assistance and coordinate the activities of self-regulatory organizations of psychologists, self-regulatory organizations of psychologists create the All-Russian Association of Self-Regulatory Organizations of Psychologists.

2. The All-Russian Association of Self-Regulatory Organizations of Psychologists is an all-Russian non-profit organization that unites self-regulatory organizations of psychologists on the basis of compulsory membership.

3. Only one All-Russian association of self-regulatory organizations of psychologists may be created in the Russian Federation.

4. The main functions of the All-Russian Association of Self-Regulating Organizations of Psychologists are:

1) assistance in the implementation of state policy and the formation of proposals in the field of psychological assistance;

2) preparation of proposals for improving legal regulation in the field of psychological assistance;

3) development of standards for psychological assistance, the procedure for the rehabilitation of psychologists and their submission for approval to the federal authorized body


4) development and approval of a code of professional ethics for a psychologist;

5) development and approval of the procedure for passing a professional internship and passing a qualification exam;

6) protection of the rights and legitimate interests of self-regulatory organizations of psychologists and their members;

7) maintaining a consolidated register of psychologists;

8) maintaining a consolidated list of recommended means and methods of psychological assistance;

9) development of recommendations on educational programs and standards of educational institutions providing higher professional education in the field of psychology;

10) development of recommendations on programs of additional professional education, advanced training and professional retraining of psychologists;

11) development of recommendations on the procedure and period of internship for persons applying for membership in a self-regulatory organization of psychologists;

12) consideration of appeals and complaints of self-regulatory organizations of psychologists and recipients of psychological assistance.

Chapter 6. Control, supervision and responsibility in the field of psychological assistance

Article 35. Control and state supervision over the provision of psychological assistance

1. Control over the provision of psychological assistance by psychologists is carried out by a self-regulatory organization of psychologists in the manner established by it.

2. Control over the activities of self-regulatory organizations of psychologists is carried out by the All-Russian Association of Self-Regulatory Organizations of Psychologists.

3. State control and supervision over the activities of state institutions providing psychological assistance, which are under the authority of the authorized federal body and authorized bodies of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation, shall be carried out, respectively, by the authorized federal body and authorized bodies of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation.

Article 36. Responsibility for the provision of psychological assistance

Persons providing psychological assistance are liable in accordance with federal legislation and the legislation of the subjects of the Russian Federation.

Chapter 7. Transitional and final provisions

ยง 37. Transitional provisions

1. Before January 1, 2016:

1) psychological assistance to the population may be provided by psychologists who are not members of self-regulatory organizations of psychologists;

2) psychologists with work experience in providing psychological assistance from one to three years may become members of self-regulatory organizations of psychologists in accordance with the requirements established by this Federal Law, on the basis of passing a qualification exam without undergoing an internship;

3) psychologists who have more than three years of experience in providing psychological assistance may become members of self-regulatory organizations of psychologists in accordance with the requirements established by this Federal Law, without undergoing an internship and passing a qualification exam.

Article 38

This Federal Law shall enter into force on the day of its official publication.

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