Features of travel of pregnant women by plane. Video

Features of travel of pregnant women by plane. Video

A woman in a position needs to take particular care of her own health and try to avoid any situations in which the life of the unborn baby is endangered. Flight by plane is one of them. But is it worth giving up travel while pregnant?

First trimester: toxicosis and the threat of miscarriage

The plane is considered one of the safest modes of transport, but many have much more fear when boarding an airliner than getting into a regular car. If a pregnant woman suffers from aerophobia or simply experiences intense excitement while traveling, it is worth seriously considering the need for such a trip. The fact is that in the first trimester, a colossal hormonal change occurs in the body, and if stress hormones are involved in this process, pregnancy may be at risk.

There is anecdotal evidence of increased levels of radiation in the air. The theory that during a flight a person is exposed to additional radiation is not fully understood. However, you should still take this risk factor into account if you are very worried about the health of your unborn baby.

Do not forget that toxicosis is possible in the first weeks of pregnancy. In flight, it can intensify. Take care of yourself in advance: ask the flight attendant for paper bags, an extra portion of water, take with you mints, crackers, sliced ​​lemon wedges with sugar.

Most importantly, you should check with your doctor if you are in danger of terminating your pregnancy. There are not many situations where flights in early pregnancy are strictly prohibited. In other cases, you should only consider the potential risks. If you can tolerate flights normally, you feel good, and the thoughts of the upcoming trip bring you joy, feel free to hit the road.

Second trimester: best time

The period from 16 to 28 weeks is the optimal time for air travel. Of course, provided the pregnancy is normal. As a rule, toxicosis is already receding, the placenta is functioning in full force, providing the fetus with everything it needs and protecting it. The belly in the second trimester is not yet so noticeable, so you should only take care of basic amenities.

If the second trimester is coming to an end, and the belly is already noticeable enough, get a certificate from the gynecologist for the flight.

Some airlines may ask you to sign a document stating that you are responsible for any complications during the flight.

At this time, you may already be worried about edema. Try to eat less salt and use natural diuretics such as lingonberry tea. Take dried apricots with you on the flight: it also removes fluid from the body.

When planning a flight after 28 weeks of pregnancy, potential risks should be correlated with the need for a trip, since there are already more possible problems and contraindications

The main danger is premature birth. There are many such cases in the history of passenger air transportation. Most often, such situations ended successfully, but you need to understand that, in any case, you will be deprived of qualified medical care.

Another serious risk that can arise from pressure drops is premature placental abruption. The problem is that this pathology can be asymptomatic, but it leads to tragic consequences.

At such a late date, a certificate from the antenatal clinic is already required. Also remember that after 36 weeks, some airlines may deny you flight altogether.

There are a number of situations when it is better to refrain from flying at all:

  • serious threat of termination of pregnancy for any reason
  • risk of placental abruption
  • gestosis
  • thrombosis
  • history of miscarriage or missed pregnancy
  • placenta previa

If your future childbirth is to take place exclusively with a caesarean section, remember that no one on board the aircraft will perform such an operation if necessary.

Of course, even with such complications of pregnancy, your flight can be successful and easy. Use your common sense, taking into account the recommendations of your doctor, and remember that this is the life of your future baby.

How to make your flight as comfortable as possible

Wear comfortable, loose clothing and shoes that are easy to take off. Refuse things with complicated fasteners, straps, a large number of buttons: this will not only facilitate the passage of inspections, but also help in case of a critical situation.

Bring a pillow under your back, a special neck pillow and a blanket. On board, you may not be provided with all of this, so it is better to prepare yourself.

Don’t forget about the problem of frequent urination. During the flight, you will not be able to use the toilet whenever you want, so think about it well in advance.

Drink as much water as possible as your body becomes severely dehydrated during the flight. Take the smallest can of thermal water you can carry on board (50-100 ml) into the cabin and spray it on your face, neck and shoulders.

If possible, try to walk around the cabin to reduce the likelihood of swelling. Change the position of your body in the chair if you cannot get up.

Maintain a positive attitude, even if there is turbulence or abnormal situations in flight. Tune in to the best and think about what awaits you on earth.

Read about yoga during pregnancy in the next article.

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