Features of the Find tool in Excel

To access the advanced features of the tool “To find“, follow the instructions below:

  1. Click the button Options (Options) in the dialog box Find and Replace (Find and replace).
  2. Enter the text you want to search. For example, Ferrari.
  3. To find occurrences in all sheets of the document, select the option Workbook (Book) from the drop down list Within (Search).
  4. Checkbox next to the option Match case (case sensitive) tells Excel to respect uppercase and lowercase letters. For example, you will only find “Ferrari” but not “ferrari”.
  5. When enabled Match entire cell contents (Entire cell) there are cells containing only the phrase you are looking for. This means that cells with the text “Car Ferrari”, “Ferrarii” and even “Ferrari” (with a space at the end) will not appear in the search results.


  • The question mark (?) matches one character. For example, “F?rrari” would return “Ferrari”, “Forrari”, “Farrari”, etc.
  • An asterisk (*) can match from zero to more than one character. For example, “F*rrari” would return “Ferrari”, “Foorrari”, “Faaaarrari”, etc.

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