Features of the epileptoid type of character accentuation

We are glad to welcome you, dear readers of the site! The epileptoid personality type is considered the most difficult and complex. Let’s try to figure out why and how to build relationships with him in order to achieve maximum benefit and comfort.

Main characteristic

The epileptoid is inherently explosive, impatient and aggressive. There is a certain sweetness in behavior.

He is generally in a bad mood, and irritation is a familiar and most frequently occurring emotion. He absolutely does not know how to adapt to the changes that inevitably accompany him throughout his life. The outside world is fickle, it is always changing, and it is not easy for such a person to come to terms with this.

Why every change is perceived as a tragedy, even if it is for the better.

It is inert, heavy and slow. Therefore, travel should be planned with him in advance, much in advance. So that he has time to get upset, nervous, reconcile and mentally gather himself.

It is worth forgetting about spontaneity and lightness next to him, any proposals and momentary desires will be rejected instantly.

If you try to describe this accentuation with a metaphor, then you should imagine a soup that is cooked under a closed lid over low heat. It boils slowly, but if the lid is not pushed aside, it literally explodes and fills the space around, which then has to be washed for a long time.

That is, he will accumulate irritation for a long time, and then at some completely unexpected moment, even for himself, he will aggressively react to an insignificant trifle.

Moreover, such an outburst of rage is quite intense and resembles an affect. When a person literally does not control his behavior and speech. And then for a long time he can not calm down and relax.

This character is present not only in men, you can often meet women who absolutely do not know how to be airy, flirtatious and easy-going.

In a relationship with them, it is always painful and gloomy. You have to deal with aggression and accusations of loyalty to your partner. Epileptoids are pathologically jealous, and even a minute of being late home can arouse suspicion. In a fit of anger, he can use physical force.

Resources and limitations

This psychotype also includes suicidal tendencies. Not realizing what he is doing, at the peak of his emotions, he often tries to commit suicide. And if no one interferes with him, then, in principle, the attempt risks being successful.

It is also distinguished by an unhealthy passion for easy money, quick enrichment. Accordingly, we are addicted to gambling. There is no need to invest, work hard and think hard.

Thinking is slowed down, that is, it catches the thought, but it needs more time than the rest to process and understand it.

Given the passion for order, such individuals can be entrusted with work that is associated with sorting things, objects. Like no one else, they know how to use the space beautifully and competently, filling it in such a way that each item is sorted and ordered.

A man can be rude and harsh, just like a girl, in principle. But at the same time, they show conformity in relations with others. That is, they agree with other people’s opinions, ignoring their own, just to avoid conflicts and misunderstandings.

But, as you remember, this type is quite quick-tempered, so they endure some of the time, and then, without ceremony, express everything they think about their interlocutor.


Epileptoids are usually massive, they have a fairly strong skeleton and well-developed muscles. Large torso, strong arms and short neck. A woman has a figure similar to a man, she has broad shoulders and chest, as well as a rather narrow pelvis against the general background.

The strong half of humanity has large genitals.

Clothes are always ironed and freshly laundered. You will never see such people with a torn shirt or a button torn off. They wash things even if they don’t need it. This is just to keep calm. Since the mess and untidiness infuriate them.

They love to eat well, so fragility does not threaten them, weight is never reduced. Except for serious illnesses. And so usually over the years they only get fatter and stronger.

Features of the epileptoid type of character accentuation


The nature of epileptoids makes itself felt from a very young age. For example, such a child may burst into tears and not calm down for several hours, despite all the efforts of adults to distract him and cheer him up.

This, of course, exhausts the nervous system of parents who are simply powerless in their attempts to console the child. Which is also distinguished by capriciousness, sometimes anger and frown.

Often cruelty is manifested in relation to weak and defenseless creatures. It is this type that tortures animals, stealthily does dirty tricks and mocks the younger ones, teases them.

He is very passionate about his toys. Although he allows himself to take someone else’s thing without asking, to spoil it.

Already in his school years, his pedantry and explosiveness, that is, a tendency to explosive reactions, is noticeable. Notebooks are very neat, even scrupulous. If he puts at least one spot or makes a mistake, he will simply tear out the sheet and start writing all over again.

In a moment of rage, he does not control what he does. Therefore, it may well afford to hit an elderly person or a very tiny baby, if something does not like it or the mood suddenly deteriorates.

In fights with peers or equals, he tries to hit on weak points in order to win a victory sooner. And he doesn’t care at all that there are unspoken rules at the time of the fight, for example, not to aim at the genitals.

Teenage years

In adolescence, unable to cope with their emotions, they try to drown them out with pain that they intentionally inflict on themselves. That is, they make burns, cuts, injections. By the way, this, in addition to suffering, also brings them pleasure.

Epileptoids are prone to alcoholism. Moreover, they drink until they lose consciousness, this is what attracts them to drinking alcoholic beverages. But with drugs, the situation is different. Despite the manifestations of destructive behavior, they are afraid for their health.

At this age, it is not easy to cope with them, because they strive for complete independence, and when their parents try to remind them that they still have power, they react extremely angry.

Often they even try to avenge disrespect towards them, especially if they have limited freedom, material benefits, and so on.

More contact with those who indulge them. Usually in families this role is performed by grandparents.

Sincere love towards them is not enough, we are talking about benefits. Those who try to please are easily manipulated. Their boundaries are easy to break, push through, which means that it turns out that there are no prohibitions in such a relationship.


And that’s all for today, dear readers! Finally, we want to recommend that you familiarize yourself with each existing type of character accentuation, not only according to Leonhard, but also according to Lichko.

In this case, having the information in full, you will be able to determine exactly which of the indicated species you belong to. Or your family and friends.

In general, you can start with a labile accentuation.

Take care of yourself and be happy!

The material was prepared by a psychologist, Gestalt therapist, Zhuravina Alina

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