Features of the cycloid personality type (character)

Hello, dear readers of the site! Today we will talk about what constitutes a cycloid personality type. We learn its resource sides and weaknesses. Which will help us build relationships with him more effectively, or else adjust our own behavior in order to realize our potential and achieve our goals.

Characteristics of character

The cycloid is characterized by mood swings, and from excessively strong excitement to a feeling of hopelessness and universal sadness, sometimes just a couple of seconds pass.

For example, being in the company of cheerful people, he will rejoice and joke more than others, but as soon as you go out and be next to a person who has had an unpleasant event, he will immediately plunge into despondency with him.

Such depression is not a true personality disorder, but just a way of responding to stimuli. They call this state sub-depression. That is, a person has all the signs of a disease state, but in fact, no disturbances in the psyche, and in the body as a whole, are not observed.

During such a period, efficiency decreases, energy is practically at zero. Accordingly, there is absolutely no desire to get out of bed in the morning and go towards new events.

The cycloid becomes lethargic, weak and without emotion. At the same time, she is unable to sleep at night, lying around until morning, and then falls asleep from fatigue. Or wake up from nightmares. In any case, he does not have time to restore strength, and therefore absent-mindedness is observed during the day.

Any little thing can piss him off, he will either fall into even more despondency, or react aggressively to those who made him angry.

Sometimes outbursts of uncontrollable anger are incomprehensible to him, everything seemed to be fine, and then something happened, and it was as if the ground had left from under his feet.

In case of failures, he blames himself, does not want to communicate with anyone and devotes all the time to thinking about the gloomy present and the same future.

But then the situation begins to gradually change. Excitement is growing, strength is returning, along with the desire to live, be active and reach career heights. Becomes sociable, cheerful and now looks rather optimistically into the future, expecting success and happy events.

It is interesting that when the phases change, not only the type of response to environmental stimuli changes, but also the type of thinking.

At the subdepressive stage, it is slow, mental operations are difficult for the cycloid, it takes a long time to assimilate even light material. But with an increase in excitement, he instantly solves work and life tasks, quickly remembering the necessary information.


In childhood, cycloids do not differ much from their peers and, in general, they are often confused with hyperthymics. This is such an accentuation of character according to Leonhard, which is characterized by excessive activity and optimism.

This is because the subdepressive phase usually makes itself felt during adolescence. It is then that difficulties arise with study due to the lack of desire to do something.

When adults try to force them to start lessons, outbursts of anger may appear. The teenager is rude and does not understand the material that needs to be learned at all. May begin to avoid the companies of noisy and cheerful peers. Despite the fact that before it was not to force him to go home.

Lost appetite, sleepy all the time. Parents usually get scared during such a period and decide to go to the doctor. But already in the process of examination, a phase of excitement may begin, which is why the teenager again becomes active and joyful.

By the way, the duration of the phases manifests itself differently for everyone. Someone in one state spends two or even three weeks, while the other lingers only for a few days.

Psychopathies, neuroses, and other mental disorders are rare among cycloids. Only during the period of despondency and impotence due to unpleasant life circumstances is there a high risk of committing suicide.

Therefore, be careful with your child if he belongs to this character accentuation. After a serious conflict, he may well come to the conclusion that he can no longer live like this, which is why it is time to take extreme measures.

When overworked, they are disgusted with the type of activity from which they are tired. Therefore, you should not force him to study perfectly, loading him with various circles.

Advantages and disadvantages

This accentuation of character is useful in that it increases the ability to adapt to change. A cycloid man is quite flexible, he can be among completely different people, both in terms of temperament, social status, health status, finances, and so on.

He has a fairly developed empathy, that is, the ability to sympathize with those who are in an unpleasant situation and need support.

Features of the cycloid personality type (character)

He appreciates his life, because he lives the whole range of emotions, and he knows how bad it can be. Why, when a “bright streak” comes, he appreciates it, receives satisfaction and saturation, and does not ignore or devalue it, like others.

This ability provides a colossal resource in providing support to others. After all, he can teach you to rejoice simply in the fact that nothing terrible happens in life for some period.

And that any failure is unimportant, as long as, for example, close people are alive. And in general, troubles are an opportunity to overcome your own limitations, to become better and stronger.

But the minus of the cycloid type of character is that it is usually unknown when one stage will replace another, which is why the usual way of life and working capacity suffer.

For example, in the excitement phase, a person made a large number of meetings, outlined the amount of work that he was going to do. But here came despondency and unwillingness to see anyone in such a state.

Therefore, he did not fulfill anything planned, plunging into even greater sadness against the backdrop of disappointment in himself.

Field of activity

Usually cycloids are creative individuals, they need the freedom to manifest their own talents and impulses. Most often, they manage to build a career as a writer, artist, musician, or even a journalist.

Work with rigid frames is categorically not suitable. Indeed, today such a person can be in a great mood and have time to do a large amount of work, and then all week he will force himself to complete at least one small task. And all because an unpleasant event occurred, and the phase of subdepression began.

When choosing a profession, it is recommended to rely on project work. So that, having made a breakthrough, it was possible to spend some piece of time in a pause.

In this case, it will be possible to avoid layoffs and subsequently excessively low self-esteem due to their own inability to provide for a family and build a career.


And that’s all for today, dear readers! We recommend that you familiarize yourself with all types of character accentuations, both according to Leonhard’s classification and according to Lichko. Then you will have a full amount of information, which will help you better understand the people around you, including yourself.

You can start, for example, with sensitive accentuation, the most sensitive and vulnerable among the rest.

Be healthy and happy!

The material was prepared by a psychologist, Gestalt therapist, Zhuravina Alina

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