Features of the apple tree variety Zhigulevskoe with photo and video

It is unlikely that anyone will argue that the harvest of the summer season is the most long-awaited and delicious. But the excitement passes very quickly, and the autumn harvest ripens to replace it. Therefore, autumn varieties of trees are very popular among gardeners, one of which is the Zhigulevskoye apple tree. This variety is able to give fragrant, delicious fruits already towards the end of September. This is the main feature of this tree, for which it is valued in the field of gardening. Therefore, everyone who is going to devote himself to this matter should have an idea about this apple tree, a detailed description of which will be given below.

Variety Features

The Zhigulevskoye apple variety belongs to late autumn, and its “parent” is Sergey Kedrin, who was able to obtain a new unique variety by crossing Wagner and Borovinka, carried out at the Kuibyshev Experimental Station in 1936. After that, this species became widespread throughout Our Country and many regions of other countries.

The description of the “Zhiguli” apples can be given as follows:

  1. Trees are characterized by being fast growing. This is undoubtedly one of the main advantages of the Zhiguli apple tree. Trees begin to bear fruit 5-6 years after planting in open ground.
  2. The crown is not thickened, it is translucent to the center, and during fruiting it shows the characteristics of a highly rounded or wide pyramidal.Features of the apple tree variety Zhigulevskoe with photo and video
  3. Perennial branches are brown.
  4. Shoots – thick, slightly raised, straight, dark brown.
  5. The leaves are characterized by large size and oblong-ovate shape, moreover, they are quite intense green.
  6. The flowers are also very large.
  7. The stalk of the variety has medium, and sometimes even large sizes, it is also quite thick. The funnel is wide and deep, sometimes there may be a slight corking of the skin, which does not go beyond. The calyx can be medium or large, open or semi-open. The saucer is necessarily deep, which can have steep and sometimes ribbed walls. Funnel-shaped is the subcalyx tube. The seed nest is located in the center of the fruit, has a bulbous shape. Speaking of seminal chambers, it should be noted that they are closed.Features of the apple tree variety Zhigulevskoe with photo and video
  8. Fruits are the main attractive feature of the Zhiguli variety. They are all quite one-dimensional and large. So, the average weight of one apple can vary between 120-200 g (limit – 350 g). Their shape is rounded, sometimes it can be flat-rounded, with wide ribs. The surface of the fruit, as a rule, is slightly bumpy, but the skin is always strong, shiny, and oily. As for the color, the main one is yellowish, and the integumentary is intense red, and striped. The color of the fruit is also characterized by an appetizing blush, which often occupies almost the entire apple. The pulp of the Zhiguli apple tree is tender, creamy in color, with a pleasant sweet and sour taste.

Among other features, cultivation and care should also be noted. In order to make a high-quality planting of this apple tree, you need to choose a place where the standing groundwater would be low. As for the soil, it should be characterized by a high level of fertility and permeability to water and air. Also, this place should be well lit.

Features of the apple tree variety Zhigulevskoe with photo and video

Disease resistance in this variety is average. In winter, it is recommended to protect tree trunks, as well as the lowest branches, from “raids” of hares and mice.

Fruit ripening in this variety is simultaneous, occurs, as a rule, in the first decade of September. But in a separate case, if the summer was too dry, the harvest can be expected at the end of August.

Young trees are capable of annual fruiting, and older trees may not produce a crop with one hundred percent frequency.

Advantages and disadvantages

This variety of apple trees can be praised for a very long time, which will not be allowed to lie by the numerous reviews left by experienced gardeners. But, as always, there are two categories of features: advantages and disadvantages. As for the first, these are the points:

Features of the apple tree variety Zhigulevskoe with photo and video

  • scab resistance;
  • fast growing tree
  • precociousness;
  • high level of productivity;
  • high level of marketability of apples;
  • the variety is suitable for growing in intensive gardens;
  • trees tolerate pruning well – both rejuvenating and shaping.

As for the disadvantages of the Zhigulevskoe variety, they look like this:

  1. Possible sunburn.
  2. The winter hardiness of this apple tree is at an average level. Therefore, you need to be prepared for the fact that during a harsh winter, flower buds can freeze slightly.
  3. The variety can be attacked by pests, especially the codling moth.
  4. Short shelf life of fruits.

Features of the apple tree variety Zhigulevskoe with photo and video

During its existence, Zhigulevskoye apple trees have managed to establish themselves as a very high-quality and tasty variety. No wonder it has spread to many countries and their regions. Gardeners, and especially beginners, should understand the uniqueness of this variety and the importance of care, characterized by complexity, conscientiousness and compliance with all necessary rules. And then ruddy apples will always flaunt on the table, and delicious apple jam will be waiting in the refrigerator.

Video “Preparing an apple tree for winter”

The video shows how to prepare a young apple tree for winter; for varieties such as Zhigulevskoe, this stage of care is very important.

Very important! Preparing the garden for the winter.

Author: Svetlana Galitsina


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