Terms of planting
A place for planting has been prepared since the fall, when it is planned to plant onions on the head. The soil is deeply dug up and plentifully fertilized with compost, manure or chicken manure, at the rate of 1,5-2 buckets of organic matter per square meter. Also, 1-25 g of superphosphate and potassium salts are added per 35 square meter. When the time comes to plant and sow in the spring, the fertilizer will be evenly distributed in the moist soil. Good, large heads can be harvested from a site where pumpkin, zucchini, peas, tomatoes or potatoes have grown before. If you plant sevok in the spring on the site after carrots, beetroot, cucumbers or garlic, then the heads will develop very slowly and the yield will decrease.
Planting is carried out as soon as stable, warm weather is established and the soil warms up well. Because if you plant early, in insufficiently warmed soil, below 12-14 ° C, the onion will go to the arrow. As a rule, the time for planting is chosen at the end of April – early May, you need to plant it when the earth warms up enough, otherwise the greenery will grow more than a turnip. The delay in sowing also negatively affects the yield, since due to high temperatures and lack of moisture, the bulbs develop much more slowly. Many summer residents with extensive experience are guided by the planting time in the spring at the beginning of bird cherry blossoms.
Landing technology
Immediately before planting, well-dug beds are watered with a dark pink solution of potassium permanganate to be planted in decontaminated soil. In the future, until the end of the harvest, they no longer apply any fertilizers, but only monitor the cleanliness of the planting, removing all weeds in a timely manner.
Seed preparation
If the onion is grown on a feather, then it is planted with seeds. 25-28 days before their sowing in the beds, a germination test is carried out – stratification. Then they are transferred to gauze and placed in hot water at 45-55 ° C for 12-16 minutes and immediately dipped in cold water for 1,5-2 minutes, carrying out the so-called hardening. After that, the seed is kept for 22-26 hours in a cloth moistened with warm water, preventing it from drying out. Next, the seeds are soaked for 2-3 days, changing the water daily, and placed on the lower tier of the refrigerator, or in another cool place. At the same time, they swell and get rid of substances that inhibit germination. Before planting, they are mixed with sawdust or sand – this makes it easier to sow evenly small onion seeds, growing it for the sake of greenery.
Preparation of seeding
If onion sets are planted on turnips, then the bulbs are sorted and sorted by size. As a rule, large ones are planted first, then medium and small ones. It should be noted that large onions will go into the arrow, while large heads grow from small ones. 3-4 days before planting, the sorted planting material is dried and heated, spreading it in a thin layer near the heat source, not more than 35-42°C. Without warming up and drying, the entire bow will go into arrows. After that, they are soaked for 8-10 hours in a weak solution of complex fertilizers, 15-20 g per 10 liters of water. Then placed in a solution (10-15 g per 10 l) of copper sulfate to prevent fungal diseases. Then washed and planted. To obtain a feather, the top is cut off from the bulbs before planting.
Both seeds and sets are planted in spring in prepared, well-loosened beds. Seeds are planted according to the scheme with a distance between beds of 12-18 cm, between onions 1,5-2 cm, and planted to a depth of 1,8-2 cm, it is not necessary to plant deeper. If the distance between plants is less than 1 cm, you will get a good feather, the greens will grow more than a turnip. After that, the soil is watered and mulched with straw, sawdust, or covered with a dark film to prevent it from drying out. Sevok is planted in beds at a distance of 25-28 cm, between bulbs 10-12 cm. It should not be planted too deep, usually planted to a depth of 4,5-5 cm, so that 2,5-3,5 cm of soil over the shoulders of the bulbs. After that, the beds are watered and mulched.
Care for onions
The lack of moisture in spring is especially noticeable on leek, the feather becomes bluish, white, and the tips dry out and bend. With an excess of moisture or a lack of light, the feather becomes paler and thinner. Therefore, moderate watering is important for a good pen. After planting, in May-June, the beds are watered no more than 1-2 times a week, spending 7-11 liters of water per 1 sq. M. Then watering is reduced to 1 time in 1,5-2,5 weeks, as the head matures. bulbs. However, during severe drought, in order to prevent wilting, the amount of watering is increased, while reducing water consumption. In order for the greens to develop well and the turnip to grow, the bed should always be moderately moist. Regular loosening of the beds, at least once every 2-2,5 weeks, will not only keep the planting clean, but also improve the air-humidity regime, preventing the soil from overcompacting. With the active growth of greenery, arrows may form – they must be removed immediately.
If there is little greenery, the growth of feathers is slow, additional feeding is added to stimulate growth, 250-280 g of bird droppings or mullein per bucket of water, 15-20 g of urea. This solution is consumed at the rate of 3-3,5 liters per square meter. After 12-16 days, feeding is repeated. When the onion feather reaches 12-16 cm, preventive treatment is carried out against fungal diseases, for which the beds are sprayed with a solution of copper sulfate and liquid soap, 5-8 g per 10 liters of water.
Onions are harvested from the second or third week of August until September, when the greens wither – the feather died and the formation of new feathers stopped, and the heads acquired a characteristic color and formed. If you delay harvesting, the head will resume growth again and the onion will become unsuitable for storage.
Video “Preparing onion sets for planting”
In the video, a brief overview of some varieties of onions. The process of preparing onion sets for planting is shown – the selection of bulbs, processing, disinfection.