Features of growing tomato black moor

Now beginner gardeners are very often lost when choosing a suitable variety. For example, there are more than a hundred different types of tomatoes, and how can you choose the most suitable one? Most turn to friends for help and follow their advice. In recent years, more complete information (and much faster) can be obtained from various sites. It is to such people that we are ready to help by providing a description of the characteristics of vegetable crops. The purpose of this article is to introduce you to the wonderful Black Moor tomato variety. This culture belongs to the carpal tomato varieties (they have become more and more popular lately, because it is very convenient to collect tomatoes not one at a time, but the whole brush at once), so it would not be out of place to learn more about the features of their cultivation.


Tomato Black Moor belongs to semi-determinant varieties (probably no need to explain that it is something in between indeterminate and determinant) of medium ripening (fruiting begins 115-125 days after the first shoots). A tomato plant is usually about a meter in height, taller bushes grow in greenhouses – up to one and a half meters, sometimes higher. The first brush is laid approximately at the level of 8-9 leaves, each subsequent one – after two or three. Due to the fact that the tomatoes are small (each no more than 50 g), up to 20 pieces can form on one brush; the total yield of this tomato variety is at the level of 5 kg / m².

Features of growing tomato black moor

The fruits have a characteristic plum-like shape, dense, with thickened walls, there is a green spot near the stalk. In immature form, tomatoes have a rich green color, when ripe they become dark brown, almost black. The taste of the fruits of the Black Moor is sweetish, to the liking of many salad lovers. The use of these tomatoes is universal (used in different types of culinary products).


There are mostly positive reviews on various forums on the Internet, and this is not strange, because the Black Moor is really a good variety with a number of advantages. One of the main advantages is its taste, thanks to which it can be used in different ways. Of course, it is often consumed fresh, added to various salads and snacks. The quality of taste is not very lost when pickling Black Moor tomatoes, and the small size of the tomato is just right for putting them in jars. The thick walls of the fruits become a guarantee that the tomatoes will not wrinkle during transportation, and besides, they have excellent keeping quality, which allows you to enjoy the taste of fresh tomatoes for some time after harvest (like some other varieties, they can be picked unripe and in a warm place they reach optimum condition).

Features of growing tomato black moor

Plants of the Black Moor more or less tolerate drought and lower temperatures, as for diseases, it is not immune to all types of bacteria and fungi, but with proper care it is unlikely that anything threatens. The advantages of this tomato more than compensate for these small disadvantages.

What is care

Now let’s move on to the description of the actions when growing the Black Moor. Like all tomatoes, it can easily be grown both in greenhouses and in the open field, but first you need to take care of the seedlings. First of all, prepare the seeds: harden them (so that they feel comfortable in the open field), treat them with drugs for fungal diseases (you can use a solution of potassium permanganate from improvised means), check the seed for germination. Seeds are buried 2 cm into the soil, containers with seedlings should be kept in a warm room with a temperature of 22-25 degrees and low humidity. After the appearance of 2 leaves, the plants can dive; they are transplanted into open ground after a period of 45-50 days, when the earth warms up and the danger of late frosts completely disappears.

Features of growing tomato black moor

Due to the relatively high growth of the culture and the abundant number of tomatoes on the racemes, tomato plants require a garter. As the plant grows, it is formed: extra stepchildren are removed, flowering brushes vibrate in a timely manner (this technique helps to increase the yield); in greenhouses, they are usually formed into 2 stems. For the entire time of care, periodic watering is required (Black Moor seedlings are watered with exceptionally warm water) and top dressing with a full range of fertilizers (even if you planted plants in fertile soil, applying a small amount of organic matter and mineral fertilizers will not be superfluous). Also, do not forget to loosen the soil and do weeding.

Tomato Black Moor is well suited for beginner gardeners, because it is not difficult to grow, and its amazing fruits are well suited to brag to relatives and close friends.

Video “The best varieties of tomatoes 2022“

The video lists some varieties of tomatoes and gives general tips for growing.

Tomatoes: the best varieties of 2015!

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