Hollywood stars are people too and also get sick, have bad habits and phobias. But if the fears of an ordinary person are associated with the loss of a job or family, then the phobias of celebrities are sometimes quite unexpected.
Jessica Alba admitted that she was terrified of…. birds! In everyday life, she tries to avoid meeting with birds, but ironically, it was she who got the chance to act in the film “Good luck, Chuck!”, Where the girl got the role of an ornithologist. During filming, Jessica interacted with the penguins at the zoo every day. And she seems to have learned to cope with her emotions.
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Johnny Depp, after filming in mystical thrillers, became afraid of ghosts.
Orlando Bloom hates pigs, but loves dogs.
Handsome Johnny Depp, as it turned out, is also not a daredevil. The actor is afraid of ghosts. True, this phobia can rather be attributed to the costs of the profession. Depp became afraid of the appearance of supernatural beings after filming in the mystical thrillers Sleepy Hollow and The Ninth Gate.
Another Hollywood star, actor Orlando Bloom, revealed that he is afraid of pigs. But during the filming of the film “Kingdom of Heaven” in Morocco, he saved and took a dog Sidi (a cross between a mongrel and a breed – Saluki, black with a white spot on his chest).
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Recognized style icon Sarah Jessica Parker often freaks out.
The famous footballer David Beckham also does not know how to cope with the excitement.
Style icon, sophisticated and beautiful Sarah Jessica Parker is often worried about trifles. To hide his excitement, he bites the inside of his cheek. The actress admitted that she could not get rid of this bad habit even in spite of the discomfort from the wounded skin.
From the habit of biting their nails, mothers try to wean their children as early as childhood. But, alas, this is not always possible. For example, the favorite of women, David Beckham, cannot control himself. For example, during a soccer game, if David is on the bench watching the game, he gets so nervous that he starts biting his nails. The footballer cannot calm down in any way. These are all the result of distress.
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Even the neighbors complain about the smoker Scarlett Johansson.
Demi Moore prefers to smoke Cuban cigars.
Britney Spears thinks little, but smokes a lot. Even during pregnancy.
Smoking and drinking are still the most common unhealthy addictions in Hollywood. Johnny Depp, Scarlett Johansson and Britney Spears smoke. There are also celebrities who smoke cigars. These are Brooke Shields, Demi Moore, John Travolta and Clint Eastwood.
Robert Downey Jr. went through all the circles of hell and still managed to return to life.
His namesake Robert Pattison also risks going down the slope.
Colin Farrell knows how to drink and smoke, but lately he thinks about health more often.
Robert Downey Jr., due to his addiction to alcohol, practically put an end to his career. What a miracle he managed to return to normal life, only God knows. He was treated for alcohol and drug addiction, even Jean-Claude Van Damme. But Robert Pattison, Colin Farrell and, alas, Misha Barton, prefer to combine alcohol and cigarettes. The well-known lover of stronger drinks Lindsay Lohan, being drunk, has already done so many things that she has been summoned to court more than once, and is now sent for compulsory treatment.
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Hairstyles: how the stars change their style. Photo If you want to change something in life, the easiest way is to change your hair color or hairstyle. Many celebrities do just that. WDay.ru has selected eight most distinguished stars.