Very often approaching menopause causes depression. Women think: “I’m old, life is over.” What scares us about menopause, how do we associate it with old age, and why are we afraid of maturity?
Women on the verge of menopause are afraid of coming changes. They are associated with the termination of intimate relationships and the loss of attractiveness. From somewhere in the distant past comes the idea that intimacy is needed only for the birth of children, which means that it is possible only at childbearing age, and that only youth can be beautiful. And maturity is the second grade. But is it?
Intimacy after menopause
Are we losing the ability to enjoy physical love? At the biological level, the body stops producing enough lubricant. That’s where the horror ends. Fortunately, pharmacies sell products that will help replace it.
Now let’s talk about the pros. And they are significant.
The sensitivity increases. We become more receptive not only to touches, but also to their quality, we begin to distinguish halftones and shades. The palette of sensations is expanding. In sex it gives absolutely new impressions and opportunities.
Experience appears. If in youth we had to rely on a partner in many respects, now we know what and how we want or do not want. We control not only our orgasm, but also the pleasure of a man. We become almost omnipotent in sex, if we ourselves want it. Our sexuality is only increasing, and in this regard, menopause should not be feared.
I’m unattractive!
This period is associated with a lack of female hormones, which means aging of tissues and loss of beauty. How justified is this? Yes, less estrogen is produced. But it is replaced by testosterone, a conditionally “male” hormone that promotes muscle mass gain, and also provides drive and libido. Women who regularly exercise or start exercising during menopause and post-menopause literally flourish.
What load are we allowed?
- Relaxing practices. The production of testosterone depends on the freedom of movement and mobility of the body, so qigong practices for the spine, for example, Sing Shen Juang, will be very relevant.
- Strength exercises. Moderate and healthy strength exercises will help increase muscle mass and strengthen bones.
What are the benefits of hormonal changes?
- Calm and clarity — and no monthly emotional storms.
- A new sense of beauty – when you glow despite wrinkles.
How to learn to feel and translate outward deep, true attraction? There are several exercises, and the simplest of them is with the signal that you set on the phone.
Set an alarm on your phone that every hour (except for sleep time) will remind you to ask yourself: how attractive do I feel right now? Rate your condition on a scale from 1 to 10. Please note: the scale does not start from zero, such a sense of self simply does not exist. Repeat this exercise every day for at least a week, and you will be surprised how much your attitude towards the body and the feeling of your own attractiveness will change.
And for the money?
Another way to wean your brain from scolding the body and finally accept the indisputability of beauty is fines.
Agree with a friend that for each devaluing remark about your own appearance, you pay a small fine. For example, 100, 500 or 1000 rubles – who can afford how much.
It’s just a game you’re starting for your own good, so be honest with the like-minded people you team up with about your misses. Did you call yourself fat today? Looked in the mirror and thought you were old? Transfer money to a shared account.
What will you get as a result:
- You will begin to look at yourself from a different angle – instead of looking for flaws, the brain will begin to discover virtues, emphasize them and focus on them.
- Collect some “penalty” amount that you can, for example, give to charity.
Try it! Games have the power to change the way we interact with the world and with ourselves.