“Fear has big eyes. Be health in the women’s interest! “

Under this slogan, the third edition of the social campaign “In the Women’s Interest” was launched, the aim of which is to encourage women to visit a gynecologist regularly and to support them in the fight against fear.

Currently, less than half of Polish women declare that they carry out regular preventive examinations in the field of gynecology. Compared to last year, there was a decrease by 26%. ! Reason? Fear of coronavirus infection, but also fear of the diagnosis result, as most Polish women have not had any gynecological examinations since January 2020. The ambassador of this year’s edition of the campaign is Krzysztof Hołowczyc – husband, dad of three daughters, grandfather of a granddaughter.

Only 45 percent. Polish women carry out regular preventive examinations in the field of gynecology, which is a decrease of 26%. compared to last year. More than half of Polish women (53%) have not performed any gynecological examinations (gynecological ultrasound, cytology, HPV test) since January 2020, and 54% Polish women admit that she visited the pandemic less frequently or not at all. Respondents indicated that the main reasons for resignation from visits were: lack of symptoms and the need for preventive examinations – 37%, limited access to visits and closing offices – 35%, but also fear of coronavirus infection – 30%.

– Unfortunately, we note more and more situations when women, as a result of postponing or canceling gynecological visits or examinations ordered before the pandemic, come to us with a very advanced stage of diseases. A pandemic cannot be an excuse for not doing tests, because only regular prophylaxis can provide us with mental and physical comfort – says Dr. Joanna Bonarek-Sztaba, a gynecologist specializing in gynecological surgery.

Fear demotivates the study

Due to the gynecological tests performed, the fear of diagnosing the disease is felt by 51% of people. Polish women who do research. Almost the same fear is felt by relatives of women (49%) when they do and receive test results. Unfortunately, Polish women also admit that fear causes them to lower their mood (69%), but also paralyzes them – it demotivates them to action (27%).

What kind of support do women expect?

71 percent Polish women admit that the support of loved ones would help overcome the fear of undergoing tests. The barrier of fear is primarily helped by a husband / partner – this is what 41 percent think. female respondents, but unfortunately as much as 32 percent. Polish women fight alone with fear for research results.

– Fear most often leads to flight – this is how we have been programmed by evolution. Therefore, support for a wife or partner in breaking the barrier of fear and taking care of her health is the greatest expression of concern that can be shown to her. Especially that Polish women admit in the research that it is enough if a close person shows interest in them, asks how they feel, accompanies them during the examination, or just gives them a ride. Then it will be easier for them to decide to undergo the tests – says Dr. Krystyna Teresa Panas, President of the Polish Psychological Association.

– Many times in my life as a husband, father of three daughters and grandfather of a granddaughter, I observed my girls’ fear of tests or their results. So far, the anxiety about their health has spread to me as well. Every time I was worried I said to myself: Be faster! Win with her fear. I tried to be supportive. Gentlemen, women have more on their heads than we do and they never think about themselves first, so we have to help them. And this help is primarily organizing space in their lives so that they can regularly check themselves and take care of themselves – says Krzysztof Hołowczyc, rally driver and campaign ambassador.

The mission of Gedeon Richter is “caring for women’s health”, which the company has been consistently implementing for 120 years and that is why it tries to convince women that taking care of their own health and the health of women in our immediate environment should be one of the key priorities of Polish women and Poles. Unfortunately, women do not perform preventive examinations for various reasons: lack of access to gynecological clinics and offices in smaller towns and villages, shame about undressing in the office, and possible repercussions related to unfavorable results.

– The “In Women’s Interest” campaign is being carried out by Gedeon Richter Polska for the third time. We are continuing our activities as the statistics we receive clearly show the disturbing trends. First of all, the number of Polish women who do not undergo regular examinations is growing – since last year we have seen a drop in regular gynecological examinations by as much as 26%. Secondly, every year the number of women who are referred for urgent gynecological treatment during the campaign of free checkups carried out in selected regions of Poland is growing – in 2020 as many as 48 Polish women required urgent referral for treatment. Therefore, this year, we must again take care of the gynecological prophylaxis of Polish women. After all, the fear of COVID-19 must not deprive women of their common sense and cause them to resign from regular visits to the gynecologist! A pandemic cannot become another “excuse”, allowing to postpone the performance of checkups such as ultrasound or cytology, which can save their health and life, argues Aneta Grzegorzewska, director of the Corporate and External Relations Division at Gedeon Richter Polska. Moreover, she emphasizes that Gedeon Richter has been caring for women for 120 years and is their partner at every stage of life. It supports and educates them. That is why, as part of this year’s edition of the campaign, we offer women support in overcoming the barrier of fear of a gynecological visit, but also the opportunity to actually take advantage of the free gynecological test package in as many as 4 provinces.

(z) Research yourself in the female interest – a campaign of free gynecological examinations

As part of the campaign, as every year, a consultation campaign will be carried out with a wide free package of gynecological examinations (breast examination, gynecological ultrasound, cytology and HPV test).

– This year, we want to continue relieving medical institutions in the implementation of preventive gynecological examinations, access to which is difficult due to the COVID-19 pandemic. That is why Gedeon Richter will fund a free research campaign in four regions this year. Consultations and research will be carried out on June and July weekends in the following voivodeships: Warmińsko-Mazurskie, Podlaskie, Lubelskie and Podkarpackie – adds Grzegorzewska.

  1. Warmian-Masurian Voivodeship – Olsztynek (26/06), Iława (27/06), Ostróda (03/07)
  2. Podlaskie Voivodeship – Łomża (04/07), Zambrów (10/07), Bielsk Podlaski (11/07)
  3. Lublin Province – Kraśnik (17/07), Świdnik (18/07)
  4. Podkarpackie Voivodeship – Tarnobrzeg (24/07), Mielec (25/07)

Information on how to sign up for the examination is available at www.wkobiecymotykie.pl, which also includes educational materials with advice for women on topics related to gynecological prophylaxis.

The patronage over this year’s campaign was taken by:

  1. Polish Psychological Society,
  2. Supreme Medical Chamber,
  3. Polish Society of Oncological Gynecology,
  4. Polish Society of Gynecologists and Obstetricians, 
  5. National Organization “Flower of Femininity”,
  6. Association of Women with Oncological and Gynecological Problems “Magnolia”,
  7. Marshals of the Warmian-Masurian and Subcarpathian Voivodeships,
  8. Mayors of the cities: Łomża, Tarnobrzeg, Mielec,
  9. Mayors of the cities: Olsztynek, Iława, Ostróda, Bielsk Podlaski, Zambrów, Kraśnik, Świdnik. 

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