
Judging by the reviews, many beer lovers have become its adherents after they tried Faxe beer. This drink is the pearl of the assortment of the Danish company Royal Unibrew, known for more than a century of brewing traditions. In the Baltic States, Faxe beer is extremely popular; in terms of sales, Royal Unibrew is second only to the Tuborg concern.

Historical reference. In 1901, Conrad and Nikolin Nielsen built a brewery in the small town of Fax, located on the island of Zeeland. Things were going well, but in 1914 Konrad Nielsen died, and the company had to be headed by Fru Nikolin.

Faxe Bryggeri continued to expand under her leadership. By the end of the 20s, ales and soft drinks were being sold all over Zealand, on nearby large islands, and even in Copenhagen.


Demand for Faxe Bryggeri products increased even more when water from an 80 m deep artesian well was used in the production. Due to the fact that the water is naturally filtered through limestone rocks, the taste of Faxe beer is unusually mild.

After the Second World War, Mrs. Nikolin retired, handing over the management of Faxe Bryggeri to her three sons, and since 1960, the grandson of its founders, Bent Bryde-Nielsen, became the head of the company. He transformed the company into a public company, significantly modernized production. Fax beer began to be exported to Sweden and Germany. The advertising campaign for the drink was carried out under the motto “Big Dane”, and this is how Faxe beer is still called in German and Scandinavian bars.

In order to compete with Tuborg, in 1989 Faxe Bryggeri merged capital with another Danish company, Jyske Bryggerier, founded in the middle of the XNUMXth century. The new company was named Royal Unibrew.

Prior to the merger, Faxe Bryggeri products were popular in northern Europe. Jyske Bryggerier exported beer to Italy, Latin American countries. After the creation of Royal Unibrew, the export area has increased several times, and now Faxe beer can be found even in Kenya.

Today, the drink is made not only in Denmark, but also in Poland and Russia, at the production facilities of CJSC Moscow Brewing Company. True, beer brewed in Denmark is softer than its analogues brewed under license, and the bitterness in it is more delicate than, for example, in Moscow.


Royal Unibrew exploits a trendy viking theme. A stern warrior wearing a horned helmet is depicted on a can of Faxe beer. The advertising campaign is held under the motto: “Faxe – beer for modern Vikings.” Royal Unibrew even became one of the sponsors of the Russian film Viking.

Types of beer “Faxe”

Faxe Premium is a light amber European lager with a 5% abv and 11% gravity head that is persistent. The drink is fragrant with malt and hops, hop bitterness in taste harmonizes with herbal notes, the aftertaste is soft, with a slight sweetness of fresh bread.


Faxe Premium, The Saga of Ragnar Lodbrok is a golden European lager with 5% abv. It tastes and smells like the usual Premium, but with more pronounced floral and herbal tones.

Faxe Extra Strong 10% – European lager of golden-straw color, ABV – 10%. The smell is bread and hop, malt, corn, grape shades are felt in the taste.

Faxe Black is a schwarzbier (dark German lager) that is almost black in color. Chocolate and caramel notes in the aroma of the drink effectively emphasize the spicy taste with undertones of milk chocolate and cola, ending with a dry aftertaste with hop bitterness.


Faxe Royal Export is a light golden European lager with 5,6% abv. Herbal notes are woven into the malty aroma of beer. The sweetness of the malt on the palate is balanced by hop bitterness, turning into a dry aftertaste.

Faxe Royal Strong is a light golden European lager with 8% ABV and low head. Rich malty aroma enriched with apple-honey tones. The taste is rich, malty-hop, with yeast tones.

Faxe Red – amber (red) lager with a strength of 5%. The foam is high but loose. The beer has a malt-cherry smell, a sweet taste with a fruity-floral tinge, ending in a spicy aftertaste.

Faxe Amber is a European dark lager (rich amber color) with a strength of 5%. The aroma of corn tortilla is ennobled by apple-caramel notes. Soft floral-malty taste is in harmony with hop bitterness.

Faxe Free – non-alcoholic beer with a strength of 0,05%. The aroma is lemon-hoppy, on the palate a slight sourness complements the malt sweetness.


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