Favorite lamp of red

Alcohol is a demanding and unpredictable partner. He gives joy and relaxes, but a date with him often ends with a hangover – also a moral one. Therefore, this relationship must be approached with distance and caution.

  1. Alcohol has a relaxing effect and reduces stress levels. Experts emphasize that there is nothing wrong with a glass of wine or a drink after a hard day, but it is important to exercise moderation
  2. A study by specialists from the University of Bristol proves that we really get beautiful after having a drink. Unfortunately, the effect disappears after a higher dose of alcohol
  3. It’s easy to miss the moment when recreational drinking turns into an addiction
  4. Unfortunately, little is known about how we fall into alcoholism. It is also difficult to determine which person is predisposed to become addicted to alcohol
  5. You can find more such stories on the Onet homepage.

Wygodna kanapa, relaksująca muzyka, kieliszek wina albo i dwa. Byle do wieczora! Ile razy taka myśl trzymała nas przy życiu w ciężkie dni w pracy? Nic dziwnego, bo alkohol potrafi zrobić z naszym mózgiem i emocjami wspaniałe rzeczy, z nim pogodniej spoglądamy na świat. – Działa rozluźniająco. Nie tylko obniża poziom stresu, ale też sprawia, że odpuszczamy kontrolę. Po alkoholu nikną te wszystkie mechanizmy, które na co dzień podpowiadają nam, że tego czy tamtego nie wolno – tłumaczy Joanna Wawerska-Kus, psychoterapeutka, superwizor psychoterapii uzależnień.


We are more willing to laugh, hug, dance, succumb to the need to cry. – There is nothing wrong with the fact that sometimes, when we feel particularly tense, we reach for a glass of wine, a beer or a drink. But the condition is a small dose and a conscious choice, not compulsion and the lack of other ways to relax – emphasizes the expert.

So how do we keep alcohol control in our hands? You need to get to know him well, know what he likes and what he doesn’t, and react in time when he tries to handcuff our hands with addiction.

  1. Therapist: Addiction treatment centers are bursting at the seams. People want to save themselves

One glass too far

It is no coincidence that we associate a good date with a glass of wine. We drink them to gain courage and feel more attractive. And it works! A study by scientists from the University of Bristol proved that having one drink makes us really beautiful. How? Well, 40 female and male students agreed to get a little drunk for the purposes of studying. During the study, these people had two drinks, and the researchers took three photos of them – sober, one drink, and two. They showed the photos to another group of people and asked to indicate which person looks best. It turned out that almost everyone liked one glass the most. Why? Professor Marcus Munafo, the head of the study, explained that after a small amount of alcohol our complexion becomes pinker, facial features become softer, we look relaxed. Unfortunately, the beauty effect disappears completely after the second drink.

After a few drinks, the euphoric effects of alcohol also disappear, especially when we drink it frequently. Because alcohol promises a lot, but it can trick us perfidiously. – Although it improves the mood in the short term, it is worth knowing that by psychiatrists and neurobiologists it is classified as a depressant, i.e. a substance that permanently depresses the mood, similar to marijuana – says Joanna Wawerska-Kus.

Alcohol does not like when we are under great mental stress. Its effect may then be opposite to what we expect and instead of calming us down, it will increase stress and anxiety. High levels of stress, in turn, will reduce the effect of endorphins, the secretion of which is stimulated by high-percentage drinks, so to feel an improvement in mood, we will have to drink much more than usual. Vicious circle.

Pole minowe

And here comes the real threat. It’s easy to miss the moment when recreational drinking turns into an addiction. – In fact, it is still unknown exactly how alcohol makes us addicted. We only know that about 3 percent of all people who drink it are addicted. It’s not much, but it’s not good to be in this group – says Wawerska-Kus.

The problem for addiction therapy specialists is that it is impossible to determine in advance which person is predisposed to addiction and which is more resistant to it. The research did not show unequivocally neither the type of personality with such inclinations nor the life situations that push us into the embrace of Bacchus. Even our genes don’t always determine us. – Children growing up in an alcoholic home do not have to become adult addicts, although it happens to at least half of them – explains the psychotherapist.

Her experience shows that addiction is more often caused by the so-called strong head, i.e. high alcohol tolerance. – But that doesn’t mean that someone with a weak head won’t get addicted. There is even no safe age, after which we are certainly safe, concludes Wawerska-Kus.

Not all people are affected by alcohol in the same way – it depends on age, weight, hormonal balance, and even the day of the menstrual cycle (some women are more susceptible to alcohol during menstruation, and others during ovulation). In general, the female body is more susceptible to alcohol poisoning than the male body. The team of Dr. Maria Frezza from the University of Trieste found that this is not only because of the difference in body weight. A woman’s body produces a smaller amount of the enzyme that breaks down alcohol, so it stays in her blood longer and in higher concentrations than in a man after drinking the same amount of wine or vodka (proportional to body weight).

The thin red line

So how much can we drink so that alcohol does not deprive us of control over our own lives? When looking for an answer to this question, you can follow the guidelines of the World Health Organization (WHO), which precisely defines the so-called safe dose. – It’s not that small at all. A single safe dose is 40 grams of 100 percent alcohol. These are two glasses of wine, 200 grams each, or two half-liter bottles of beer. WHO also provides a weekly safe dose – seven beers or two bottles of wine or 450 grams of vodka – lists Joanna Wawerska-Kus.

If we drink frequently, we should remember to take a break of at least two days a week. Preferably one after the other, as this will give the body a chance to regenerate more effectively.

  1. Do you like a drink? You don’t even know what the consequences might be

CAGE, or time for divorce

Of course, the guidelines of the World Health Organization are important, but you also need to watch your reactions carefully. To check if our relationship with alcohol is healthy, it is worth using a method called CAGE. – These letters hide four important tips – says Joanna Wawerska-Kus.

He explains that the letter C is short for the English word «Cut», that is, to cut it off. – Let’s ask ourselves if we ever felt that we wanted to cut our drinking, limit it. If so, it is already a warning signal – explains the psychotherapist.

The next letter – A means «Angry» means angry. Have we ever been angry with each other for drinking too much, for drinking out of control?

There is a word under G «guilty», czyli winny. – The feeling of guilt often accompanies the loss of control when we do something stupid or harm someone under the influence of alcohol – explains the expert.

The last letter is E – «Empty» means empty. The question is whether we ever drank on an empty stomach in the morning. Did we start the day with alcohol, otherwise we couldn’t? – If we answered yes, it is a really disturbing symptom – warns Joanna Wawerska-Kus. This means that our enjoyable relationship is starting to go the wrong way. Time for a separation or at least mediation with the therapist. After that, only a painful and unpleasant divorce can remain.

Watch out for medications

We must be particularly careful when drinking, not only when we take antibiotics or anticoagulants, but also when we have swallowed acetaminophen advertised as very safe. Unfortunately, similarly to alcohol, it is a heavy burden on the liver, so such a combination may end up seriously damaging this organ. Also, you cannot combine alcoholic drinks with opiate derivatives – not only the potent prescription ones, but also codeine, which is a popular ingredient in antitussive drugs. This can cause serious respiratory problems. If we don’t want a giant hangover the next day, we’d better not introduce our drinks to furagin. This drug blocks the production of an enzyme in the liver that breaks down the alcohol-derived acetaldehyde into less harmful compounds. Increased dizziness and nausea may appear when combining the percentages with antiallergic drugs.

Read also:

  1. Scientists have figured out why we get drunk
  2. It started with innocent drinks. Later, he even drank alcohol from the surgical threads
  3. How much alcohol is it safe to drink in a week? WHO guidelines

Text: Grażyna Zenowicz

Consultation: Joanna Wawerska-Kus, educator, psychotherapist, supervisor of addiction psychotherapy, member of the Polish Society for Addiction Psychotherapy and the Polish Society for Integrative Experiential Psychotherapy and Social Education Intra Association

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