Fatty foods you must eat in winter
It is believed that in the cold, food should be more high-calorie. But is it?
In winter, we usually start to eat more – simply because we walk less. Yes, and I also want something high-calorie to keep warm, as if the body itself requires more borscht, dumplings and a piece of bacon. On the one hand, the excess on the sides is easy to hide under a bulky sweater. On the other hand, they will have to be driven away before the onset of heat. And where can you find the middle ground?
Executive Director of ANO “National Research Center” Healthy Nutrition “
“Doctors have long struggled with fat-containing foods. Diet yoghurts and desserts began to appear in stores. Since they were inferior to their traditional counterparts in terms of taste, more sugar was added to their composition. And, as you know, it should be consumed in moderation. In addition, calcium from low-fat foods is practically not absorbed by the body. Therefore, you should not strictly limit yourself in fats. According to the recommendations of the WHO (World Health Organization), they should make up 30 percent of the diet. Their deficiency leads to a deterioration in the condition of the skin, hair, nails. There may be problems in the work of the brain, as it is 80 percent fat. ”
A big difference
Fats are divided into saturated and polyunsaturated. The former contain food of animal origin, the latter are rich in plant products. The diet should be about 10 percent saturated fat and 20 percent polyunsaturated. Unfortunately, everything turns out the other way around. We eat lard more often than avocado. Although lard is useful, but only in small quantities. This product contains arachidonic acid: it is responsible for the production of other nutrients that are formed directly in the body. However, its calorie content is high.
Grocery set
Saturated fat is found in meat – beef, pork, as well as in bird, fish… They are also found in dairy products.
Sources of polyunsaturated fats – olive и rapeseed oil. By the way, they are similar in composition, but the second is noticeably inferior to the first in price. Lots of polyunsaturated fats in nuts (almond, walnut, macadamia), avocado.
Cooking rules
It is important to remember that nuts are healthy only if they are unsalted and unroasted. It is not worth eating them in handfuls due to the high calorie content. 11 nuts a day is the norm for a healthy person who does not suffer from allergies.
By the way, keep in mind that peanuts are not nuts, they are legumes.
When consuming vegetable oil, remember that refined oil is used in heat treatment, and unrefined oil is added to salads.
When choosing fish, give preference to the one that lived in the northern seas. It contains more omega-3 fatty acids. Frying seafood is not worth it, it is better to bake it in the oven.
How much to hang in grams
Every spring is a time of diets, the reason is winter overeating. It seems that the thick, rich soup will protect you from frost. This is actually a myth. If we really spent a long time on the street, took long walks, actively engaged in winter sports, then the diet would really need to be increased. But who of us walks for hours when it’s cold and dark outside?
The rule to follow in order not to gain weight is the habit of striking a balance between energy expenditure and food intake. If you do not exercise, exercise a little, then to keep fit you will have to either starve or follow a strict diet, such as a keto diet (protein diet). It is dangerous due to the lack of carbohydrates, and without them fat cannot be absorbed. Therefore, a person is rapidly losing weight, but at the same time harms the body. You can follow such a diet for no more than 2 weeks and solely for medical reasons.
Make sure the menu is varied. It has been proven that the more foods you include in your weekly diet, the better.
What else is advised to eat in winter
Oatmeal: it contains a lot of zinc, which is very important for maintaining immune function. And fiber, which ensures normal digestion and improves intestinal health, is also important for immunity.
Seasonal vegetables: they have more vitamins than overseas apples. Beets, carrots, sauerkraut, frozen vegetables and berries are where you should first look for vitamins.
Dates: a couple of pieces a day will reduce cravings for sweets, energize. In addition, dates warm, in the current frosts this is especially important.
Fish and seafood: they contain a lot of zinc and vitamin D, without which strong immunity cannot be seen. In addition, fish is a supplier of valuable omega-3 fatty acids.
Lean meat: poultry, for example, contains the same zinc. In general, any meat contains valuable protein, which is needed to keep the body in good shape. Only fatty meats have no place here: these are extra pounds and problems with the intestines.
Irina Lomanova, Olga Nesmelova