Fatty acids – use, biological functions, division of fatty acids

Fatty acids occur naturally as fat constituents or in so-called “free” form, as free fatty acids. The combination of three fatty acid molecules with glycerol forms triglycerides, which are organic compounds from the lipid group.

Natural hydrocarbon chains fatty acids they are often straight, that is, unbranched, and may contain double bonds. For acids with ten or more carbon atoms the name is used higher fatty acids. Natural fatty acids they are made of an even number of carbon atoms, usually in pairs of 12–20. In nature, they occur in the form of esters with glycerin, i.e. fatsfrom which they are formed by hydrolysis, i.e. a metabolic reaction (often reversible) that takes place between water and the substance dissolved in it. Saturated acids fatty can be obtained by a reduction reaction involving the attachment of hydrogen to a given chemical compound, i.e. catalytic hydrogenation of appropriate unsaturated acids.

Fatty acids – use

Fatty acids they are used in the production of products such as soaps, oil paints, medicines and cosmetics. In the food industry, we obtain butter, oils, lard, margarine. We also get stearin as fuel product in candle.

Fatty acids – biological functions

Fatty acids they are important biological role as the main material providing energy and accumulating it. Fatty acids they are an energy material, stored in the form of triglycerides in adipose tissue. In the process of oxidation fatty acids you get the energy needed for life processes. Depending on the presence and number of unsaturated bonds fatty acids, we divide them into saturated and unsaturated.

Saturated fatty acids

Saturated acids are fatty acids not containing double bonds between the carbon atoms in the molecule. They are normally white in the form of solids. Their chains contain more than ten carbon atoms and are insoluble in water. To group saturated fatty acids include: butyric acid, valeric acid, caproic acid, enantic acid, caprylic acid, pelargonic acid, capric acid, lauric acid, myristic acid, palmitic acid, margaric acid, stearic acid, arachidic acid, begenoic acid, lignoceric acid.

Unsaturated fatty acids

Unsaturated acids to fatty acids containing double bonds between the carbon atoms in the molecule. They usually appear as colorless liquids. In most cases, all double bonds are in the cis position. Among the insatiable fatty acids there is a group of polyunsaturated fatty acidswhich contain more than one double bond and are essential elements in the human diet. These are the so-called F vitamins, needed for the formation of important compounds, i.e. hormones regulating physiological processes with a very high biological activity. The cis isomers occur in fatty acids in nature, trans isomers are produced by the processing of fats in industrial technology and are harmful to health, leading to serious diseases, including atherosclerosis, therefore their consumption should be very limited.

To supply your body with valuable unsaturated acids, reach for Bioherba Linseed Oil, which you can buy at an attractive price on the Medonet Market.

Do unsaturated fatty acids we can include:

  1. monounsaturated acids contain one double bond, which include, among others:
  2. palmitoleic acid, oleic acid, erucic acid, neural acid,
  3. Diunsaturated acids contain two double bonds, which include, among others:
  4. linoleic acid,
  5. trisaturated acids contain three double bonds and the most famous in this group are alpha linolenic (omega – 3), gamma linolenic acids,
  6. Tetraunsaturated acids contain four double bonds, including arachidonic acid (omega-6).

To the most popular unsaturated fatty acids we include:

undecylenic acid, palmitoleic acid (marine animals, reptiles and birds), oleic acid (olive oil, fish oil), elaidic acid, petroselic acid (celery seeds and some ivy), vaccenic acid, citronellic acid, hydrocarpic acid, chaulmugic acid, acid erucic acid (rapeseed oil, nasturtium oil), neural acid (together with erucic acid), linoleic acid, alpha-linolenic acid (linseed oil, hemp oil), gamma-linolenic acid (evening primrose, borage and black currant oil), acid trans linolenic acid, eleostearic acid (tung oil), arachidonic acid, coulpanodonic acid (fish oil), cerovic acid (fish oil), castor acid (castor oil).

Omega-3 fatty acids

Possible anti-cancer effects have been identified omega-3 fatty acids, especially in the case of breast, colon and prostate cancer. Omega-3 fatty acids they slow down the aging process of cells. They lower the level of triglycerides in the blood and, if taken regularly, reduce the risk of heart attacks. Excess omega-3 fatty acids may be harmful, therefore their moderate dosage is recommended, especially in diabetics and patients with cardiovascular diseases. Omega-3 fatty acids help in the treatment of cognitive disorders, as well as reduce depression and aggression.

Are you looking for an omega-3 supplement? At Medonet Market you will find a preparation in capsules with DHA acid, which you can order online now. Also try N ° 1 Omega VIT – a supplement with Omega 3 acids, which you can buy at a promotional price. OmegaMe Vege Health Labs – Omega 3 fatty acids DHA from sea algae has a positive effect on the brain and eyesight, so it is worth considering starting omega-3 supplementation with this preparation.

Omega-6 fatty acids

Omega-6 fatty acids are necessary for the proper functioning of the human body. They are found in foods of plant origin, mainly sunflower seeds, nuts and sesame seeds. Deficiency omega-6 fatty acids in the diet can cause skin inflammation, decreased immunity and even lead to cardiovascular disease.

Volatile fatty acids

Volatile fatty acids, otherwise known as short-chain fatty acids, are carboxylic acids with very strong hydrophilic properties, which are the product of fermentation of dietary fiber in the intestine. Volatile acids they arise in the intestines of animals and humans. Volatile fatty acids regulate the appetite and maintain energy homeostasis. Obesity increases noticeably with a diet low in dietary fiber.

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