Fats under the skin: how to get rid of, photo
Fats under the skin not only spoil the photo, but also pose a potential danger. There are no miraculous ointments and creams from them. Self-medication through warming up and massage only aggravates the situation. However, you should not despair: modern medicine copes quickly and painlessly with such neoplasms.
Fats under the skin: causes of formation and possible consequences
Lipoma, or wen, is a benign tumor formed by fat cells. It often forms under the skin and only in 2% of cases grows deep in soft tissues. When palpating, the lipoma does not hurt, it resembles a soft movable capsule. The skin above it is elastic, has a healthy color – without redness or blueness.
Fats under the skin look like a soft, painless bump
The nature of the origin of wen is not yet clear, but the factors contributing to their formation are well known. These include:
ionizing radiation;
lipid metabolism disorder;
lack of protein;
wearing tight clothes;
weakening of immunity;
tissue injury.
The risk of lipoma formation increases in men and women after 40.
Fat, as a rule, does not threaten health, being rather an aesthetic problem. Medical attention is needed when the neoplasm continues to grow or becomes multiple. A lipoma that has increased to 5-10 cm is dangerous, since it interferes with the normal circulation of water and blood in the tissues. Prolonged stagnation leads to skin necrosis. Lipoma in muscle or connective tissue can transform into a malignant tumor.
How to get rid of a wen under the skin?
Subcutaneous lipoma is diagnosed by biopsy. X-ray and ultrasound studies, MRI and CT are prescribed when the wen is localized in an internal organ or muscle.
In the photo, the removal of a wen under the skin by radio wave radiation
When confirming the benign quality of the tumor, therapy is often reduced to constant monitoring of the size of the subcutaneous mass.
Important! Traditional methods of treating a wen are ineffective, if not completely harmful. It is impossible to open a lipoma on your own due to the high risk of infection.
The wen is removed surgically in a hospital setting. This simple operation is performed under local or general anesthesia. The liposuction method is less traumatic. During the procedure, a thinnest device is inserted into the wen to suck out the contents. The main disadvantage of this method is the high risk of lipoma re-formation. The most advanced methods of removing wen are laser and radio waves. Radiation heals painlessly, bloodless, leaves no traces.
So, a small subcutaneous lipoma that does not cause discomfort and pain can not be treated. The growing mass is removed surgically after appropriate examination.
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plastic surgeon, cosmetologist
– Some beauty treatments are recommended at certain times of the year. The following are best done when there is no heat: autumn or winter.
Removal of moles, papillomas, spider veins, since after the intervention of a specialist, at least three months will have to refrain from sunbathing. Under the influence of ultraviolet radiation at the site of removal, post-traumatic hyperpigmentation may occur. Moles on the body, which are hidden under clothing, can be removed at any time.
Laser resurfacing damages the top layer of the skin. This can lead to hyperpigmentation. The ideal period for the procedure is from October to December, for a month before going to the clinic and for two months after, you should not expose your face to direct sunlight. Photosensitivity is also increased by photo procedures, they should also be abandoned.
Deep and medium peeling, dermabrasion
With mechanical and hardware impact, the skin is severely injured, the sites of damage can become inflamed, the rash will worsen. From most exfoliants – acids used in chemical peels – the skin becomes photosensitive, you can get a scattering of dark spots on the face. If you are treating acne all year round, pay attention to the so-called summer peels – using lactic acid, mandelic acid. However, even in this case, it is better to forget about going to the beach or to the solarium.
Daria Irzabekova, Anna Gerasimenko