For a long time, we treated fats as the main enemies of slimness. Against this backdrop, it’s no surprise that many people have embraced low-fat foods as part of their diet and healthy eating habits.
Let us also take into account that many diets contain in their exemplary menus such products as low-fat cottage cheese, low-fat sour cream, low-fat milk, and it becomes clear why we were inflamed with love for low-fat products, believing the manufacturers at their word that they are healthier than ordinary cottage cheese. milk and sour cream.
But has anyone thought about why low-fat foods are in no way inferior to the usual in taste? And in vain, because it is no secret to anyone in the food industry how the tastelessness of low-fat products is compensated. These are common sweeteners such as sugar and fructose, occasionally corn syrup, and of course also available artificial sweeteners. It has long been known about the latter that they are not only not the answer to the question of how to lose weight, but even contribute to obesity. And the increased consumption of sugar is a stab in the back. The calorie table is a useful thing, but, alas, it only shows numbers, and not whether the products we consume are beneficial or harmful.
The harm of sweeteners for the figure, heart and psyche has been proven in the course of numerous studies. Among them is a study by Danish experts from State Serum Institute, Icelandic specialists from the University of Iceland, experts from the Harvard School of Public Health (Boston, USA), who identified a link between these substances, which are actively used to improve the taste of low-fat foods, and an increased risk of diabetes, obesity, cardiovascular disease and depression …
Thus, by choosing low-fat foods, you are ditching natural fats in favor of artificial sugars. Can such a choice be called the right one? It is much more reasonable to simply not overuse fats, to consume them in reasonable amounts for the benefit of your health.
This is confirmed by the authoritative nutritionist Nicole Berberian, who draws the attention of consumers to the fact that low-fat foods contain 20 percent more carbohydrates than regular ones. Thus, fat-free does not mean slimming at all.
Speaking of fats, I would like to highlight the latest research on the health effects of saturated fat. As you know, for a long time it was saturated fat that was considered the number one cause of obesity. However, in reality, everything turned out to be different.
The American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, published by the American Society for Nutrition, reviews twenty-one studies on the health effects of saturated fat. Studies were analyzed, in which more than 345 thousand people took part. As a result, no association was found between cardiovascular disease and saturated fat intake. What’s more, saturated fats have been shown to increase good cholesterol and inhibit the build-up of bad cholesterol. So a war declared on such natural products as cheese, sour cream, butter and meat is a war against ourselves. These products, when consumed reasonably, are not capable of spoiling the figure. Just keep an eye on your total calorie intake and of course eat healthy foods.