Fatigue from office work

“Surprises” office work

This rhythm, when you are torn between work and home, waving your hand at yourself, lasts as long as you can afford, more precisely, as long as your health will allow. Meanwhile, fatigue accumulates, and even making frequent “breaks”, it is not possible to gather strength. Along with fatigue, drowsiness and absent-mindedness inevitably come, and you no longer even want to take up work, let alone solve some problems outside the office, in your own time. You understand that you are not enough for everything, this gives rise to a feeling of guilt associated with the fact that something cannot be done on time. Then the feeling of guilt can be replaced by irritation: you are simply dissatisfied with yourself, because the work that you did well before is now equal to punishment for you; you more often begin to take out your aggression and show others your irritation. And it becomes even more offensive if people close to you fall under the hot hand. You devote the free minutes that fall in your work schedule to yourself, but this has nothing to do with trips to fashionable clothing boutiques, to a beauty salon, to a swimming pool or a fitness center – you simply sit in one place, even try not to make unnecessary movements, meanwhile, in your head, thoughts change at the speed of light, which ultimately does not give any rest.

There is poser

If at least half of what was said above applies to your life, then with a high degree of probability we can conclude that you have become another victim of asthenic syndrome. This disorder is typical for almost a third of all women employed in office work. This condition manifests itself, as a rule, always the same.

1. The most striking sign of asthenia is the accumulated feeling of fatigue, which does not go away even after a long rest: in the morning you wake up in the same state of weakness in which you go to bed in the evening.

2. All the working day you are haunted by terrible sleepiness, due to which you cannot concentrate properly, become distracted and, as a result, make many mistakes when doing your work.

3. With the development of asthenia, frequent mistakes at work give rise to anxiety about preserving your workplace, provoke irritation that you feel towards everyone around you – towards those who managed to get together and achieved a positive assessment of the management.

This whole tangle is rapidly growing like a snowball, and fatigue, once seeming to you easily overcome, begins to drag along other, more and more serious problems. The duration of the course of such a condition can be different: from two to three weeks to several months and even years (in the absence of therapy). And the longer you do not notice the negativity that has filled your life, the more likely you will eventually drive yourself into a dead end – career and family.

You used to be active and enterprising, so if you want to improve your life, return a positive mood to it, become the first in business again and return the disposition of the leadership, change the course of events in your favor. Asthenic state today can be successfully overcome, it is enough just to take the first step and turn to a specialist with this problem.

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