Father / daughter relationship: what place for the mother?

It is the god! A 4-year-old girl told me yesterday in consultation: ” you know, my daddy, he is able to climb the Montparnasse tower from the outside “. From 0 to 3 years old, the little girl has practically only images of women around her (in the nursery, in the medical world) and that’s a shame. Often the only man in his life is his father, he is unique.

And the mother in all this?

She naturally participates in the creation of the father-daughter bond because in the relationship with one of the parents, the relationship with the other is inscribed. The mother, the father and the child: this is the founding trio.

The father has a role of separator between the mother and her child. The mother, she must let him take care of it too, even if he does not do like her. She must trust him because the times when father and daughter are alone are important.

What Happens in Single Parent Families?

Most of the time they are single mothers. In this case, the mother-daughter merger is likely to remain. The little one can become a protector if she takes her father’s place and remains dependent on her mother. Problems in his confidence and self-esteem could appear.

It is important to “bring back the father by the word” and to allow the child to find “a dad of heart”: uncle, godfather, new companion of the mother … The child needs a father and a mother, they do not have the same role and neither can compensate for the absence of the other.

Can we define in three sentences

the role of the father from 0 to 3 years old?

It helps to separate the child from its mother.

It presents and opens the child to social life.

He says the prohibition of incest.

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