Fat is Beneficial in Epilepsy – Trivia – Articles |

In a press statement, Prof. Matthew Walker of University College London reads: “Epilepsy affects more than 50 million people worldwide, and about a third of them suffer from epilepsy that is not adequately controlled with current treatments. This discovery offers a whole new approach to drug-resistant epilepsy therapy in children and adults. ” Children who suffer from this form of epilepsy are often recommended a ketogenic diet. It is based on consuming a lot of fats and reducing the carbohydrates consumed. By simulating starvation, the body is forced to burn fats, not sugars. the diet works, however, it is often criticized for its significant side effects. It can cause constipation, hypoglycaemia, growth failure, and bone fractures. Exactly how the ketogenic diet works has not been explained. Scientists suggest that it increases the level of medium chain fatty acids in the blood. The London-based study compared the potential of the widely used anti-epilepsy drug Valproate with a range of dietary medium chain fatty acids. Researchers have shown not only that some fatty acids were better at controlling seizures, but also that they caused fewer side effects. Prof. Robin Williams of Royal Holloway describes the research as “an important breakthrough.” “The family of medium chain fatty acids we have identified provides an exciting new field of research with the potential to discover stronger and safer treatments for epilepsy,” he adds. Royal Holloway is looking for commercial organizations with which to join forces in exploring the possibility of developing new drugs based on fatty acids. An important aspect of the London research is also reducing animal experimentation. They were replaced with methods in which improved treatments were verified on the amoeba. source: ScienceNews.pl

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