Fat diet

Swedish doctors have turned the world of dietetics upside down. Leading experts in the fight against obesity managed to prove that you can lose weight without excluding everything fat from the menu, but, on the contrary, by adding such products. We put on bacon, butter – and goodbye to excess weight!

Pork, brisket, little, cream, and a host of other foods were like a red rag for nutritionists. After all, they are of no use. Only excess weight, high cholesterol and, as a result, cardiovascular disease. So fats would have been branded, if not for the research of Swedish scientists. Leading nutritionists spent two years studying the factors that provoke the appearance of excess weight, and came to the conclusion that fats are not to blame, pests are carbohydrates. As a result, Sweden moved away from a fat-free diet in favor of the LCHF principle, which states: less carbohydrates, more fat.

According to research, such a balance in food helps to lose weight and improves vital signs – stabilizes blood sugar and cholesterol levels.

Swedish nutritionist Andreas Enfeldt, author of The Food Revolution, in his blog dietdoctor described in detail what rules to follow in order not only to lose weight, but also to consolidate the result.

If you start eating on the principle of 70% fat, 20% protein, 10% carbohydrates, then the weight will go away, even when you are resting. What’s the secret? It’s simple. Foods high in carbohydrates satisfy hunger for an extremely short time. And thanks to the sugar and starch in high-carb foods, hunger is not just returning, but with renewed vigor. After all, the blood sugar level rises sharply and falls just as quickly. And, as a result, the person breaks down. Eats, eats and eats. This is the difference between the LCHF technique. The fewer carbs, the longer you are satiated and the more control over your appetite and weight. Yes, you will have to give up bread, potatoes, pasta and flour products. But there will be no bouts of overeating, and the body will use fat as fuel, and not carbohydrates, and burn it.

What if not just eating fewer carbs, but just eating less? Hunger strikes will lead to new breakdowns and raids on the refrigerator. If you have reduced the amount of carbohydrates, then be sure to add as much fat to the menu as possible and eat your fill. You can eat as many times as you feel hungry, and at any time of the day. The main thing is to listen to the feeling of hunger and not forget about natural fats. The menu should include fatty meats, fatty fish, bacon, eggs, butter and olive oil.

Vendors use a variety of tricks to promote their “healthy” products. In stores, you can find low-carb pasta, bars, and muesli. The label screams goodness, but in fact, all of these touted superfoods contain massive amounts of sugar, starch and flour. Carbohydrate-free cookies, crackers, and other treats are all cheating. Your menu should be based on real food that people have eaten for centuries.

Measure the results correctly

Libra is not the best way to figure out how much weight you have lost. Daily weighing and the same indicators can only frustrate and undermine your motivation. In addition, if you combine a new diet with active training, you can not only lose excess body fat, but also gain muscle mass, and the weight will not change. The best way to estimate is a regular centimeter. Measure the waist circumference before starting the transition to a new diet, and then after a month. If you had high sugar, blood pressure, cholesterol, their measurements can also act as an indicator of the result. Get tested in a month.

Generally, the faster you lose weight on hunger strikes, the faster it comes back. Therefore, you cannot dramatically lose weight. When switching to LCHF, a person loses not 5-7 kilograms per week, but about 1-3, then the numbers decrease. The younger you are, the faster the process will go. Yes, he can stop. But don’t panic. Stick to a nutritional program. The closer the ideal weight, the slower the progress, and this is normal.

When the desired numbers appear on the centimeter and scales, the main thing is not to break. To consolidate the result, you need to change your eating habits once and for all.

This advice can cause resentment among girls who are losing weight on oranges and other fruits. How can you eat less? After all, fruits are our everything! Keep in mind that most fruits are 90% water and 10% sugar. And this sugar can not only slow down the process of losing weight, but also turn on hunger. Therefore, fruits should be on your menu very rarely.

No wonder they say that the belly grows from beer. This is true. The drink contains an impressive amount of carbohydrates. Beer is like liquid bread, and it doesn’t go well with losing weight. Only dry red or white wine, whiskey, cognac and vodka in small quantities are appropriate. Sugary cocktails with the above ingredients are not suitable. Only in its pure form.

Artificial sweeteners are actually no better than sugar itself. Whatever the label promises, no research has been able to prove that sugary pills can help you lose weight. Conversely, artificial sweeteners can provoke appetite.

Be more mindful of your medications

Sometimes people cannot lose weight, not because they are not eating properly or the diet is not suitable for them, but because of the medications they are taking. Weight loss is negatively affected by diabetes medications, insulin injections, cortisone, prednisolone, antipsychotics, antidepressants, contraceptives, antibiotics, antihistamines, and blood pressure medications. If you are using such medicines and you have a problem with being overweight, contact your doctor to adjust the dosage.

Lack of sleep and constant stress are two factors that accompany excess weight gain. The more nervous you are, the higher the level of cortisol, a hormone involved in the regulation of metabolism. This hormone is responsible for maximizing the conservation of energy resources under stress or hunger. Prolonged stress stimulates the body to increase cortisol levels. As a result, fat deposits begin to accumulate. And they won’t go anywhere until you get rid of the source of the hassle. If the neurosis is accompanied by insomnia, it also needs to be dealt with, since lack of sleep and cravings for sweets are often associated.

Try to go to bed at the same time every day to help your body get used to the routine. Don’t drink coffee after XNUMXpm. Limit alcohol consumption three hours before bed. Do not exercise in the evening, so as not to provoke a surge of strength and energy.

If you notice that your weight loss has slowed down, review your menu. Pay attention to cheese, cream, yogurt. How much do you use them? These dairy products contain lactose. Excessive amounts of it inhibit weight loss. Is the weight up? Reduce the amount of dairy products.

Another weight loss blocker is nuts, which are rich in carbohydrates. Can’t live without them? Add to your diet low-carbohydrate types such as macadamia nuts or Brazilian nuts.

In fact, physical activity is grossly overrated. If you regularly go in for sports, but continue to eat rolls, pasta, potatoes, cakes, sit down at least 200 times a day and run several kilometers – the numbers on the scales and centimeters at the waist will not change. Therefore, first of all, you need to start losing weight with food. If you went through all the previous points, got used to the new menu, improved sleep, limited foods that provoke excess weight, exercise will really speed up fat burning.

The Swedes are happy to return fatty foods to their place of honor in the refrigerator. Should you follow their example? The revolutionary diet is evaluated by a nutritionist, author of the method “Psychobio-correction of weight” Marianna Trifonova.

Trifonova Marianna, nutritionist, head of the International Clinic of Aesthetic Medicine “Emerald”

Recent scientific evidence has shown that diets that limit saturated fat should not be so strict. This is why you shouldn’t place high hopes on low-fat foods, which are so obsessively advertised as healthy foods. Forget zero-fat cottage cheese and yoghurts. You cannot refuse fats, they have their own benefits.

The system of losing weight by increasing the intake of fatty foods and removing carbohydrates from the diet is more than strange. Here are some reasons why you shouldn’t stick to it.

Health strike

It is no secret that the most favorable ratio of basic nutrients (proteins, fats and carbohydrates) for adults is 1: 1: 4 – this is the so-called balanced nutrition formula. If we try to create an artificial tilt in one direction or another, the body will still want to compensate for this imbalance. And he will do this at the expense of internal resources, first of all taking the missing substances from the central nervous system. That is, by reducing the consumption of carbohydrate foods and increasing the consumption of fat-containing foods, a person who decides to get rid of extra pounds runs the risk of earning serious problems associated with both the work of the nervous system and other important functions of the body.

Kilograms in place

It is more than doubtful that, by adhering to such a diet, someone will be able to effectively reduce weight. Indeed, without carbohydrates, our body will not normally process fats and proteins, and the main filtering organ, the liver, will not be able to function normally. So, of course, you shouldn’t give up eating carbohydrates. But there is a nuance here. Benefits are brought only by “slow” carbohydrates with a low glycemic index, which are found in brown rice, wholemeal bread, pasta made from whole grain flour, cereals (except semolina), vegetables (zucchini, spinach, cabbage) and non-sugar fruits: apples, kiwi, grapefruit. “Fast” carbohydrates with a high glycemic index, alas, are not so useful. They, of course, are not poison, but you should not eat them every day. The best option is to consider all kinds of desserts and pastries as holiday food. Eating in this way, you can not only get rid of extra pounds, but also maintain the achieved result for a long time.

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