Fat cells for hair growth

Fat cells present in the skin provide the substances needed for growing hair, informs the magazine Cell.

As shown by experiments in mice by scientists at Yale University, the stem cells responsible for hair growth were controlled by adipose tissue. Injecting precursor fat cells from healthy mice helped bald mice whose hair follicles had previously been dormant. Two weeks after the injection, you could see thickening hair.

As it turned out, the cells produced platelet growth factor at a concentration 100 times higher than in the surrounding tissue. The administration of platelet growth factor alone stimulated the growth of 86%. bellows.

It is possible that other substances are also involved in the hair growth process. Probably fat cells may also have other, as yet unknown functions, related to, for example, the formation of tumors or wound healing.

According to specialists, it is possible that in the future it will be possible to reverse the process of baldness in humans – although it is not yet certain whether the biochemical basis of baldness is the same in them as in mice (PAP).

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