Fat Burners: All about fat burning foods. Video

Fat Burners: All about fat burning foods. Video

Today, the existence of fat burning products is beyond doubt. Studies have proven that eating the “right” food can help you lose weight, say goodbye to unpleasant folds. If you want to lose weight and maintain the acquired result for a long time, switch to foods that burn fat.

Rules for the use of foods that burn fat

Burning fat is a long and painstaking process. Unfortunately, it is often not very tasty either: dietary products greatly change a person’s diet. Food seems bland, dry, boring. Dishes cease to lure with their aromas, the mood vanishes.

However, this situation is not always so sad. Today, scientists have proven that there are delicious and fat-burning foods at the same time. Among them are vegetables, fruits, spices, dairy and protein foods.

True, you should use fat burning foods wisely. They won’t help if you eat a few packs of chips or cakes before taking them. Fat-burning foods should be included in your diet instead of the usual ones. Make substitutions in dishes, supplement them, giving the usual food a new, healthy taste.

Protein foods that burn fat

In this category, the leadership does not belong to the usual meat or poultry. A useful protein product that helps to lose extra pounds is beans. It is an ideal vegetable protein that the body needs to spend a lot of energy on digesting. And he takes it from his own fat reserves.

However, be careful: canned beans are not the best friend for losing weight. Dry, frozen or fresh legumes are useful for weight loss. Use them as a side dish, as a main course, or add them to a vegetable salad. Beans will keep your muscle mass intact and give you a feeling of fullness for a long time.

The second useful protein product is fish. However, you should choose the right type and method of preparation. The best fat burning properties are sea fish. It is best cooked in a steamer or grill, served with herbs.

You can safely eat fish for dinner: this product will not be deposited on the sides and will be digested quickly. Sleep will be calm and light. Do not use salt when cooking

Of the vegetables, cabbage has the best fat-burning properties. Moreover, in the struggle for harmony, absolutely all of its types are useful: white cabbage, Brussels sprouts, colored, broccoli. Cabbage is full of vitamins, amino acids and trace elements. But the most important thing is the fiber it contains. It is the latter that helps digestion and removes toxins from the body. Moreover, the properties of the product are preserved even when exposed to high temperatures. Therefore, various cabbage-based soups will be useful for losing weight.

Cucumber is also called a “friend” of those who are losing weight. However, its benefits are seasonal: only fresh vegetables help remove excess water from the body. And this significantly reduces the volume of fat cells.

Horseradish promotes active fat burning. Use it to complement your favorite meat and fish dishes. Horseradish will not allow excess eaten to stay in the body, improve metabolism and improve bowel function.

Horseradish is not recommended for people with a sick stomach, chronic kidney or liver problems. It is also dangerous for nursing and pregnant women.

You can use vegetables that are dangerous for fat on their own or in salads. For example, the so-called is very popular among those who are losing weight. “Brush” / “Broom”. There are many recipes for it, but almost all of them use cabbage and cucumbers.

To make a healthy salad, prepare:

  • 400 g white cabbage
  • 200 г моркови
  • a few cucumbers
  • green apple

Prepare all ingredients on a grater, move. Use lemon juice mixed with finely chopped herbs as a dressing.

Some fruits are also enemies of fat. The two most famous products in this category are grapefruit and pineapple. The first is the most readily available fruit. It is recommended to eat it after meals or instead of it (for example, in the evening). Grapefruit accelerates fat metabolism, lowers insulin and improves digestion. It is enough to eat ½ of the fruit per day or drink a glass of freshly squeezed juice.

Pineapple is famous for bromelain, an enzyme that helps digest protein foods. A few rings of fresh fruit are recommended to be eaten instead of dinner, before bedtime. Do not eat the fruit on an empty stomach and be sure to rinse your mouth after it: pineapple juice can damage tooth enamel.

Papaya will help you break down fats. This fruit is little advertised, but the papain it contains effectively and quickly acts on fats, breaking them down. It also helps in protein absorption. Papaya should be eaten immediately after lunch or dinner.

What to eat so as not to get fat

The fat-burning landing also includes some drinks. Mostly we are talking about water. It speeds up metabolism, helps to remove toxins and relieve puffiness. If you want to chew something, drink a couple of glasses of clean water – very often thirst is mistaken for hunger.

Green tea is a dangerous drink for fats. It is loaded with antioxidants and substances that help speed up the metabolism. With its help, you quickly normalize digestion if there was a feast the day before. The daily allowance for green tea is about four cups. However, don’t overdo it: the drink is high in tannin, which excites the nervous system and can interfere with good sleep.

The new word in fat burning is green coffee. It is a fresh, unroasted, familiar grain. Green coffee has a tart, earthy herbaceous flavor and matching aroma. It should be prepared like a regular invigorating drink. You will achieve the best effect on the figure if you add chopped ginger or cinnamon during cooking. It is recommended to drink no more than 2 cups of the drink per day.

Also interesting to read: deficiency and lack of vitamins

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