Fasting won’t help!

Fasting won’t help!

The very last thing that can affect your basal metabolic rate is low calorie intake. In order to survive during fasting, it is necessary to create conditions for the adaptation of the body by slowing down the metabolism, as well as the use of available energy sources. Even if you are on a diet, your body continues to think that there is no food.


Consumption will be below the absolute maintenance minimum for more than a few weeks. And the basal metabolic rate will drop, respectively, weight loss will slow down, possibly to a complete stop. The only way to boost your metabolism is by increasing your calorie intake. The desired dose is not less than 1200-1400 kcal per day.

A low-calorie diet can negatively affect muscle mass. This will lead to a rapid decrease in muscle tissue, and, as already mentioned, the more muscle there is, the faster the metabolism goes. In fact, a very low calorie diet, according to studies, will have a twofold effect on the body, naturally negative. Nutritionists believe that the most damaging thing about hunger is not a lack of calories, but a catastrophic lack of building material for muscles. Namely, the squirrel. It happened that a person died from exhaustion, although he did not completely use up all his fat reserves! The use of fasting is a separate conversation that is supported and also disputed by many experts.


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