Fasting: is it really advisable?

Fasting: is it really advisable?

Why practice intermittent fasting?

Intermittent fasting involves doing short but regular fasts. Several formats exist: the 16/8 format, which consists of spreading meals over 8 hours a day and fasting the other 16 hours, for example by eating exclusively from 13 to 21 p.m., every day. Fasting can also be done 24 hours a week, preferably on the same day each week.

24-hour fast was studied in Utah research on 200 healthy people1. The results showed that the stress or hunger caused by fasting promoted the burning of fat, and led to a dramatic increase in the level of growth hormones (GH), at a rate of 2000% in men and 1300% in men. wife. This hormone helps preserve muscle mass and regulate blood glucose levels, which has the effect of reducing the risk of being insulin resistant or developing diabetes.

In addition, intermittent fasting would fight against oxidative stress and therefore preserve the youth of the brain, as well as memory and learning functions.2.


C. Laurie, Fasting from time to time, good for cardiovascular health and the line,, 2013 [consulted on 17.03.15] MC Jacquier, The benefits of intermittent fasting,, 2013 [ consulted on 17.03.15]

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