Fasting for weight loss? Check if it’s worth it!
Fasting for weight loss? Check if its worth it!Fasting for weight loss? Check if it’s worth it!

Probably each of us has come across the theory that models are skinny because they don’t eat anything, and the best way to lose weight is starvation. Does it really have a positive effect on the human body?

People in favor of fasting describe it as a great way to cleanse the body of toxins, while opponents warn that starving the body will lead to a deterioration of health. Proponents believe that starvation restores harmony to the body as it then uses up all unnecessary fats, degenerated cells and toxins. According to this theory, this is how the body heals itself and rejuvenates itself. So let’s take a look at what processes take place in the body during food withdrawal.

The first effect: lowering the glucose level

Already after the third day of starvation, the level of glucose in the blood drops by as much as 30%. This is dangerous, because thanks to glucose, our brain works fully efficiently – after reducing its supply, there are disturbances in the brain. In the case of prolonged fasting, it can even lead to difficulty concentrating and depression. Prolonged fasting also leads to an increased risk of developing coronary artery disease.

In addition, although the main energy material for the body is then fat (which leads to its burning), glucose is taken from the muscles. Therefore, in addition to fat, we also lose muscle – in the case of greater overweight, it will give the effect of sagging skin over time. Prolonged fasting can even lead to death.

The second effect: destruction of the organism

By depriving the body of nutrients, we disrupt its functioning. A fast that lasts more than 72 hours can lead to:

  • Disturbances in thermogenesis, i.e. lowering body temperature (thermal energy is produced from food). A person on a fasting diet is simply colder and has low blood pressure.
  • Lowering the metabolic rate (which may have a yo-yo effect after the end of fasting). The lowering of the basic metabolism is increasing with each day of fasting, and in addition it is irreversible – it is very possible that the body will never return to its normal metabolism, which will result in increased weight gain after the end of long-term fasting.

The third effect: deterioration of the condition of hair, skin and nails

Not taking food also causes fatigue, deterioration of the whole appearance, irritability, disorders of the immune system. All this is due to deficiencies of vitamins and minerals that are necessary for the proper functioning of the body.

When is fasting recommended?

From a medical point of view, fasting is recommended, e.g. before operations or in the first days of acute pancreatitis treatment, but then it is under the supervision of doctors. It is absolutely not a way to lose weight, but a quick way to destroy the body or guarantee increased weight gain after its completion.

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