Fasting day on kefir. Video reviews

Fasting day on kefir. Video reviews

A fasting day on kefir is an excellent way to rid the body of excess adipose tissue and cleanse toxins and toxins. There are a large number of menu options for fasting day, which will include a variety of food combinations.

The benefits of fasting days on kefir

Kefir is rich in useful elements necessary for the body – lactic acid microorganisms, proteins, metal salts and vitamins. This drink helps to restore microflora, increase immunity, normalize weight and improve metabolism. Kefir has a beneficial effect on the nervous system and the work of internal organs and systems, including the gastrointestinal tract. Thanks to the use of kefir, the absorption of iron, calcium and vitamin D in the body improves.

Features of kefir unloading

The staple food these days is kefir. It can be either the only one, or it can be complemented by other dishes. The daily calorie content of food on a fasting day must be reduced by 2-3 times (up to 700 calories). In addition, do not drink “today’s” kefir: a fresh product can lead to diarrhea and increased gas formation. But a drink that is more than 3 days old, on the contrary, can provoke constipation.

The advantage of a fasting day on kefir is that you can choose the option that suits you best. For example, if you are a lover of vegetables, you can give preference to a kefir-vegetable diet, if you cannot imagine your life without sweets, choose a combination of kefir and fruits, and for adherents of protein foods there is a kefir-meat discharge.

During a kefir fasting day, exclude the use of salt or reduce its amount to a minimum

Avoid sugar, which you can replace with honey in some versions. On this day, move more and walk in the fresh air.

To cleanse the body of toxins, and the stomach – from the severity that appears due to the daily consumption of high-calorie food, “pamper” yourself with kefir fasting days once a week, and when the first results appear – once every 2-3 weeks.

To spend a regular kefir day, buy 1-1,5 liters of low-fat kefir and drink it throughout the day, dividing this amount into 4-5 doses. That is, you will need to drink a glass of this drink every 2 hours. If you want to drink, quench your thirst with mineral water without gas, it is allowed in unlimited quantities.

For a kefir-curd fasting day, stock up on 300-400 grams of low-fat cottage cheese, 1 liter of kefir, a little honey and fresh berries. For breakfast, eat 2 tablespoons of cottage cheese with the addition of 1 teaspoon of honey and drink 1 glass of kefir. After 3 hours, you can drink another glass of kefir. For lunch, prepare cottage cheese flavored with kefir and fresh berries. After 1 hours, drink 3 glass of kefir. Dinner – cottage cheese with kefir and 1 teaspoon of honey. At night, you can again drink 1 glass of kefir.

Such a fasting day is especially useful for atherosclerosis, hypertension and liver diseases.

Mixed fasting day on kefir: breakfast – a cup of coffee without sugar. After 2-3 hours, have a snack with 100 grams of cottage cheese with 1 teaspoon of sour cream. Lunch – 100 grams of cottage cheese with sour cream or fermented baked milk and a cup of rosehip broth. Afternoon snack – 250 milliliters of kefir. Dinner – 100 grams of cottage cheese with sour cream and a cup of rosehip broth. Drink a glass of kefir at night.

Cucumber-kefir day is a great option for the summer season. To carry it out, you will need 1 kilogram of fresh cucumbers and 1 liter of kefir. Divide this amount of cucumbers into 5 equal parts and consume during the day, remembering to drink them with 1 glass of kefir. Such unloading promotes good cleansing of the liver, kidneys and biliary tract.

You can make a salad of cucumbers by seasoning with herbs and a little olive oil

Kefir-fruit unloading is a tasty and easy option for a kefir day. From fruits, you can give preference to peaches, pears, apples, currants, raspberries, strawberries. During such a day, eat fruits and kefir in any quantity. Just be sure to take at least 2 hours of breaks between meals. Such a fasting day not only helps to get rid of extra pounds and improve the figure, but also relieves stress and nervous tension.

Options for kefir fasting days

After unloading on kefir for several days, do not overuse sweet, fatty and salty foods. It is also prohibited to consume carbonated and alcoholic drinks.

In addition, try to refuse late dinners, the only thing that is allowed is to drink a glass of kefir before bed.

Be careful with kefir fasting day if you do not tolerate dairy products well. The use of kefir in large quantities can provoke a feeling of heaviness in the abdomen, strong gas formation and bloating. It is also worth giving up such unloading for pregnant and lactating women, adolescents and the elderly.

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