Faster than the speed of thought: what will be the 6G connection

While 5G is gradually being rolled out around the world, researchers have already started developing the 6G communication standard. It is planned to be deployed in about ten years

Journalists from the American portal VentureBeat analyzed an article published by scientists from New York University. The text talks about the key capabilities of 6G communications, which will range from 100 GHz to 3 THz. These are the last safe, non-ionizing frequencies that can be used for communication.

According to experts, the launch of 6G will be marked by the opportunity to get wireless remote access to artificial intelligence (AI) at the level of the human brain in real time. As the researchers explain, terahertz frequencies will provide the computation needed for wireless remote control of the human thought process. Devices will be able to transmit real-time amounts of data comparable to the human brain. For example, a drone with a small computer on board will receive instructions from an AI that has the skills of a pilot; buildings will be built by machines, also remotely controlled by computers. In the 6G era, all calculations will be done by artificial intelligence.

If Moore’s Law is correct, then by 2036 a computer with the processing power of a human brain can be bought for as little as $1000.

In 10 to 20 years, technologies such as millimeter night vision cameras, high resolution radars and terahertz body scanners will appear.

Before introducing 6G, serious medical research is needed to confirm the supposed safety of terahertz frequencies for humans. In addition, it will be necessary to install highly directional antennas that pick up the signal well in conditions of a significant level of interference.

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