Fastak drug: instructions for use for the garden, reviews

With the onset of the growing season, gardens and orchards become the object of attack by pests. To combat them, Fastak insecticide was developed – a chemical preparation characterized by an instant effect and a wide area of ​​​​impact.

Fastak drug: instructions for use for the garden, reviews

Insecticide Fastak will help you forget about pests for a long time

Purpose and scope

Fastak KE is a fast-acting insecticide of chemical origin, which is designed to control pests of fruit and berry and grain crops.

This insecticide is used in the process of field and horticultural work from harmful insects of fruit trees and shrubs, as well as crops.

Treatment of cultivated plants with Fastak helps to get rid of a whole range of pests of gnawing and sucking insects:

  • onion, carrot and beet fly;
  • aphids and thrips;
  • bedbugs and fleas;
  • locusts and cicadas;
  • colorado potato beetle;
  • weevil and weevil;
  • bears and ants;
  • flower beetle and apple codling moth.

Warning! The insecticide Fastak, which has a repellent effect, can scare away not only pests, but also pollinating insects from plants, and sometimes causes their death. In this regard, during the flowering period of trees and shrubs, it is better to refuse to use the drug.

Fastak drug: instructions for use for the garden, reviews

Fastak is a universal remedy for a number of pests

Active ingredient in Fastak

The active substance of the insecticide Fastak is alpha-cypermethrin, which is a contact-intestinal nerve poison.

The drug is available in the form of a liquid concentrated emulsion. The content of the active substance in the finished product is 10%.

Principle of operation

The drug belongs to the class of pyrethroids, characterized by an instant insecticidal effect and high efficiency at low dosages.

Getting on the chitinous covers, the active substance of the drug alpha-cypermethrin easily overcomes them and penetrates into the intestinal cavity, causing paralysis of the nervous system and subsequent death of the insect.

Fastak drug: instructions for use for the garden, reviews

In the presence of a large number of pests, re-treatment may be necessary.

Advantages and disadvantages

One of the main advantages of the Fastak pesticide is its enteric-contact effect, that is, pests die both from getting the drug on chitinous covers and from eating insecticide-treated plants.

Fastak drug: instructions for use for the garden, reviews

The chemical does not accumulate in fruits


  • fast action and high efficiency of the insecticide;
  • wide range of useful action;
  • intestinal contact action;
  • economy and ease of use;
  • does not reduce soil fertility;
  • subject to safety rules, the insecticide does not adversely affect the condition of plants and human health;
  • low price


  • flammability and explosiveness;
  • the drug is able to quickly disappear;
  • relatively high level of toxicity;
  • limited temperature regime of exposure (+10–23 °С), at lower or higher air temperatures, the effectiveness of the insecticide noticeably decreases;
  • insufficiently strong acaricidal action (does not act on ticks);
  • negative impact on insect pollinators.

Instructions for use of the drug Fastak

Pest treatment is carried out by uniformly spraying the vegetative parts of plants with a working solution of Fastak insecticide using a spray gun or sprayer.

The consumption of the drug depends on the type of pest and the crop being treated and is 1-3 ml of the emulsion per 10 liters of water.

To prepare the solution, the Fastak emulsion is diluted with water according to the proportion indicated in the instructions and thoroughly stirred until the emulsion is completely dissolved.

The period of active action of the insecticide lasts about seven days. The most effective is the treatment carried out at an air temperature of + 22–23 ° С.

It is not recommended to spray plants on the eve of rain or immediately after it. In the first case, the drug will be washed off with water, as a result of which the treatment will be useless, and in the second, due to high humidity, the effectiveness of the working solution will decrease significantly.

Advice! Experts recommend treating Fastak plantings when the first signs of the presence of pests appear. The use of an insecticide at this stage will help to quickly and effectively suppress the development and reproduction of insects.

Fastak for an apple tree

For the treatment of apple trees and other fruit trees from leafworms, codling moths and flower beetles, a solution is prepared at the rate of 3 ml per 10 liters of water. In the process of processing, not only the crown, but also the trunks are sprayed.

Fastak drug: instructions for use for the garden, reviews

Pest control with Fastak helps improve fruit quality

Fastak for tomato

Helps to get rid of Fastak and whiteflies on tomatoes. In this case, 1 ml of insecticide is diluted in a bucket of water. It is better to process the beds in the evening hours, when the activity of the sun’s rays decreases.

Fastak drug: instructions for use for the garden, reviews

Fastak will help drive aphids off tomatoes

Fastak for grapes

To destroy phylloxera and leafworms on grapes, the plant is sprayed with a working solution prepared at the rate of 3 ml of emulsion per 10 liters of water. Processing is carried out on leaves and vines.

Fastak drug: instructions for use for the garden, reviews

Invasion of phylloxera can cause the death of grapes

Fastak for potatoes

Fastak will also help save potatoes from the Colorado potato beetle. To do this, spray the bushes with an insecticide solution (1 ml per 10 liters of water).

Fastak drug: instructions for use for the garden, reviews

If you do not fight the beetle, it will quickly destroy a large area of ​​plantings.


Fastak is used for pest control on other plants:

  • aphids, flea beetles, cicadas and thrips on vegetables, legumes and cereals – 1 ml of insecticide per 10 liters of water;
  • aphids, fleas and weevils on beets – 2 ml per 10 liters of water;
  • whitefly, moth, cruciferous flea and scoop on cabbage – 1 ml per 10 liters of water;
  • locusts on lawn grasses – 3 ml per 10 l of water;
  • weevils on strawberries and ornamental plants – 2 ml per 10 liters of water;
Important! Fastak will help get rid of ants if you spray the soil in the area of ​​uXNUMXbuXNUMXbanthills.

The Fastak emulsion from the bear is used according to the instructions for use (tubers, seeds, soil in the grooves are pickled). After treatment of plants with the Fastak insecticide, the fruits may acquire a bitter taste. However, according to the results of the studies, with the correct dosage of the pesticide, the concentration of harmful substances in fruits does not exceed the permissible norm and is absolutely harmless to humans.

Fastak drug: instructions for use for the garden, reviews

Fastak will help restore the beauty of ornamental plants

Compatibility with other means

Fastak is not compatible with chemicals that have an alkaline reaction. When combined with them, it will not bring harm to plants, but it will lose a large proportion of its beneficial properties.

Advice! To determine the compatibility of insecticides, they are combined in equal proportions and diluted with water. If there is a precipitate in the solution, the preparations cannot be combined.

accident prevention

The insecticide Fastak belongs to the second class of chemical hazard. In case of contact with mucous membranes or exposed areas of the body, it may cause irritation or burns. At the same time, the content of poison in a properly prepared solution is so small that it cannot cause serious health problems.

However, to prevent trouble when working with Fastak, you should follow the safety rules:

  1. Protect skin and respiratory tract from insecticide particles. To do this, it is recommended to work in tight clothing covering arms and legs, gloves and a respirator.
  2. Avoid smoking and eating while working.
  3. Use the drug in strict accordance with the instructions for use.
  4. Spray plants in dry weather without wind.
  5. Do not work with the pesticide for more than four hours.
  6. After work, wash your hands thoroughly with soap and treat them with a disinfectant. Ideally, after taking a shower, and washing work clothes.

After spraying the plants with an insecticide, mechanical work on the site can be carried out no earlier than four days later, and manual work after ten days.

Store the drug in an airtight container in a cool, dry place. It is strictly not recommended to leave containers with emulsion or working solution near food, medicines and animal feed.

The shelf life of a hermetically sealed emulsion is three years from the date of manufacture. It is desirable to use the working solution within a day. Otherwise, the insecticide loses its properties.

Analogues of the drug Fastak

The chemical industry offers gardeners and gardeners a large number of insecticidal preparations with a similar effect. Currently, the most popular analogues of Fastak are:

  • for vegetables, as well as fruit trees and shrubs – Aktara, Decis. Lux, Actellik;
  • for cereals, beans and peas – Pirinex, Sumition, Super, Greenfort;
  • for potatoes, tomatoes and eggplants – Rescuer, Inta-Vir, Bombardier, Calypso;
  • for grapes – BI-58, Karate, Zolon.
Fastak drug: instructions for use for the garden, reviews

Some insecticides, like Fastak, have a wide spectrum of action and provide good results.


Fastak insecticide is an effective tool that will help you quickly and efficiently clean the garden from pests. The correct dosage and compliance with safety rules will make the use of the drug safe for plants and humans.

Feedback on the use of Fastak from pests

Solomatina Inga, Nizhny Novgorod
For several years in a row I have been processing trees and shrubs with Fastakom. Kills pests the first time. But I had to tinker with the Colorado potato beetle, disappeared after the second treatment.
Igor Selivanov, Volgograd
Processed the garden with Fastakom from ants. Gone, which makes me very happy. I’ll try to deal with the bear in the same way. In general, I am satisfied with the result, besides, this insecticide does not spoil the soil.

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