Fast diet – rules and contraindications

An important event is coming and we want to look good: a prom, a company banquet, a party, a friend’s wedding, a class meeting after ten years, a long-awaited date or an interview for a dream job. We are looking for the perfect outfit, try it on and … suddenly it turns out that the zipper does not close, the belt is fastened one hole wider or that the dress fits badly on the stomach. It also happens that after a long time without physical activity, for example after illness or temporary immobility, we gain weight and want to lose extra kilos quickly and feel lighter.

They are a salvation in such a situation ways to quickly lose a few pounds and getting rid of excess water, and at the same time cleansing the body and improving well-being, which may be a motivation to continue working on weight and figure.

Fast diet allows you to lose 1 to 4 kilos in a few days. It must be remembered that the more restrictive the diet, the easier it is to achieve the yo-yo effect after its end, i.e. quick regaining of lost kilograms with a vengeance, i.e. the body mass reserve that the body puts away in the event of subsequent sudden energy shortages.

Fast diet – keep this in mind

While in use a quick diet it is very important to hydrate the body properly. It is important to drink mineral water – preferably slightly carbonated, because it provides the greatest amount of minerals and makes the stomach feel full. It is forbidden to drink carbonated drinks, even those of the light type. Being on fast diet, it is worth limiting coffee, which can irritate the stomach. Instead, it is recommended to drink green and red tea. These teas contain antioxidants – substances that support the process of renewing the body’s cells. Red pu-erh tea supports the metabolism, but in too large amounts it has a laxative effect, so do not exceed a dose of three cups a day.

While in use a quick diet It is worth developing a good habit of drinking cool water with lemon or orange juice in the morning: the vitamin C bomb stimulates the body and digestive system to function, and the cool water hydrates the body and refreshes.

Fast diet – calories

Na fast diet it is important to limit the calories to 1000-1500 kcal per day. With such a low caloric balance of food, the body reaches the reserves of fat stored in the body and begins to burn them, thanks to which we lose weight. While multi-day diet however, we mainly lose water and a small amount of fat tissue from the body, so the effect, although visible at first glance, will not be a permanent, magical change like by magic. To maintain the effect obtained fast diet, you should also keep a low caloric balance, gradually increasing it to 2000-2500 kcal per day and basing the menu on healthy, wholesome products.

Examples of quick diets

The most restrictive z quick diets is the Copenhagen diet. Although it gives spectacular effects, it is monotonous, based mainly on eating eggs, meat and drinking black coffee. Fortunately, there are tastier, healthier and richer nutrients quick diets.

A healthy, fast diet it can be based on soups and cream soups made of vegetables, with the addition of lean fish, lean meat, quinoa, whole-grain toasts, roasted pumpkin and sunflower seeds and other valuable, low-calorie additives.

There is a special soup diet that allows you to quickly lose a few kilos thanks to a menu based on various types of meals in the form of soups. A similar diet is the famous cabbage diet based on eating mainly specially prepared cabbage soup and light rice meals, slowly introducing fruit, vegetables and lean meat into the menu.

Another popular fast diet is the Dukan diet, eliminating carbohydrates completely, increasing the amount of protein in the diet – mainly basing the meal plan on it. The Dukan diet mainly eats lean meat, lean cheese and seafood.

Another way to lose a few kilos quickly is the so-called juice detox, i.e. a diet based on drinking only juice in the form of a smoothie from specially selected fruits. On a juice diet, you can lose up to 3 kg in 3 to 5 days. Juice diets can be ordered from companies that prepare them properly and deliver delicious juices ready to drink at home.

Contraindications for a fast diet

Fast diet It is not recommended for people with eating disorders, as well as those who are pregnant or in a state of anemia. Fast diet cannot be used by people in adolescence and suffering from digestive disorders, heart and digestive system diseases.

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