- Fast cleaning in 15 minutes
- Bedroom
- If you have 15 minutes
- If you have 30 minutes, add the following:
- If you have 1 hour, add the following:
- If you have half a day, add the following:
- If you have 15 minutes
- If you have 30 minutes, add the following:
- If you have 1 hour, add the following:
- If you have half a day, add the following:
- If you have 15 minutes
- If you have 30 minutes, add the following:
- If you have 1 hour, add the following:
- If you have half a day, add the following:
Fast cleaning in 15 minutes
How to clean your bedroom, kitchen and living room if you only have 15, 30 minutes, an hour, an hour and a half or half a day. A step-by-step action plan from
Fast cleaning
It seems that keeping this room clean is the easiest thing to do. However, numerous souvenirs, vases and jewelry scattered on the dressing table turn into a haven of dust. Look at the back of the photo frame and look under the bed – and the question of cleaning the bedroom will arise by itself.
If you have 15 minutes
Refresh your bed. Since bed manipulation creates dust, start with them. Shake out or replace the sheets, fluff up the pillows (if it’s sunny outside, you can hang them out on the balcony to dry). Shake out the covers. To keep your bed fresh, use a special bedding spray (lavender, verbena, ylang-ylang, green tea, etc.).
Wipe the surfaces with a damp cloth. Equip yourself with a washcloth and cleaning spray (a regular damp rag will work as well) and walk around the room clockwise. If you jump from corner to corner, you will forget what you rubbed and what you didn’t. First, go around the perimeter of the room, then move to the center.
If you have 30 minutes, add the following:
Wipe down the floor. More precisely, all accessible floor surfaces with a damp cloth. If it is made of natural wood or laminate, the rag should not be too wet. Vacuum the carpet.
If you have 1 hour, add the following:
Wipe dust under the bed (or behind the sofa). The same applies to other static, but not too heavy pieces of furniture – bedside tables, tables, chairs, etc. At this stage, we fight with invisible dust. Here you have to use force.
If you have half a day, add the following:
Take care of windows, mirrors, lamps… Use an electrostatic microfiber cloth and glass cleaner to bring back the shine of window panes, window sills, mirrors and photo frames in one go. Also clean the glass shades of the lamps and light switches. You can also remember about the cornices. Use an eraser to remove the black marks from the walls.
Clean up the dressing room (closet). There, too, dust accumulates, which means that sooner or later it will “come out” outside. Clean the floor with a rag or vacuum. Wipe the doors with a damp cloth and finally sort it out
This room, beloved by all family members, is reigning supreme. Toys, magazines, pickles, DVDs – everything leaves its mark here. Dirt accumulates in the living room at the speed of light, which means that this area requires your special attention.
If you have 15 minutes
Eliminate the clutter: Take the laundry basket and collect all the scattered things in it. Later, when you have more time, you can sort them out.
Wipe dust at eye level: Now it is important to bring visible cleanliness, which means that we do not look under the table and do not look at the dusty lampshade. We wipe the dust, the one that is in sight. To do this, you will need a household napkin (or preferably two at once) and a universal cleaning spray for different surfaces.
Beat the pillows and spread the bedspread. These little manipulations have a great visual impact.
If you have 30 minutes, add the following:
Vacuum or wipe the floors: This procedure is time consuming, but very important. After all, the carpet suffers from dirt particles and the parquet is damaged. The dirtiest areas are around the door, sofa and table.
If you have 1 hour, add the following:
Vacuum upholstered furniture and curtains: Use the special nozzle of the vacuum cleaner to pick up dust from couches, armchairs, upholstered chairs. Cover the windows and vacuum the curtains. Wipe the blinds with a damp cloth (every strip!).
If you have half a day, add the following:
Wash windows: to avoid smudges, wipe the glass with a wet cloth, and only then with a crumpled newspaper or
Clean up the closets: Collect dust and crumbs in drawers and dresser with a damp cloth or vacuum cleaner.
Get rid of hidden dirt and dust: This requires a long mop. Wipe dust on top of cabinets, behind cabinets, and under low furniture. Roll up the rug and wipe the floors underneath.
General cleaning with
Cleaning the kitchen isn’t easy. Enemy number one is fat. Before you start fighting it, remove for a while small household appliances to be sure that enemy number two – bacteria – is not lurking under the coffee maker or kettle.
If you have 15 minutes
Clean your countertops and kitchen sink: Spray or pour disinfectant into the sink and fill the drain with a special antiseptic. Leave it on for 10 minutes
Walk with a broom: The broom will help pick up dirt and debris, making wet cleaning more effective.
Wipe down the refrigerator handle: it takes a few seconds and a disinfectant spray to get rid of the bacteria.
If you have 30 minutes, add the following:
Wash the floors: In order for the floors to become truly clean, water alone is not enough. Use a concentrated cleaning liquid to add to the water.
Wipe down household appliances: Walk with a wet rag and all-purpose cleaning spray all over the kitchen, wiping down surfaces.
If you have 1 hour, add the following:
Clean the facade of the kitchen: Wipe the entire kitchen from top to bottom using a soft sponge or rag and soapy water. If the facades are made of natural wood, you will need a special polish.
If you have half a day, add the following:
Wash the inside of the appliance:
Clean up your drawers: Use a vacuum cleaner or damp cloth to pick up crumbs and loose spices from inside your kitchen drawers.