Fashion pictures: silhouettes of people and animals
The fashion for silhouette portraits is back! Feel free to present them to your friends and decorate walls, mugs, plates and lampshades with your own proud profile. Of course, if there is no way to mint coins …
Remember the iconic intro to the famous Bond films, where he makes a spectacular appearance and opens fire to kill? Actually, this is the “art of silhouette” that came to Europe in the early XNUMXth century from China and was named after the French financial controller Etienne de Siluette.
The popularity of black paper cut profiles and gallant sketches peaked in the XNUMXth century. Then they were recognized as old-fashioned and thrown into the dustbin of history. But not so long ago, the art of silhouette was revived again. And on what scale! Probably because it instantly “found a common language” with new technologies: laser-cut vinyl stickers for walls of all colors of the rainbow, carpets with the outlines of certain iconic objects, sets on which an unknown couple in love passionately kiss … By the way, this is not bad. idea. Going to your birthday, order a silhouette portrait of the hero of the occasion – we guarantee that such a gift will delight!
Clip art silhouettes
Framed silhouette, Park Avenue showrooms.
You can make custom silhouettes in the plotter cutting workshop