Farsightedness – causes, symptoms, treatment. What is the prognosis for hyperopia?

Farsightedness, or farsightedness, is one of the most common ailments affecting the organ of vision. It happens that the first symptoms go unnoticed. Farsightedness is confused by some with presbyopia, while most often it affects children. What are the symptoms of hyperopia and can it be treated?

The causes of hyperopia

Physiologically, the image is formed on the retina. It is real, reduced in size, and reversed. Farsightedness is a situation in which the image is not formed on the retina, but outside it. This is because the eyeball is too short or the cornea is too flat. Farsightedness it can be physiological – this type occurs in children, because the organ of sight and the optical system of the eye are still developing. It usually disappears, however, there are occasions when physiological hyperopia turns into a pathological – chronic form. In adults hyperopia it may be the result of weakening and fragility of blood vessels within the eyeball, e.g. in the course of diabetes.

Symptoms of hyperopia

In people struggling with hyperopia there is a situation in which they have to squint their eyes, that is, tighten the muscles of the eyeball to “catch the focus”. Under physiological conditions, a properly functioning process of accommodation does not require this activity. Farsightedness is the loss of the ability to clearly see objects close by, and objects at a distance will be clearly visible. Unfortunately, often by the eye hyper-sighted it comes to the point where objects both near and far are blurred. Symptoms appearing in people hyperopic there will also be headaches, eye pain, strabismus or double vision.

Treatment of hyperopia

People suffering from hyperopia must wear glasses with focusing lenses or contact lenses. The optical power is then given in diopters with a positive sign. It should be remembered that glasses narrow the field of view, but with lenses this is not a problem. However, the use of contact lenses requires great care for their hygiene, especially in allergy sufferers. This should be monitored as conjunctivitis may develop. In the treatment of hyperopia methods of surgical treatment are also used hyperopia.

Prognosis for hyperopia

Sometimes it happens that hyperopia can be completely cured operationally, of course, when the defect is not too great. Increasingly, doctors offer laser treatments that are highly effective and advanced. They are usually operations such as: LASEK, LASIK, refractive photokeratectomy or radial keratotomy. Methods listed treatment laser allow you to modify the shape of the cornea. However, not everyone should opt for laser treatments. This is especially true for people under the age of 18, people with a thin cornea, keratoconus, dry eye syndrome or recurrent keratoconjunctivitis.

Farsightedness – prevention

You should take care of regular visits to an ophthalmologist and watch over it, especially if you suffer from diabetes.

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