ContentsHomeStep 1:Step 2:Step 3:Step 4:Step 5:Step 6:Home Different colors of oven hardening plasticine Metal cutleryA plastic knife/Step 1:Cut pieces of dough with a plastic knife, or with your fingers!Knead them to obtain a more or less fine dough thickness./Step 2:Apply the paste on the handle of your cover, so as to cover it completely./Step 3:Decorate the handle of your cutlery. You can have fun gluing small circles of another color, creating shapes, inserting beads or making all the overlays you want. Let your artistic sense and your creativity express itself!/Step 4:Variant: the spiral heats.Cut out a little dough of two different colors. Roll them so that you get two filaments.Join them and spin them all around the handle./Step 5:Once all your cutlery handles are well decorated, ask Mom or Dad to bake them for 15 minutes at 130 °./Step 6:With such pretty cutlery, family meals will become a real pleasure. Well done the artist!2021-11-15