Family support allowance: what is ASF?

Family support allowance: what is ASF?

What is the family support allowance?

The family support allowance (Asf) is assistance paid by CAF when the child is deprived of financial support from one or both parents. It is granted under certain conditions to the single parent and to people who have taken in a child. The monthly amount of the Asf was revalued on April 1, 2017, it amounts to € 109,65.

Who is entitled to this allowance?

No means test is required to benefit from the family support allowance. Anyone residing in France with a dependent child (1) can claim it.

The following persons can request the payment of the Asf by CAF:

  • The single parent in charge of an unrecognized child or whose other parent has died.
  • The separated or divorced parent who does not benefit from any financial assistance from the other parent while awaiting a court decision. The family support allowance is granted in this case until the maintenance is fixed.
  • The separated or divorced parent who cannot receive financial assistance from the other parent, the latter being in a precarious economic situation.
  • The separated or divorced parent who receives alimony whose monthly amount is less than € 109,65.
  • The separated or divorced parent when the other parent does not pay, or only partially pays, the support he owes him. The parent can request the Asf after one month of default.
  • People who have taken in a child. This scenario concerns children whose parentage is not established, children whose parents are deceased and children whose parents do not respect their maintenance obligation.

The amount of the Asf

The family support allowance amounted to the monthly sum of € 104,75 per dependent child until March 31, 2017. From April 1, 2017 and until March 31, 2018, the amount is 109,65 , XNUMX € per month.

Special cases

  • A single parent who receives alimony less than € 109,65 receives the differential family support allowance. Its amount makes up the difference. The differential Asf is paid quarterly.
  • When the parent debtor of maintenance does not pay it or only partially pays it, the other parent benefits from the Asf as an advance. It is then up to the CAF to proceed with the recovery of the maintenance allowance not paid by the debtor parent.
  • The amount of Asf paid to people who have taken in a child deprived of the help of both parents has amounted to € 146,09 since April 1, 2017.

Until what age can one receive the family support allowance?

The payment of the Asf is made monthly by the CAF until the 21st birthday of the dependent child.

The single parent can no longer claim the payment of the Asf from the month in which he returns to a couple – cohabitation, PACS or marriage.

The allowance request

The parent can benefit from the family support allowance from the month following the death of the other parent, separation or divorce. The person or the couple who have taken in a child can request payment of the family support allowance as soon as the child arrives in the home.

To benefit from the allowance, you must complete the application file (2) which consists of 2 Cerfa forms: the Asf application and the declaration of situation. The applicant sends the file to his CAF, accompanied by the required supporting documents.

Payment of financial assistance is retroactive.

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