
Family relationships are the whole world. They are very diverse — from harmony to eternal struggle. These are psychological games and manipulations, this is jealousy and forgiveness…

Family relationships are primarily marital relationships, parent-child relationships, and relationships with relatives.

Relationship with spouse’s parents

Useful materials are here

Further in the article, family relations are primarily understood as marital relations.

Happy marriage

How are all happy families alike? See →

Types of marital relationship

When marital relations develop spontaneously, by themselves, they are, unfortunately, too diverse. See →

Relationships: how to build and maintain

How much and how much you love each other — this is one conversation. Do you live in a family, and which family is another conversation. And what kind of relationship do you have with all this — this is completely about the third. So how do you build and maintain strong and warm family relationships? See →

Marriage: how to influence each other

One way or another, close people always influence each other. The only question is what we consider permitted and what is not, and how to do it more competently. See →

Relationship dynamics

What happens to relationships in the process of family life? See →

How to be a good wife

Becoming a good wife is not difficult: you just need to learn it. Surely you already know how to do almost everything: to be a hostess, the Sun, a friend and assistant to your husband. What is a good wife and how to learn it, see →

Evolutionary origins of sex differences in mate preference

Evolutionary psychology serves as a powerful theoretical tool in identifying similarities and differences between men and women. This follows logically from an understanding of the problems of adaptation, i.e., survival and reproduction, which both sexes have encountered during the long history of human development. See →

The influence of social learning and social roles on mate choice

The attraction of a man to a woman, as a rule, is largely determined by her external attractiveness. Women also like attractive men, but on average appearance is less important to them (Feingold, 1990). Women in their sympathies are more likely to take into account other characteristics of men, such as success. In addition, men prefer women who are younger than themselves, and women prefer men who are slightly older than themselves. What is the reason for these differences? See →

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