Family reading: how a husband taught his wife to read books

😉 Greetings to regular and new readers! “Family Fiction” is a funny story told by my neighbor, and I’ll tell you …

Contagious habit


“My husband loves to read, and this passion of his almost broke our family …

Normal people have a library in their study. And we have it in the toilet! Yes, Seryozha – my beloved husband – spends all his free time there. As I see that he is heading to his favorite “corner”, I understand: this is for a long time!

Whatever she did to wean her spouse from this bad habit, everything is useless. Instead of watching a TV show together, he sticks out in the closet and reads. I hate books, newspapers, magazines. Who invented this boring activity – reading? ”


“All people have wives like wives. Only mine is “blonde”! Not in everything, of course, I will not slander. Elka is a beauty: legs from the ears and a bust of the third size. Cooking – lick your fingers! The apartment is perfectly clean.

But he doesn’t like to read! Doesn’t even leaf through popular women’s magazines. Two hours of chatting with girlfriends on the phone is, please, but to read a book, we have little time for that! Well, okay…

So at least it would not bother me. And then it is worth picking up reading material – a scandal immediately begins: “You don’t love me, you don’t pay attention”. And then into tears. I just can’t understand her: I don’t drink, I don’t smoke, I don’t take a great interest in football, I rarely communicate with friends – I don’t have time. Again, I work a lot and get good money.

I care about Elechka: we buy the best cosmetics for her, all sorts of fashionable dresses, skirts, bags – a full wardrobe. I do not deny anything to my beloved wife. So why should I sit next to her and watch her stupid TV series? So you have to run to the toilet. There is peace and quiet, no one stands above the soul, read – I don’t want to! The beauty…”


“There are no words! When we go to rest, we carry a suitcase of books with us. Bookworm! Even on the beach he will sit down, buried himself in his reading matter, neither for you to swim, nor to ride on a “banana”. What is there! Once I read it so much that I burned out all over – it became red like a cancer.

Today? Serge made a special shelf in the toilet for his waste paper. I have dragged so many newspapers and books there that I have nowhere to turn. Everything, the marriage is gone! Lived up: the spouse is cheating with reading on the toilet. God forbid, someone will find out … “


“Oh, and there is no peace here. Now, as soon as you close yourself in the toilet, Elusya starts rattling on the door: they say, come out, I want to too! Sometimes it happens, I sit and longingly remember my bachelor years. Then you could read as much as you wanted. My mother did not scold me, even if I looked at a book while eating. What can I say – complete freedom of action!

No, I have nothing against Elechka, I feel good with her. But how can I teach my wife to read? Then there would be no problems. Family reading is a dream! What if…”


“Strange, today Serge almost did not sit in the“ reading room ”. What’s wrong with him ?! Are you sick? Or has he got a sweetheart and is not up to reading him now? It is necessary to inspect his “office”. Hmm … Amazing … There are a bunch of glossy magazines on the floor. Does the husband really read such a thing?

My God! Is it really interesting for him to know about fashionable perfumes, and even women’s ones? He can’t even find toilet water for himself without me. If not for me, I would have forgotten how important aromas are in our life. It’s so nice: you walk, and a trail of spirits follows you …

And Seryozhka has one favorite smell – fried potatoes. By the way, what a beautiful dress, but the earrings would be very suitable for me. I dreamed of such people .. ”Imperceptibly for myself, I settled myself on the edge of the toilet and plunged into the glamorous world for women.


“Hooray! Happened! My wife lagged behind me. No scandals and tears! Boring TV shows are a thing of the past. Reading no longer annoys Elya: she herself is addicted to this activity! This is necessary, what a fine fellow I am! I developed such a cunning operation and successfully performed it!

There is only one oddity left: we can read only in the corner of thoughtfulness. Apparently, the force of habit affects. So there is a struggle for a place “under the sun”. Elya voraciously swallows magazines … Now I buy them one by one. I think he will soon master the ladies’ detectives, and there, you see, the classics will be used.

By the way, about my little office. It is high time to make repairs in the apartment. Maybe decide on a redevelopment and get rid of the pantry, anyway, we only store unnecessary trash in it.

And if you throw away the broken bike, the old iron and the ancient pots and cast-iron that we inherited from my great-grandmother, then here, in the pantry, it is quite spacious … If you wish, you can equip a second toilet. And what? It will be like in the best houses in Paris! ”

😉 Friends, do you have people in your family who like to read in the toilet? Share in the comments on the topic “Family Reading”. Come in, run in, drop in, there are many interesting things ahead!

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