
The prospects for a family are one of the most important factors in its strength. The family has a margin of safety and good prospects when the spouses:

  • sure that they want to be together for a long time,
  • they see what the family has ahead, and it attracts them,
  • like to use the phrase “You and I will live another 50 years”,
  • raise and educate beloved children.

A couple who wants to live happily ever after cares about the future, creates it and remembers it. It is useful to talk about prospects, discuss prospects together, build, coordinate, orient to the future. “And what will we have with you in a year? And after three years? In 5 years, in 10?” — and make sure that these conversations are attractive.

Perspectives to consider

If a family has no perspective, its longevity is at risk. However, we must also take into account the fact that sometimes, especially under the influence of resentment, anger at each other and a breakdown, we do not see the prospect of relations even when they objectively exist, when it is still possible to correct. What decision you make is a separate question, but being able to discern the prospects for your relationship is important. Just a must. Think about the following reasons for your problems, from which you can find prospects for the restoration of your relationship. So, perspectives to be seen

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