False swine row-shaped: where it grows and what it looks like

Pseudo-pigs row-shaped is a rather large and edible mushroom. Belongs to the family of Tricholomovs or Ryadovkovs. The Latin name for this species is Leucopaxillus lepistoides. It also has a number of other synonyms: wen, leukopaxillus lepistoides, leucopaxillus lepistoides, false pigs lepistoides, white swine lepistoides.

Where does the false pig grow?

The distribution area of ​​uXNUMXbuXNUMXbthis representative is quite wide, but is most often found in the temperate climate zone of Europe. It lives in forests of various types, and can also be located in pastures, glades and meadows, prefers moist soil. The optimal time for fruiting is the period from mid-summer to the first frost. Usually grows in large groups, while forming witch rings.

What does the pseudopork look like?

False swine row-shaped: where it grows and what it looks like

This species is almost never seen alone.

It is possible to recognize the pseudo-swine row-shaped by the following characteristic features:

  1. At the initial stage of development, the cap is dome-shaped with folded edges inward. With age, it becomes prostrate with a depressed center. The structure is elastic, fleshy and tight. Most specimens reach quite solid sizes. So, a hat in diameter can be up to 40 cm. The surface is velvety, there is a light edge along the edges. It is painted white and gray, sometimes with uneven greenish or bluish spots. In older specimens, the depressed center becomes creamy.
  2. The leg is cylindrical, straight, slightly thickened at the base. As a rule, its color matches the color of the hat. The length of the leg reaches about 8 cm, and the thickness in diameter is up to 4 mm. The inside is dense, fibrous, without voids.
  3. On the underside of the cap are wide, frequent, slightly sloping plates. In young mushrooms, they are painted in a whitish tone, while in mature ones they become creamy. Spores are smooth, ellipsoid. Creamy spore powder.
  4. The pulp is elastic, dense, white in color, does not change its color when damaged, does not emit milky juice. It has a pronounced mealy aroma and a pleasant taste.

Is it possible to eat a false pig

The considered species belongs to the group of edible mushrooms. False pork row-shaped is suitable for almost any type of culinary processing.

False doubles

False swine row-shaped: where it grows and what it looks like

The flesh is never affected by insect larvae

By external signs, the row-shaped false pig is similar to the following gifts of the forest:

  1. Giant talker – conditionally edible mushroom, belongs to the 4th food category. These species are very similar in size of fruiting bodies and habitats. A distinctive feature of the double is a funnel-shaped hat, the color of which varies from white to fawn or cream. In addition, the pulp of the giant talker does not have a pronounced aroma. 

    False swine row-shaped: where it grows and what it looks like

  2. white champignon – one of the most popular and edible mushrooms. It is similar to the pseudo-pig row-shaped only in the color of the fruiting bodies, otherwise it is not difficult to distinguish the double. So, champignon can be recognized by its more modest size, since the cap in diameter reaches no more than 8 cm. Another feature is the lamellar layer of a pinkish tone.

    False swine row-shaped: where it grows and what it looks like

  3. White pig gentian – belongs to the group of inedible mushrooms. The cap size in diameter varies from 3 to 20 cm. However, in adulthood, the double’s hat fades and becomes similar to the species described. In addition, you can distinguish the gentian white pig by the bitter taste of the pulp, which is not inherent in the wen.

    False swine row-shaped: where it grows and what it looks like

Collection and consumption

Going in search of the leptoid porcine, you should know that this specimen grows in open areas from July to October.

Important! In some regions of Our Country, the considered species is listed in the Red Book. The decrease in the number of these fungi is affected by excessive grazing and plowing of fields.
Leucopaxillus lepistoides, bitigar sendoa

False pig row-shaped has excellent nutritional qualities. No pre-treatment is required before preparing any dish from this ingredient. These mushrooms can be served as a main dish or as a tasty addition to a side dish. You can use them in any form: salted, pickled, fried, boiled, stewed.


Thus, the pseudopork is a valuable mushroom, which differs from many of its relatives in the large size of the fruiting bodies, pleasant taste and pronounced aroma. Another feature of this species is that its fruits are almost never wormy. However, due to the massive plowing of the land over several years, the number of this species has noticeably decreased, and in some regions the wen is under protection.

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