False labor, what is it?

Childbirth: false alarms

The medical teams define the “false job»Like an episode of painful contractions, rather regular, variable in intensity but without noticeable effects on the cervix after a few hours. This term bogus work is probably not the most appropriate. It is indeed a great disillusionment for a future mother to be told that these painful contractions are useless! It is more correct to speak of “preparation for work”. So we are positive, and we take it as a kind of “repetition”!

At what stage of pregnancy do we speak of false labor?

The term bogus labor is only used during the 9th month of pregnancy. Before this date, that is to say before 37 weeks of amenorrhea, one will evoke, in the event of painful contractions, a threat of premature childbirth. It is therefore in the home stretch, a few days or even a few weeks before the due date set by the doctor or midwife, that a false alarm can occur.

What signs indicate that labor is about to start?

Some small changes may occur a few weeks or hours before labor begins, but they are inconstant and sometimes go unnoticed. The mucous plug may come out as a thick, brownish discharge when the cervix begins to open. The mother can perceive that her baby has descended into the basin. Suddenly, the diaphragm and the stomach being less compressed, this results in an improvement in breathing and digestion. On the other hand, the baby being lower, he presses more on the bladder. The pelvis changes and it may be difficult to walk. During the last weeks of pregnancy, we can notice that our stomachs harden more and more often. These physiological contractions, called Braxton Hicks contractions, usually stop if you change your position, and are not painful. A mad desire to polish everything in the house? For some, this is a premonitory sign, but it is not guaranteed! 

How to tell the difference between “real” contractions and false labor?

The pain felt during the contraction is not necessarily the best sign to recognize a labor contraction, as it varies enormously from one mother to another. When it’s a bogus job, but we only know it after the fact, contractions are most often felt painful in the lower abdomen and are fairly regular. It is also noted that they will not intensify in frequency and intensity, and they will stop after a few hours, either spontaneously or after taking an anti-spasmodic. Those inducing real labor are fairly quickly regular, about every 5 to 10 minutes initially and last about 30 to 60 seconds. Each is felt identically. As the labor progresses, they will become stronger and come closer. To appreciate and measure the contractions, we will be placed under monitoring and the midwife will perform an obstetric examination to realize their effectiveness.

What are the changes in the cervix when we are in labor?

It is thanks to theexamination of the cervix during vaginal examination whether or not we can evoke a false job. When it does, the cervix does not change. That is to say, it does not soften, does not shorten, stays behind and does not open during the time we are kept under observation.

What is the assumption of responsibility for a bogus job?

The bogus work is quite confusing. When the diagnosis is made, the most important thing is that we are quickly relieved and that we can go home a few hours later, reassured. If we live far from the maternity ward and arrive in the middle of the night, the midwife will surely suggest that we spend the night in the maternity ward. This will allow us to rest better and to take stock again in the morning before we “let go” in nature. Changing position can be beneficial, and there … no rules: walk, lie on your side, or why not squat. For others, there’s nothing like a bath to relax. You can also use breathing techniques or sophrology learned in preparation courses. Those who have already experienced it can opt for acupuncture or try homeopathy, which is safe for the baby.

False labor and childbirth: what treatment?

The midwife or the doctor can suggest a medicine that will calm the pain and allow you to wait for the “right” time. Usually, antispasmodics are used, but if the pain persists, a strong pain reliever, a morphine derivative, may also be prescribed. Occasionally, these “false” contractions do not completely subside or come back after a few days of respite. The only solution to relieve mothers close to the term: give nature a little help. It is in fact an accompaniment of labor thanks to the installation of an epidural, which in addition to its pain-relieving effect, also has a beneficial action on the cervix and allows its dilation.

In video: false work

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