
The eyes are said to be the mirror of the soul. There is probably truth in this saying, but the eyes are also a very important element of female beauty, the emphasis and exposure of which lies in the hearts of many women. Very often we care about additional optical lengthening of eyelashes, which is sometimes achieved with appropriate makeup, although in many cases such an intention ends with their artificial extension. What do false eyelashes look like? How can they be extended?
Thickening eyelashes – emphasizing the natural beauty and expression of the eyes
Often the natural beauty of our eyes is not enough for us and we want to further enhance their expressiveness by emphasizing specific elements. Many women decide to perform permanent makeup, as many of them focus on eyelashes, undergoing a cosmetic procedure to extend them. The safest way to do it is in the salon, under the watchful eye of a beautician. This will ensure possible safety and a guarantee of the expected result. Therefore, it remains to decide on the method of eyelash extension. This is also best undertaken in consultation with a beautician who will assess the condition of natural hair, adapting the least aggravating method to it. Typically, the treatment lasts about 1,5 hours, it is repeated every 6 weeks, although it is recommended to increase the frequency to avoid delamination of natural hair and glued hair. It is important to use eyelash serums at the same time.
A method for a magical look – silk eyelashes, mink eyelashes, synthetic eyelashes
One of the most popular ways to lengthen eyelashes is to use the method of attaching substitutes made of natural silk. Thanks to this procedure, a natural curl is obtained, which, in addition to the advantage of lightness and not burdening the eyelid, additionally enhances the attractiveness of this method. Sometimes you have to comb them because they crumple during sleep, but you can walk in them without limiting life activities such as swimming or using contact lenses at the same time. The use of waterproof mascaras is destructive for this type of eyelashes. Another method used in beauty salons is attaching eyelashes made of Siberian mink fur. They perfectly resemble natural ones, they are light and delicate to wear. Sensitization to mink fur and ethical considerations related to the defense of animal rights can be problematic. Another way to lengthen eyelashes is to use synthetics, which, on the one hand, provide the most regular shape and do not cause allergies, and on the other hand, are the least flexible, which makes them easily tangled and damaged. So they require more care.
Eyelash extensions and thickening – learn about the methods
The most popular is the 1 to 1 method of eyelash extensions. The attractiveness of this technique consists in gluing the silk eyelash to the natural eyelash, without contact with the skin, which makes the eyelashes look natural and the moment of joining is invisible. In turn, the 2 to 1 method is used when a woman wants the effect of thickening eyelashes, not just lengthening them. Then, two false eyelashes are glued to one natural one, using lightweight mink fur products. For women with extremely sparse eyelashes, the most aggravating 3 to 1 method is used, in which as many as three artificial bristles are glued to the natural hair. Here, too, the lightest mink fur products are used, which, with their delicate structure, minimize the risk of natural eyelash falling out. Of course, reaching for the 3D eyelash method guarantees an optical effect in the form of a significant increase in volume. Sometimes, the eyelash extension and thickening procedure is performed using the Blink & Go technique, in which artificial polyester-silk eyelashes are attached to some of the hairs.